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Pathfinder 1E [OOC] Way of the Wicked


Tentative interest here. I think I'm getting close to my game saturation point but this sounds fun. I'll think on ideas over the next day or so.

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Ok, well, this has held my imagination captive all day...

[sblock=Armides History]Name: Armides Diat (an assumed name; anagram of 'Mitra is Dead')
Gender: Male
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 145 lbs.
Age: 29

Description: Armides is of average height, thin and sleight of muscle, with intense bookish looks. His dark brown wavy hair is cropped just below his ears and has begun to recede prematurely further emphasizing a large forehead. His hands, with long, thin fingers more suited to an artist or scribe, are criss-crossed with a network of fine scars acquired from years of working as an eel-catcher with his father. His eyes are dark brown and his nose has a slight hook that indicates that it was broken at some time in his past.

Armides has an intense appearance that is somewhat disconcerting until he speaks. His voice radiates a warmth that can easily persuade the unwary to trust. The warmth doesn’t extend to his eyes, however. They are full of a blankness, cold, flat and emotionless that, if Armides allows to show, would make people feel as if he is thinking about the most interesting ways to cause them pain. Armides is a master at masking this but only feels the need to put people at their ease when he wants something.

Personal Style: Armides wears finely made clothes and a well-crafted armored coat. Or would, should fine things come his way again.

Personality: Calculating and manipulative and more than willing to use his innate charisma to get what he wants. Not afraid to remove those stumbling blocks that are placed in his way.

History: Armides was born during those hours of the shrouded sun in a shanty on the banks of the Black-Eel Fork of the Great Scale river near the village of Urlag's Bank to an eel-catcher and his wife. He was raised among the reeds with a younger sister learning the trade of the eel-catcher. To their father Armides could do nothing right and his sister, Reisha, could do no wrong. If Reisha let an eel slip the nets it was, somehow, Armides’ fault. Supposed mistakes resulted in repeated beatings. His only true joy was when their mother would join them at the river and sing as she worked; Armides would join in her song with his pure, nearly perfect singing voice. His only true protection was when he was with Arkadi and Nikhil. His father was never comfortable when the three were together in his presence and would avoid them but usually took it out on Armides later. Because of this Armides spent whatever time he wasn’t working, or trying to follow Nikhil pell-mell through the woods, at the house of Arkadi’s father; a man with infinitely more interesting, and dangerous, things to say than his own father.

The year Armides passed the age of eight summers was one of big change in his life. While checking the eel traps he found an odd trinket in the mud where the bank had washed away exposing the roots of an ancient willow. The tiny statuette of black stone, crudely carved to resemble some sort of bat-winged creature, was nearly wrapped in small roots but Armides was able to pull them away. He was obsessed with the figure and always kept it close at hand and would rub it or turn it about in his hands when no one was around. He kept it a secret from even Nikhil and Arkadi.

That summer was also the summer that his younger sister, Reisha, was found drowned, tangled in tree roots in a pool where they staked out the eel traps. Armides showed no emotion over her death and his father came to hate his presence even more. Without his sister there to placate his father the beatings grew more frequent. After the beating that broke his nose his mother conspired with Arkadi’s father to get Armides out of the village.

Late that summer an acquaintance of Arkadi’s father came to the village to listen to Armides’ angelic voice. Pleased with what he heard he bought young Armides for a handful of gold coins. His purchaser, Baldassare, an aging and eccentric bard, ran an unusual college of music for ‘created’ counter-tenors. So, Armides the eel-catcher’s son left the village to become a budding vocalist-in-training.

Armides trained for many years under the infamous bards of Baldassare’s college but never had enough talent to land choice parts. Through the years intense rivalries formed between Armides and his fellow students; rivalries that were terminated by tragic accidents. Baldassare eventually came to suspect that Armides was the cause of these accidents but before he could summon in the guard he slipped on the stairs of the theater, tumbled and broke his neck.

An already suspicious guard cordoned off the college and brought in Sir Balin of Karfeld to begin an investigation. Disturbing accusations pointed to Armides and he was held under suspicion of numerous murders. The black statuette in his quarters was discovered to be an infernal creature and Armides was convicted of consorting with dark powers. [/sblock]
This could play as a rogue or bard but I'm leaning towards cleric. However, I've not found a cleric concept yet I've been happy with and don't know how an evil one would work out. I'm open to suggestions on anything, really. Tailspinner, if there is stuff you want me to cut or change I'll do so gladly.
Ability Rolls (1d10+7=9, 1d10+7=16, 1d10+7=13, 1d10+7=15)
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First Post
Be sure to check out things like the Oracle and the Inquisitor from the Pathfinder SRD. The Inquisitor in particular combines some divine spellcasting with some skill-monkeyish stuff.


Good suggestions. Thanks. I haven't looked at Inquisitor in depth but it sounds ideal. I'll take a look but I can tell it is already edging out Cleric (I'm fond of skill-monkey characters).


Guest 11456

GlassEye it all looks just fine. As long as it fits within the guidelines presented in the first post all is good. No need to post any further details. Create your character and I do not need to see any part of it.


First Post
Meep...I'm probably going tiefling too...

Though if you do it, I could go with mah fetchling instead...

Of course, 'tiefling' covers a lot of ground. I'm looking at a Divspawn for example...


Guest 11456

OK! We have a definite five so we are good to go. Please have your characters complete by January 6. Expect the game thread on that day or the next. No need to send me your character information that is for you alone. What I do need from you is your character's name, their race and their class. Please post that information here.

Remember that you get 2 additional skill points per level. The only thing you have is the your clothes (if you can call them that). Remember that your character must be one of the four alignments: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Lawful Neutral or True Neutral. Your crime is one of your traits and the other can be chosen from the basic traits from the 'New Rules' part of Advanced Player's Guide.

One other thing I hadn't mentioned before is to not design your character based on the fact that you start with no equipment. For instance if you were playing a wizard and you decided to take the feat "Eschew Materials" so that you did not need to worry about material components. If that were to be your intention simply to get around the fact of not having material components because you start with nothing. Things will most likely change so that such a choice would be a waste.

Just sayin'...

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