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  1. B

    Creature creation

    Hello all! I have a party of all mages (yes, an all mage party, can you believe that?) anyways, they've reached mid-high level and were inquiring about creature creation. Now, i recall there being a book with optional golem rules that worked off some sort of points system (think it was a...
  2. B

    1 round summons!

    I pulled this from another thread, where everyone is saying summons are useless at level 1. I always thought (i could be incorrect, and if i am please tell me) That even 1 round effectively was 2 for summons. You summon the creature, it acts on the round you summon it. (as its a 1 round cast...
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    More dread nec questions!

    While responding to another thread about dread necros, i was looking over them myself Thier fear aura Free action, all foes within 5' must take dc 10 + 1/2 level +cha mod save or be shaken. Save once and become immune to the effects. Its a free action, couldnt you use it over and over again...
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    Ignore this

    Im just wondering, is anyone else annoyed at the way they list spells in all the books? I prefer 2nd edition's lists where it was grouped alphabetically by spell level. So you wanted to look up a second level spell? well you jumped to the 2nd level section and looked in the alphabetical...
  5. B

    Dangerous health, + heal skill

    Im thinking about implementing a rule, but i wanted peoples opinions Your negative hp score is now equal to your con score (minimum -10), ie, if you have con 15, you can go to -15hp before DYING. First off, Whenever a character drops below 1/3 thier health they are FATIGUED (this fatigue...
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    Club claws and bite

    http://www.wizards.com/playdnd/playdnd.asp Is it just me, or did they make a mistake, something attacking with its club, and its claws, and a bite? *im just thinking here holding a club would use at least one of your hands, thus only one claw could be made* edit : n/m its only making one claw...
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    All mages!

    Ugh, i've set to run a campaign, its all laid out and ready, and includes the adventure - Barrow of the forgotten king as a base. But all 4 of my players have decided to be specialist mages! oy, i dont even know how this is going to work out, im very affraid they'll all get tpk'd Has anyone...
  8. B

    unfortunately not Finally settled, sunder and attacks of opp

    I know there has been a dozen threads about this, and i just recently got into a discussion about it earlier today. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20050705a Good to see something official, now arguing on the subject can be done with
  9. B

    Less rolling

    Well i've noticed one thing about 3rd, contrary to what it apparently "should be", i dont find it faster than any previous version. Mayhaps at low levels, but i just find higher level combat drags on and on, and the actual fighting takes up most of our gaming session. So i was thinking of ways...
  10. B

    Collegiate wizard, feedback please!

    Hey there, i just whipped up this prestige class, its a college type wizard, inspired by the feat with the same name, please tell me what you think. Its the first prestige class i've created and any information will be greatly appreciated. Collegiate wizard Requirements: Skills: Spellcraft 8...
  11. B

    Necromancy and YOU

    What the, am i reading this right..... Cure spells, raise spells..... alll.....con..jur...ation? What ever happened to them being good ole necromancy? i .... just dont get it? oh...wait.... i see... you conjure up new flesh for someone!!!.... :confused: *rolls eyes* I remember back in second...
  12. B

    refreshing turning

    Is there anyways at all to refresh turning attempts? I mean, even if you had to spend say a full round to gain 1 temporary turning attempt that lasts untill next round or something, Or dropping spell lots to gain them? I was just wondering if anyone could think of anything off the top of thier...
  13. B

    Character development!

    so my dm let me be an incarnate construct, we started off at level 8 I choose from mm, the animated object...my object? a spoon Thats right, im an incarnate animated spoon Im size tiny, and my dm ruled that i could have natural levitation for free (well really flight up to a height of 5') I...
  14. B

    Item Creation

    Hey there, I very much dislike the third edition item creation rules, simple craft isnt so bad, but magical item creation really bothers me I know its for a balance issue, but does anyone out there really actually do it? i know the players in my group all detest it, in the time it takes to...
  15. B

    Where would you put it?

    Im just wondering, lets say you all are high level mages *capable of 9th level spells* and you decide to go lich, what would you use as your phylacetry (sp?) and where would you hide it?
  16. B

    Teleport (of death!), object or greater

    OK, theres a mage in our group trying some funky stuff Can you teleport objects into locations attended by creatures, ie teleport a sword into an area he can clearly see, it just so happens to be occupied by the head of a big bad creature? aswell, he thinks he can "mage bomb" where he...
  17. B

    Build me a KNIGHT!

    Hey there, never played one before (or much of anything really), my party thus far consists of a cleric/rogue, a sorcerer, a wizard, and a dual wielding fighter. Figured a nice defensive knight would fit in nicely here heres the kicker, we are evil!! odd never played an evil campaign before I...
  18. B

    Shaper questions

    OK i was thinking about making a shaper (this would be my first psionicist), and i just wanted to get some clerification on a few things im a little unsure of (dont hate me, im new) when you summon a monster, the casting time is 1 round (which counts as 1 full round action right?) and its...
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    Supernatural abilities and rage

    Me and my friend were having a discussion about this, and it was unclear to one of us for certain, what you can and cant do in a rage when it comes to supernatural abilities It states some supernatural abilities function AS the spell right? well in a rage you cant cast spells (realizing that...