• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. mooby

    minmax Baldur's Gate 2

    What do you think is the best race/class combo for the protagonist? I'm going with an elven fighter/mage. i think this will be pretty lethal
  2. mooby

    a few questions about the BARD

    I'm looking to play a bard in my next game. the DM is pretty loose with the rules, so he'll allow me to either play a 3.0 bard or a 3.5. Which class is more powerful? I'm leaning towards the 3.5 version b/c of the added skills. What's the best min/max race for this class? I'm thinking...
  3. mooby

    Question for the moderators, and for moderators at other forums

    I've been offered the job of being a moderator at a baseball related website. It gets a decent amount of traffic (probably about a third as much as these forums get -- this place is huge). How much of a commitment does it take to be a good mod? Is it worth it?
  4. mooby

    S--L--O--W whn will this board be moving at a decent speed?

  5. mooby

    [3.0]compare these two clerics (power-wise)

    [all the following is using the 3.0 PHB only] I'm starting a new game soon, and I want to make a character w/ some min/max'in in him. my choices have been narrowed down to two different things: a elf cleric of fharlanghn, modeled after the cleric archer munchiness. Of course, the character...
  6. mooby

    Are you going to play 3.0 or 3.5?

    easy question.
  7. mooby

    [ot]question about gay marriage (NO CONTROVERSY PLEASE!!!)

    when a gay couple gets married, do they wear wedding bands on their right hands? PLEASE dont let this topic turn into a political downward spiral. I just want an answer to my above question. If this offends anybody in anyway, please just ignore the topic and move on.
  8. mooby

    flavor text for iconics

    Where would I find sayings used by these iconics. I know I've seen quotes from them before, but I can't figure out where.
  9. mooby

    The Elf from the D&D Movie is NOT A DROW!

    Why do people assume she is? I have a dragon mag lying around somewhere that says she's supposed to be a halfelf, but they dont go over that in the movie.
  10. mooby

    Theoden's speech from LotR:tTT (Movie)

    Anybody got the words for that little speech of his, when he's getting armored up before the battle? I know I've seen it online before, but I can't find it now. Thanks.
  11. mooby

    How do you find out your computers "stats"?

    I have people ask me how fast my computer is, stuff about video cards, and crap like that. I'm completely computer illiterate, so how do I go about finding these things out? I want to get some new video games, but I want to make sure they'll run smoothly on my computer.
  12. mooby

    [OT]2e advice

    Is a Gnome Illusionist/Fighter a viable option in 2e? It's been a long time since I played 2e, but is there any advice I could get on a character like this?
  13. mooby

    Never Winter Nights

    Is this game worth getting? What are it's pros/cons?
  14. mooby

    X-Men Comic question:

    how does rogue get the powers of super strength and the ability to fly? I seem to remember her draining someone elses ability to do that, and gaining it permanently, but I haven't picked up a comic in years.
  15. mooby

    what superhero movie do you want to see?

    I'd personally love a Green Lantern flick. DC came out with some really good stuff, but Marvel is just growing and growing with all it's movies coming out.
  16. mooby

    Why no spiked bucklers?

    The spiked buckler has been a valid option since 1e. Why can't somebody throw some spikes on a buckler shield and use it as a weapon (1d4, P, x2 Crit)? Just doesn't seem to make sense to me that it isn't possible. The only thing I can think of is a balance issue concerning small shields.
  17. mooby

    Session length/ # of games per week?

    How many games do you play of D&D a week? How long is each session?
  18. mooby

    beginning mini painter needs tips!

    I'm going to cash in on a few of the chainmail mini's at that sale at svgames.com They have a flat shipping rate over there, so I may as well get my painting supplies there too. I'm starting from scratch, and don't own anything yet. What should I buy? What do I need?
  19. mooby

    3.5 rumors from montecook.com

    found this on the messageboard. It's prolly been posted already, but take a look!
  20. mooby

    Changes to the 3.5 ranger?

    Just wondering, whats going to change with these guys? I'm interested in something that has been said that will change, not opinions. thanx