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[TV] Doctor Who


One minor niggle - what were the Rhino-head people doing in the 'alliance'? They were galactic peacekeepers, and were not really a foe of the doctor - it was the plasmavore which was the real foe in that episode.

I was wondering that too, but thought maybe the Judoon were foes in an older episode. They were at the Shadow Proclamation when 10 and Donna zipped away to find the missing planets but that doesn't seem to qualify.

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First Post
Thinking aloud...

Didn't the Doctor query what was doing on with the ducks in the opening episode? Something along the lines of "how do you know it's a duck pond if there are no ducks?"

This little nugget, combined with the name of AMY POND, is causing me concern.

The Doctor also said something along the lines of "Do you ever consider, Amy Pond, that your life makes absolutely no sense?"

I think that Mr Moffat has about twenty balls in the air right now, sowing confusion all over the place, and when they start coming down I'm going to be gobsmacked.

And who the zark was that talking to River in the TARDIS? "Silence will fall"?


First Post
Thinking aloud...

Didn't the Doctor query what was doing on with the ducks in the opening episode? Something along the lines of "how do you know it's a duck pond if there are no ducks?"

This little nugget, combined with the name of AMY POND, is causing me concern.

The Doctor also said something along the lines of "Do you ever consider, Amy Pond, that your life makes absolutely no sense?"

I think that Mr Moffat has about twenty balls in the air right now, sowing confusion all over the place, and when they start coming down I'm going to be gobsmacked.

And who the zark was that talking to River in the TARDIS? "Silence will fall"?

On that topic

I sort of wonder if the entire town of Leadworth might have been a construct (Auton or otherwise). You have the duck pond with no ducks, and Amy's big, empty house. Prisoner Zero was the first one to mention the Pandorica, so the entire scenario with it and the Atraxi could have been a setup to get that ball rolling. All the world-saving the Doctor did in the first episode was done from Leadworth, so we have no way to confirm if anything was actually world-wide.

Amy never hearing about the Daleks could have been an oversight on the part of her creators, rather than something to do the memory of them being erased by the cracks.

Rory might be an Auton now because he was always an Auton, and if Amy is also an Auton, it would give an easy way out for her bring shot last episode. One might say that the knockout dart should not have worked on her if she is an Auton, but River's lipstick worked on the Roman-Autons.

Ah well. It seems like a long week to wait in any case :)



[sblock]Since the cracks are supposed to be where instances of time and space that were never meant to meet do, there will obviously be some sort of re-set when things are put "right", but will it be like the end of the Martha series where nobody (maybe nobody at all this time) "remembers" anything because time does a reversal?

A total mind frak would be if Amy "dies" and wakes up as her child self, setting the whole series back in potential motion again, ala "Groundhog Day". [/sblock]

As for not remembering the Daleks, etc. that's easy: Torchwood was blown up. Their entire stash of amnesia pills was vaporized and went airborne. ;)


First Post
One minor niggle - what were the Rhino-head people doing in the 'alliance'? They were galactic peacekeepers, and were not really a foe of the doctor - it was the plasmavore which was the real foe in that episode.

I was wondering that too, but thought maybe the Judoon were foes in an older episode. They were at the Shadow Proclamation when 10 and Donna zipped away to find the missing planets but that doesn't seem to qualify.
Regardless of their feelings for the Doctor (or lack thereof), they probably don't want him destroying the universe.

To answer a couple of Plane Sailing's questions...

One minor niggle - what were the Rhino-head people doing in the 'alliance'? They were galactic peacekeepers, and were not really a foe of the doctor - it was the plasmavore which was the real foe in that episode.

Well, they were galactic mercenaries as much as peacekeepers. But to that extent, if they were approached to be part of an alliance to keep the Doctor from destroying the universe, I can certainly see them hopping on board.

Heck, the Atraxi weren't "enemies" of the Doctor, either. And Weevils (not mentioned, but appearing in the crowd) are from the Torchwood series. While the Alliance includes all the Doctor's worst enemies from among the various races, at no point is it said to be limited to them.

Why are there cybermen, when the cybermen were from a sealed off alternate reality (and even all the ones that made it into this one were sucked off into the void?)

Did you see the Tennant special entitled "The Next Doctor"? They clearly weren't all sucked back.[/sblock]


Is it just me, or does River have a little Han Solo going on? The white-ish shirt, brown pants and blaster pistol slung low on the right hip and the swagger kind of reminded me of Harrison Ford's Corellion Captain.

Raven Crowking

First Post
[sblock]Where does the 'tardis someone is trying to build' in the lodger episode fit in?[/sblock]

[sblock]I would say that was fairly obvious, even without seeing the Pandorica episode yet. That was the Doctor's TARDIS trying to rebuild itself after it exploded. Which is why the TARDIS couldn't land, and why the Doctor was the correct pilot.[/sblock]

[sblock]And Weevils (not mentioned, but appearing in the crowd) are from the Torchwood series.[/sblock]

[sblock]Weevils?!? Are you sure? I wouldn't expect the Weevils to be able to travel intentionally through either space or time based on their Torchwood appearances. I rather thought the Weevils were an evolutionary offshoot of us, from the far future.

There was an alien in Love & Monsters that looked something like a Weevil. It also appeared in a Torchwood episode (can't remember which). It was called a Hoix. Having Hoix in the crowd might make sense; having Weevils makes rather less sense......Though I'd love to see a Dr. Who story based around Weevils or the Bane........?

Again, not having seen the episode yet, I'd like some clarification on that. Pretty please and thank you.[/sblock]


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