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Battle at Harkon Manor

Myth and Legend

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Lora's eyes burned with the smolthering rage of her temper, as she regarded the unpleasant new man with a displeased look on her pretty face. "Oh it's the Hydra tamer. Well since you have these plans underway by all means carry on. You obviously have faith in your own ability to conjure planks of wood that surely shall provide cover versus a volley of two hundred flaming arrows. As for me, I plan on getting everyone i can trough this alive, if at all possible. I deem you not eligible for further justification on my behalf."

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Trinham thought things where bad enough while the baron was still in the room but it seems to him that things went even further downhill after he left. He realises that the others are probably as scared as he his but slagging each other off does not help. Well Trinham, you think you are a people person so sort it out. he says to himself. Addressing the others he raises is voice and lets his frustration come through "In 12 hours our very lives are going to depend on each other, so we need to stop sniping at each other and start working as a team. Now Lora has some valid points and Lurik has valid objections. So let's all stop deriding each other's ideas and come up with a workable solution."


A small amount of satisfaction leaks past lurik's defenses, at least to get in though not back out, that he has managed to prompt a rise from the little Lady Lord. I counter that you have no proof they will use flaming arrows other than the Haughty idea that if you would they certainly will. And I merely pointed out that you repeatedly state what you need and do not ask if it is even available, leading me to believe you live in a fantasy world where you speak and it becomes true, and where I'm some sort of circus performer.

So I ask, other than telling everyone how stupid they are, and more wishful fantasies, how will you contribute to a situation that is pretty well locked in the "bad" position, a situation the rest of us have accepted and are trying to adapt to. Can we expect another performance of the Enlarging Pincushion as a defense? I'm afraid even a flame retardant version of my barrier will do nothing to help you then.

Myth and Legend

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Lora put her thumb between her index and middle finger and gestured the obscene sign at Lurlik, making it known she has no respect for him and no desire to continue the conversation.

She then turned towards the chubby lad who had tried to eat the Valorns out of their family fortune, and somewhat tried to mediate what was an absurd situation. "Trinham how are you feeling, Is the poison still affecting your mobility? And I should like to believe Aidan was not a traitor, but we must prepare for the worst. - the girl's heart cringed at the thought of the simple country lad selling his comrades to the enemy. - if they know you are injured and also a spellcaster you will become a likely target."


Thy wounds are healed!
Vance watches as the different personalities of the group clash and says nothing. Finally when it starts downward he stands and address Claude.

"I think you can cordinate your own holding action without me, perhaps you and Lord Kyras should divide the people here, as you know most of their abilities in battle."

He turns to Lurik and looks like he changes his mind in what he was about to say. "We should be worried about any fire they may use, instead of creating more wood to burn you could find a way to create water for use against it. A well watered down log burns, but very slowly. I think you can have charge of this Master Luke, and I will have men bring extra water barrels to use for firefighting."

Looking at the group he notices his sister still seated and watching. "Oh my dear sister, are you ready for an evening stroll?" he asks and then turns to Lora smiling. "I believe I promised you a walk along the grounds Miss Lora. My sister too likes a little walk after dinner, I believe she can serve as a chapparon for us, and we can let these men plan their holding action in peace."

Walking over to where Lora is seated the young noble bows slightly and extends his arm. Smiling he says, "What's this no polearm?"

[sblock=OOC] Please, please go with Vance ML :D and the rest of you can figure out whose's with whom on the battle field, but remember Vance wants to draw the main force away from the leaders and you need to hold your ground until they can finish.

Also no 4e minions, LVL 1 warriors [/sblock]


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Jareth scowls as the two casters start yet another pointless argument. While this Lurik did have a point about Lora’s attitude, his own wasn’t helping the matter. Jareth raises an eyebrow at Vance’s mention of creating water. The young red-haired man nods at the suggestion.

He pauses for a moment, evaluating each member of the group mentally. “For our own group’s distribution, I suggest we set Trinham and Lora with your group, Claude. I’ll take Marko and Lurik in my group, unless you think they’d be better placed with the opposite barricade. Milord Vance, before you leave, can you tell us what armaments are available to our troops?”


Lurik quickly puts down the idea of using that scroll for water, That particular spell won't create water, only nonliving vegetable matter, I could slightly decrease the thickness of the wall and make the forward surface hemp cloth we could soak with water and reapply as needed. I was planning on saving my Orison's to save dying patients, but I can create a small amount of water in an emergency.

What does not catch him as surprising is the female's continued lack of strategy planning.

[sblock=OOC]mage armor plus the cover gives me a 19 AC, there is no way I'm getting rid of it[/sblock]


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Lora put her thumb between her index and middle finger and gestured the obscene sign at Lurlik, making it known she has no respect for him and no desire to continue the conversation.

She then turned towards the chubby lad who had tried to eat the Valorns out of their family fortune, and somewhat tried to mediate what was an absurd situation. "Trinham how are you feeling, Is the poison still affecting your mobility? And I should like to believe Aidan was not a traitor, but we must prepare for the worst. - the girl's heart cringed at the thought of the simple country lad selling his comrades to the enemy. - if they know you are injured and also a spellcaster you will become a likely target."
Trinham covers his face and leans forward when Lurik ignore his plea and starts to slag Lora off. Lora's response does not help matters. At this stage Trinham has just about decided to leave them all too it and go to bed but just then Lora addresses him directly.

Turning to address Lora he says "Thank's for asking. I'm still not as agile as I usually am but no-one who doesn't know me could tell I was not fully fit. Anyway, that's why I have not volunteered to go with the scouting party. Still at least I'm not falling over my feet any more. I should be OK behind the barricades.

[sblock=OOC]Dex 14-4=10 (+0)[/sblock]

Myth and Legend

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Lora sighed and nodded. Suddenly she felt tired, confused and maybe a bit frightened. Quite the opposite of her usual self, she was very feminine and the strong arm and determined face of the older man before her was somehow soothing and not at all repulsive.

The girl cleaned her lips with a napkin and nodded, taking Vance's arm and looking at Rizella, whom was even further going to pacify her fears. A smart move by Vance - perhaps he had cunning when it came to women and battle, which was all Lora would trust him with anyway. "Alright Trinham, take your rest tonight. Jareth and Claude, you both should rest as well. I would like us to return alive and well to Martoumum's outriders, or at least those who still choose to align themselves with the army. You are all capable men, and I am... glad to have you at my side tomorrow." A bit forced, but the words came out of her mouth with sincerity. It was rare for Lora to open up to anyone but Arthur, however the situation had changed dramatically these past few weeks.

With that the girl left the dining hall alongside Vance and his sister. The man was tall, Lora's head barely reached his shoulder. She let herself touch the biceps beneath the clothes - rock hard from all the weapon training she assumed. It felt... interesting.


First Post
Once Vance and Lora have left, Trinham decides to call it a night. Excusing himself he says "Well I'm not really much use at discussing strategy. Also I think Mogins has got himself in trouble again. So I will wish you goodnight and see you in the morning." before leaving the dinning room and going to look for Mogins.

Ascertaining that Mogins is in the kitchen he proceeds to join him. Entering the kitchen he finds that Mogins is been made a fuss of by one of the under-cooks, while the rest of the kitchen staff sit round chatting and drinking tea. "Good evening. I trust that Mogins has not been making a nuisance of himself." he says. Initially the staff start to treat him like a lord but he quickly puts them at their easy and they invite him to sit down and drink tea. Trinham gossips with the staff for half an hour before they have to get back to work. So he collects Mogins, wishes his new friends good night and goes to bed.

Quickly falling asleep, he has a weird dream where his mentor, Archimedes, is spouting gibberish at him. As the dream continues, the gibberish starts to make more and more sense until he suddenly wakes up. He realises that the gibberish from the dream is actually something that Archimedes told him last time they talked. Which at the time he didn't understand but now understands perfectly. Trinham then realises that he is now able cast more powerful spells than he could previously. Immediately falling back into a dreamlessly sleep he only wakes up when Alice wakes him in the morning.

Voidrunner's Codex

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