Battle at Harkon Manor

Myth and Legend

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Lora moaned as the divine magics Calude commanded rushed trough her body and expelled the arrow from her leg with force, black blood following after in a strong single gush before the wound closed itself, only a pink scar remaining on the smooth skin. The girl gripped the older man's forearm and met his stare with her dark blue orbs. "Thank you Claude." she said, shrugging off the pain in her shoulder.

"I am an utter bitch!" Lora thought to herself with anger as she stood up, still holding the cut edge of her dress and exposing her inner thigh almost to the point where her two legs met. "I do not even know what deity the man worships and yet i exploit his skills!"

Not really noticing she had almost removed her skirt from it's task of impeding the line of sight to more private areas, Lora looked around, grateful for the cover the steel clad men provided, and angry at them at the same time. Decisions would have to be made quickly however.

"Trinham is right. Lord Valorn, We should move, and I think we must take the fallen man back with us. Your Cleric might be able to save his life so we can question him. Information on the enemy camp is invaluable. Also, I would like to know if he is Treylor or Nanderly."

Lora then suddenly realized how much flesh she had revealed, and quickly dropped her skirt with blushing cheeks. "And also you will loose a good riding horse unless it somehow returns to us. Let's hope this works!"

Horses were expensive, and pure breed stallions who were trained or war - even more so. The Wizardress now reverted to her farmstead upbringing and put her left fingers in her mouth, below the tongue - her right hand was too grossly drenched with blood to be used in such a way. Lora then whistled sharply, hoping the animal would recognize such a call.

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Frozen Messiah

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"Ce pas une problem." Claude says as he mounts Tobais, "Master Woods is correct we should be off. I will move to join him, should we wait for you Miss Lora or begin full retreat?" Claude askes before he moves.

- mount
- readied action to move beside Trinham or as close as possible after Lora responds


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Jareth frowns as Tira talks, not liking the jump to any mention of his father. He brushes past the mention of the old man, instead saying (with a hint of disgust), “And your people believed that tripe? So much for the vaunted elven intellect. But, fine. Make whatever preparations you need to get us to Tirol safely. If you’re sure you can get us there safely…”

Jareth steps over to the door, opening it up for her to leave.


Thy wounds are healed!
Kase's horse flicks it's ears at the sharp noise but bends it's head down snuffing at the grass. Vance looking back and seeing Lora up and about gives her a big smile. "You are right. Kase, Robert go and retrieve the elf and met us back on the road. Miss Lora if you please," he says extenting her his arm so she may mount.


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=Jareth] Getting up to leave Tira puts a hand on Jareth's arm, "Everything will be all right." She says leaving the young man alone.

Almost slamming the door Jareth begins a moment of pacing and thinking after Tira had left. A few moments more of sleep forgot. It is nearky an hour before a small knock comes at Jareth's door. Opening it he is surprised to see Rizelle, the Baron's sister standing there, a maid behind her. [/sblock]

Myth and Legend

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"Too bad about the horse... - muttered the girl. - Yes join Trinham and Onesimus but wait for us as well. Let Vance's men head the column, they are better armoured." Lora's voice was distracted as she waved at Claude, the girl was going trough a fierce inner battle at the moment. She wanted to ride with Vance, but then again she hated the thought of feeling him, or anyone for that matter, next to her body. Well Vance was better than the others when she tried imagining that with him. But not by much.

Lora blushed and on an impulse grabbed Vance's extended forearm and threw herself on the saddle behind him. The girl was now glad she had taken a long hot bath last night, and had added dried herbs to the water, so her hair now smelled of wild flowers instead of dirt and sweat. She put her arms around the armoured man, suppressing a shudder and the impulse of revulsion that came with the action.

"There could have been traps you know, when you charged. A pit with sharpened stakes and a group of expendable archers for a noble and next in line to head house Valorn, this seems like a good trade for the enemy." Lora had assessed the situation and now that her wound was healed she was calmer. The girl hoped Vance did not mind being called an idiot. However her experience was that most idiots did not like to be reminded of the fact that they are idiots. Fortunately Vance was an occasional idiot - only when fighting was concerned. And perhaps women.

The girl pressed her chest against Vance's back and her thoughts trailed off - something rare for Lora, more rare even than her being comfortable touching a man. "Do you drink my lord Valorn?"

Of course he drank - all noblemen drank. It was a consequence of growing up with your own private wine cellar. But Lora's real question was "Are you a drunkard?" Of course she could not ask such a thing, even if that was what she really wanted to know.


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Jareth paced, rather than sleeping. His thoughts were too jumbled, too active to get any kind of rest now. Sneaking through the elven lands to save his old teacher had a certain appeal to it, but he couldn’t help thinking it was a trap, even if Tira wasn’t a part of it. But what if his presence and claims weren’t enough? Will I have to spring him from their custody, or even the headsman’s block? The young man shuddered at the thought. Well, I am pretty much a wanted criminal there anyway…

The knock at the door came, interrupting his thoughts. Jareth brusquely opened the door, a scowl on his face again, when he sees it is someone he really shouldn’t explode at. He stutters for a moment, then bows deeply. “I am sorry, milady. I was not expecting any visitors, let alone one as important as yourself.”

He sighs inwardly. Hells, I’m talking in that accursed, flowery, false speech again… If I even start to try on one of those silly frilled shirts in that wardrobe, I swear to the gods I will hang myself by my chain.


Thy wounds are healed!
Securing the elven scout and heading off at a fast pass Vance has no time to respond to Lora at first. Once a few miles from the ambush the nobleman brings the group to a walk but let's no one dismount incase of further trouble.

"I am a little confused," he says over his shoulder. "You asked if I drank do you wish to celebrate our victory?"

Before Lora can respond Robert joins them and pressing a fist to his heart says, "Forgive me milord. I didn't believe they would find any signs of mine or Kase's passing. If I would have thought they could I would have..." he stops as Vance lifts a hand. "You have never failed me Robert, and you still have not. The skills of these elves maybe quite different from their western brothers." Vance moves his horse closer to the rangers and puts a hand on the man's shoulder. "You have always served well and you will serve me now. Ride ahead to Harkon and find that relative of Hiems' the one who recently came to visit."

"Marko?" Robert replies.

"Yes that's the one. I will need him as soon as we arrive." Vance says with a slight frown. Lora can sense the man's tention even through his armor.

The rest of the ride is uneventful and Trinham even manages to get the hang of it when the reach the villiage outside Harkon and dismount before the wayhouse.
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He was chopping wood outside as the day carried on. Haha, the young man enjoyed visiting relatives in the winter, mostly because their where less chores to be asked of him. But this always happened and he was truly happy to be of help to the poor family.

He had dark-hair, a clean jaw, and was busy with his work. Each stroke of his axe fell swiftly, with precision, as if it had been made with his father's sword. His strong face squinted as the beads of sweat mixed with his hawk-like eyes. His wife had loved his piercing green eyes. She had said she felt safest when he looked at her like that. As if he could see right through her.

But she was gone now. He was alone again. The brave shoeman Marko off to join the warrior's ranks for glory and honor. He didn't quite believe it himself really. He was just glad to be away from home for awhile. A long vacation from which there is no return. No. He would make it through this conflict and return home, safe and sound. He promised his family nothing less.

Marko was resting when he heard the sound of a rider approaching. His relatives weren't home at the moment either. So, it was the job of a shoeman to take upon himself yet another task. He would go and greet the visitor. He recognized the rider, Robet. He had come to fetch Marko to the wayhouse on a task of importance.

Marko left a note for his distant family as he gathered his belongings. Together with Robet they would make haste to the wayhouse. Once again, he was leaving his past behind.


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=Jareth] Rizella looks down at her hands in front of her, then looking up into Jareth's eyes she suddenly slaps the man across the face. *Slap*

The shocked look in Jareth's eyes mirror her own and a hand comes to her mouth as she gasps. Eyes on the verge of tears the noblewoman falls into a confused Jareth's arms sobbing. "Why?.. why did you.. you curse my.. my son?" she asks through sobs. [/sblock]

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