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With The Legend of Vox Machina, Critical Role comes full circle from being voice actors playing D&D (first in a private game, then streaming on Geek & Sundry) to an $11 million Kickstarter for an animated special. That success attracted streaming network interest, which then morphed into a 24-episode animated series where they're voicing their own characters.
The dystopian Korean series Squid Game is popular on Netflix, building on a genre of survival horror involving contests of skill. Thanks to the lethal nature of the contest, it can easily be tweaked for role-playing games.
Satine Phoenix (The Sirens, Game Master Tips, and more) and Jamsion Stone (CEO of Apotheosis Studios, The Red Opera, and more) are creating a new Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition campaign setting, adventure, and Bard-centric sourcebook, Sirens: Battle of the Bards. The concepts and art are inspiring so, when I had the chance to talk with Satine and Jamison about this Kickstarter, I couldn’t...
Thanks to Nightfall Games, The Terminator franchise is coming to tabletop RPG for the first time ever. Mark Rapson, Managing Director of Nightfall Games was kind enough to answer my questions about the game, what system it will use, what’s next for Nightfall Games, and why this project covers first Terminator movie and the Dark Horse comics.
Meat. Pies. Meat in a pie. What could go wrong?
We're on to our third recipe from the Heroes' Feast Cookbook for Dungeons & Dragons and it's a turkey dinner. There's some compromises the book makes to make it suitable for a tavern's menu, but in a fantasy world the meal lends itself to a fantasy version of Thanksgiving.
We recently made braised beef from The Heroes' Feast cookbook, which purports to translate fantasy dishes into real life recipes. Which brings up the question: what if your world's cattle aren't like Earth's? Amphail Braised Beef This is our second attempt at a recipe from the Heroes Feast cookbook and the difficulty level was significantly ramped up from the simpler Traveler's Stew. For...
The long-gestating Dungeons & Dragons film continues to creep along, but another series has demonstrated that the game may not need a big budget movie at all: The Mandalorian.
Many wonderful RPG products are available if you are looking for a gift to give this holiday. Some are beautiful and well made, others inspiring, but all can increase the enjoyment of RPGs for the person receiving the gift. For under $26 the list includes dice and RPG books. For more money, there are more RPG books, DVDs, hardcover novels, and a Conan board game that can also be used for...
In a previous article I shared differences between entertainment media and how it feels imagination is less often required of people today. What changed?
The Dungeons & Dragons skeleton has long been a low-level foe for novice adventurers. With its archery and lawful evil alignment, it hints at a life of discipline. But in medieval lore, its roots are considerably more chaotic.
In this article I try to rank forms of entertainment, including tabletop games, in how much imagination is needed and why they don’t always translate across different types of media.
Adventures in Dungeons & Dragons have always been rooted in dungeons, mazes where branching paths lead to different rooms, constricting player choice but not limiting it to one path. Labyrinths are a slightly different beast, and given they lead to a single path, provide unique challenges in gaming.
You have a new campaign to start. You need a starting location, NPCs, and an adventure. Months later, you need to make an adventure for a 14th level party who need strong NPCs and monsters to face. Which of the two are you more excited to create?
The Wizard of Oz has become iconic thanks to the titular movie that established L. Frank Baum's world. And yet, there are over a dozen of books set in Oz in the public domain that go well beyond the world we glimpsed in the film that have in turn spawned several role-playing games.
With She-Ra and He-Man returning to Netflix as series that invoke the nostalgia of the 80s with a modern sensibility, several retrospectives have explored the origins of the toy line that that became a multi-million dollar franchise. For eagle-eyed viewers of the Netflix documentary, The Power of Grayskull, there's a surprising influence: Dungeons & Dragons.

This Week in TTRPG


A new spin on a retro form of text adventure games.
A one-shot adventure which evokes the generational horror of Stephen King.
A beginner adventure written by comics writer Jim Zub.
An excellent introduction to the 40K universe.

Dungeons & Dragons

New individual-packed unpainted minis available for pre-order
The full table of contents leaked by YouTuber 'Gamemasters'.
One of only two TTRPG creators with four separate million dollar Kickstarters!
Plus UI changes and more product information in listings.
There's "something like" Baldur's Gate 3 coming.
Senior designer Amanda Hamon offers advice for players playing through the upcoming Vecna: Eve of Ruin.

Industry News

Passes the million dollar mark with just a day to go.
After a disappointing 2023, latest earnings call from Hasbro shows tabletop games starting to recover.
Publisher of video games, Star Wars TTRPG, and owner of Middle Earth Enterprises restructures after turbulent year.
Twitter thinks there's a new WotC president who will give you a baby dragon.
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