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Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


Sneaky Goblin #1 Scorch

Scorch is not done, the Dwarf isn't even hitting hard, must be some kind of runt he figures, the Goblin draws his shortsword and attempts to stab Magnus through the heart, which turns out to be quite an accurate attack- Magnus blanches as he begins to leak profusely.

[sblock=Scorch Combat]Minor: Draw Shortsword.
Standard: Shortsword Magnus- Hit 11 damage.


Sneaky Goblin #2 Fiery Pete

Things are not looking that good for Pete, he does the maths- and then launches his bitumen torch at Kyalia- alas it misses by inches and flops on to the floor before the table, spilt alcohol catches light, and burns. Pete then draws his shortsword and heads back the way he came in, through the fire- taking a little more hurt en route, Fiery Pete is pretty much out on his feet.

[sblock=Fiery Pete Combat]Standard: Shortsword Magnus.
Minor: Draw Shortsword.
Move: Flee back way came taking Fire damage en route.

Magnus leaps in to the action.

Encounter #1 Bar Fight

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

26 Sneaky Goblin #1
26 Sneaky Goblin #2
23 Magnus (TSS)*
21 Freggo (Goken)
19 Hobgoblin #1
19 Hobgoblin #2
19 Hobgoblin #4
15 Viator (Raven)
14 Ah-shahran (Tiornys)
13 Kalimaru (Hairychin)
11 Kyalia (Thanee)
0 Patrons of the Inn
0 Fire

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 30/30 Surges 8/8
Freggo 27/17 Surges 9/9
Kalimaru 25/25 Surges 8/8
Kyalia 26/26 Surges 8/8
Magnus 38/27 Surges 13/13
Viator 26/15 (+4 Temp) Surges 8/8

Sneaky Goblin #1- 4 damage taken & Marked by Magnus.
Sneaky Goblin #2- 19 damage taken. Shroud (Kali). Quarry (Kyalia)
Hobgoblin #1- Combat Advantage vs.
Hobgoblin #2- Combat Advantage vs. Aegis of Ensnarement (Freggo).
Hobgoblin #3- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #4
Hobgoblin #5- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #6- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #7- DEAD.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Sneaky Goblin #1- Move on to bar (R27). Light 2nd Torch. Throw Torch behind bar (M29), it burns.

Sneaky Goblin #2- Burst in to Inn & Move (N42). Throw Bitumen Torch Viator- Hit 1 HO Fire damage and the Torch burns.

Magnus- Draw Warhammer. Leap on the bar and to R30. Charge Scorch- Hit 4 damage & Marked.

Freggo- Move W27. Luring Strike Hob#3 Doofus- Hit & Killed, and Shift to V25. Aegis of Ensnarement Smeg.

Hob#1- Move V24. Longsword Freggo- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#2- Shift U26. Longsword Freggo- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#4- Charge Berk- Hit & Killed.

Hob#5- Move N41. Charge Viator- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#6- Move N41. Charge Viator- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#7- Move N41. Ready Action.

Viator- Move Torch M42. Fey Step W36. Dimensional Scramble- Gah, Fiery Pete, Thug, Gut Spike & Trev- Gut Spike & Trev killed.

Ah-shahran- Move O37. Twin Panther- Gah & Fiery Pete- Hit both, Gah killed, Fiery Pete 6 damage. Summon Spirit Companion U25 4 Temp HP Freggo.

Kalimaru- Draw Axe. Shroud Fiery Pete. Move with Athletics check- Fail Q41.

Kyalia- Jump up on to table and Move P40. Quarry Fiery Pete. Twin Strike Fiery Pete- Hit & Hit for 10 damage- Bloodied.

Bar Patrons- Run around screaming, or flee, or hide. Wumpus attacks Smig- Miss.

Fire- Liquor cabinet explodes- fire spreads. Fire on the stairs behind Fiery Pete does the same.

Turn #2

Sneaky Goblin #1- Draw Shortsword. Shortsword Magnus- Hit 11 damage.

Sneaky Goblin #2- Throw Bitumen Torch Kyalia- Miss. Draw Shortsword, Retreat in to storeroom taking 3 Fire damage en route.



New Map-

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"Got some fight in ya, huh?" magnus takes a another swing at the goblin.

Scorch is hit again, although again more of a waft rather than a solid blow, the Goblin grins and dances upon the bar to show his delight- clearly going toe-to-toe with a Dwarven Warrior is easier than he expected.

He even finds time to make several gestures which clearly indicate the amount of respect he has for his enemy, that is less than none.

[sblock=TSS Info]I'm guessing that each time you attack you Mark your opponent, if this is ever not the case then make it clear.

Cheers Goonalan[/sblock]

[sblock=Map Update]There isn't one- nobody has moved.

Cheers Goonalan[/sblock]

Encounter #1 Bar Fight

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

26 Sneaky Goblin #1
26 Sneaky Goblin #2
23 Magnus (TSS)
21 Freggo (Goken)*
19 Hobgoblin #1
19 Hobgoblin #2
19 Hobgoblin #4
15 Viator (Raven)
14 Ah-shahran (Tiornys)
13 Kalimaru (Hairychin)
11 Kyalia (Thanee)
0 Patrons of the Inn
0 Fire

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 30/30 Surges 8/8
Freggo 27/17 (+4 Temp HP) Surges 9/9
Kalimaru 25/25 Surges 8/8
Kyalia 26/26 Surges 8/8
Magnus 38/27 Surges 13/13
Viator 26/15 Surges 8/8

Sneaky Goblin #1- 8 damage taken & Marked by Magnus.
Sneaky Goblin #2- 19 damage taken. Shroud (Kali). Quarry (Kyalia)
Hobgoblin #1- Combat Advantage vs.
Hobgoblin #2- Combat Advantage vs. Aegis of Ensnarement (Freggo).
Hobgoblin #3- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #4
Hobgoblin #5- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #6- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #7- DEAD.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Sneaky Goblin #1- Move on to bar (R27). Light 2nd Torch. Throw Torch behind bar (M29), it burns.

Sneaky Goblin #2- Burst in to Inn & Move (N42). Throw Bitumen Torch Viator- Hit 1 HO Fire damage and the Torch burns.

Magnus- Draw Warhammer. Leap on the bar and to R30. Charge Scorch- Hit 4 damage & Marked.

Freggo- Move W27. Luring Strike Hob#3 Doofus- Hit & Killed, and Shift to V25. Aegis of Ensnarement Smeg.

Hob#1- Move V24. Longsword Freggo- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#2- Shift U26. Longsword Freggo- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#4- Charge Berk- Hit & Killed.

Hob#5- Move N41. Charge Viator- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#6- Move N41. Charge Viator- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#7- Move N41. Ready Action.

Viator- Move Torch M42. Fey Step W36. Dimensional Scramble- Gah, Fiery Pete, Thug, Gut Spike & Trev- Gut Spike & Trev killed.

Ah-shahran- Move O37. Twin Panther- Gah & Fiery Pete- Hit both, Gah killed, Fiery Pete 6 damage. Summon Spirit Companion U25 4 Temp HP Freggo.

Kalimaru- Draw Axe. Shroud Fiery Pete. Move with Athletics check- Fail Q41.

Kyalia- Jump up on to table and Move P40. Quarry Fiery Pete. Twin Strike Fiery Pete- Hit & Hit for 10 damage- Bloodied.

Bar Patrons- Run around screaming, or flee, or hide. Wumpus attacks Hobgoblin Smeg- Miss.

Fire- Liquor cabinet explodes- fire spreads. Fire on the stairs behind Fiery Pete does the same.

Turn #2

Sneaky Goblin #1- Draw Shortsword. Shortsword Magnus- Hit 11 damage.

Sneaky Goblin #2- Throw Bitumen Torch Kyalia- Miss. Draw Shortsword, Retreat in to storeroom taking 3 Fire damage en route.

Magnus- Reaping Strike Scorch- Hit 4 damage & Marked.



Freggo you're up next and both Hobgoblins are granting you Combat Advantage...

In future if you think it will be okay then feel free to pre-post your actions.


First Post
OOC: Cool, I'll definitely pre-post in the future unless it looks like the actions of the other PCs will affect Freggo.

"Magic do as you will!" Freggo shouts out his incantation now, elation and fear mixing together. So this is what being a hero is! It's terrifying and exilirating at the same time! If I can just keep it together I think I can help save these people...

The magic glows a bright red around Freggo's sword as he whirls it in the faces of his two foes, the magic exploding forth as he does so. Freggo brings his brief training with the town guard into play when he reads the goblin near the door dodging left, cutting moving with the dodge to insure the magic has every chance to do its damage. The other monster is even more elusive, but Freggo is desperate that his debut heroics should succeed. He digs deep and manages to draw even more magic forth in the direction of the second foe. Adrenaline pumping, Freggo briefly glances down at the two to make sure they aren't moving, then leaps up onto the bar like he's always wanted to do and calls out to the other figure battling the little monster.

"Hallo Mr. Dwarf! You seem to know what you're doing up here, but perhaps you won't mind a little heroic assistance from the last Red-Hot Swammi!"

Standard Action: Sword of Sigils vs. AC of Gronk and Smeg. Forgot to add Combat Advantage to rolls, so totals are 16 and 13. Not sure if those hit so...
Free Action: Brawling Warrior Feat to gain +1 vs. Gronk for a total of 17
Free Action: Heroic Effort to gain +4 vs. Smeg for a total of 17 (DM: If the attack vs. Gronk misses at 17, can I use this power on Gronk instead?)
Move Action: Move to R:26 with a heroic leap
Minor Action: Aegis of Ensnarement vs. Scorch
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OOC: Cool, I'll definitely pre-post in the future unless it looks like the actions of the other PCs will affect Freggo.

"Magic do as you will!" Freggo shouts out his incantation now, elation and fear mixing together. So this is what being a hero is! It's terrifying and exilirating at the same time! If I can just keep it together I think I can help save these people...

The magic glows a bright red around Freggo's sword as he whirls it in the faces of his two foes, the magic exploding forth as he does so.

Standard Action: Sword of Sigils vs. AC of Gronk and Smeg.
Move Action:
Minor Action:

GM: Foolishly I thought you had finished and did my response, so here's the updated version.

Freggo completes his circuit and opens his eyes, (alas both Hobgoblins are unmarked, unharmed, and looking like they're about to try to murder him...) and both of the Hobgoblins are dead.

Freggo leaps upon the bar and sets his aegis upon Scorch...

Here come the bad guys-

[sblock=This didn't happen]Hob#1 Gronk

Gronk shift his position and takes aim, he has Freggo positioned ideally for his attack- his longsword swings and is cut badly, this time above his right eye- the blood pours down, Freggo is in trouble.

[sblock=Gronk Combat]
Move: Shift W24
Standard: Longsword Combat Advantage Freggo- Crit 5 damage.

Hob#2 Smeg

Smeg sees his opportunity too and slashes wildly at Freggo and connects, the Swordmage is bloodied and battered.

[sblock=Smeg Combat]
Standard: Longsword Combat Advantage Freggo- Hit 5 damage & Bloodied.

Hob#4 Thug

Thug shuffles forward, growls at Kali, and lances out with his longsword, but wide.

[sblock=Thug Combat]
Move: Q42
Standard: Longsword Kali- Miss

Bursting through doors behind the bar come another pair of Hobgoblins, more trouble...

Hob#8 Ung Gak

Ung Gak bustles in to the bar, takes the scene in and then charges screaming at Magnus atop the bar, but the Dwarf shows his footwork and avoids the goblin's blade.

[sblock=Ung Gak Combat]
Move: N26
Standard: Longsword Magnus- Miss

Hob#9 Grokka

Grokka comes screaming in to the Inn and clambers up on top of the bar to make his presence felt- @For Sinruth... For the Hand", he screams.

[sblock=Grokka Combat]
Move: P29
Move: R33

Encounter #1 Bar Fight

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

26 Sneaky Goblin #1
26 Sneaky Goblin #2
23 Magnus (TSS)
21 Freggo (Goken)
19 Hobgoblin #4
19 Hobgoblin #8
19 Hobgoblin #9
15 Viator (Raven)*
14 Ah-shahran (Tiornys)
13 Kalimaru (Hairychin)
11 Kyalia (Thanee)
0 Patrons of the Inn
0 Fire

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 30/30 Surges 8/8
Freggo 27/17 (4 Temp HP) Surges 9/9
Kalimaru 25/25 Surges 8/8
Kyalia 26/26 Surges 8/8
Magnus 38/27 Surges 13/13
Viator 26/15 Surges 8/8

Sneaky Goblin #1- 8 damage taken & Marked by Magnus.
Sneaky Goblin #2- 19 damage taken. Shroud (Kali). Quarry (Kyalia)
Hobgoblin #1- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #2- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #3- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #4
Hobgoblin #5- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #6- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #7- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #8
Hobgoblin #9

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Sneaky Goblin #1- Move on to bar (R27). Light 2nd Torch. Throw Torch behind bar (M29), it burns.

Sneaky Goblin #2- Burst in to Inn & Move (N42). Throw Bitumen Torch Viator- Hit 1 HO Fire damage and the Torch burns.

Magnus- Draw Warhammer. Leap on the bar and to R30. Charge Scorch- Hit 4 damage & Marked.

Freggo- Move W27. Luring Strike Hob#3 Doofus- Hit & Killed, and Shift to V25. Aegis of Ensnarement Smeg.

Hob#1- Move V24. Longsword Freggo- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#2- Shift U26. Longsword Freggo- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#4- Charge Berk- Hit & Killed.

Hob#5- Move N41. Charge Viator- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#6- Move N41. Charge Viator- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#7- Move N41. Ready Action.

Viator- Move Torch M42. Fey Step W36. Dimensional Scramble- Gah, Fiery Pete, Thug, Gut Spike & Trev- Gut Spike & Trev killed.

Ah-shahran- Move O37. Twin Panther- Gah & Fiery Pete- Hit both, Gah killed, Fiery Pete 6 damage. Summon Spirit Companion U25 4 Temp HP Freggo.

Kalimaru- Draw Axe. Shroud Fiery Pete. Move with Athletics check- Fail Q41.

Kyalia- Jump up on to table and Move P40. Quarry Fiery Pete. Twin Strike Fiery Pete- Hit & Hit for 10 damage- Bloodied.

Bar Patrons- Run around screaming, or flee, or hide. Wumpus attacks Hobgoblin Smeg- Miss.

Fire- Liquor cabinet explodes- fire spreads. Fire on the stairs behind Fiery Pete does the same.

Turn #2

Sneaky Goblin #1- Draw Shortsword. Shortsword Magnus- Hit 11 damage.

Sneaky Goblin #2- Throw Bitumen Torch Kyalia- Miss. Draw Shortsword, Retreat in to storeroom taking 3 Fire damage en route.

Magnus- Reaping Strike Scorch- Hit 4 damage & Marked.

Freggo- Sword of Sigils Gronk & Smeg- Miss both.

Hob#4- Move Q42. Longsword Kalimaru- Miss.

Hob#8- Move N26. Charge Magnus- Miss.

Hob#9- Move P29. Move R33.



Viator is up next...

New Map-

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First Post
Magnus looks at his hammer as if something maybe wrong with. "Aye you better bring me some stronger hits or I'll throw ya in the trash hammer!"

Free: Challenge Scorch
Standard: Reaping Stike
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First Post

“I will be going after the small one,” Kyalia announces to those in the vincinity. “He cannot have gotten far.”


First Post
Seeing the lone figure parading on the bar, Viator reaches out with his mind. The fingers on his left hand twitch and the hobgoblin stumbles off the bar as he charges forward; his right hand leading, voice screaming, focussing his power in a telekinetic punch aimed squarely at its chest.

OOC: Hoping for a bonus as he's fallen off the bar!

[sblock=Combat Actions]Minor = Forceful Push - slide Grokka to Q34
Move = to R34
Standard = Force Punch - Grokka[/sblock]

[sblock=Viator Combat Stats]AC: 14 Fort: 12 Ref: 14 Will: 15
Init: 0 PI: 17 PP:17
HP: 14/26
Surges: 8/8
Power Points: 2/2
[sblock=Powers]Dimensional Scramble (+4 vs Fort, 1d6+4 dmg)
Force Punch (+4 vs Fort, 1d8+4 force dmg)
Fey Step
Far Hand
Forceful Push
Living Missile (+4 vs Fort, immobilized/slowed (save ends); +4 vs Ref, 2d6+4 dmg and prone - half for primary target and prone)
Tenser’s Floating Disk


Seeing the lone figure parading on the bar, Viator reaches out with his mind. The fingers on his left hand twitch and the hobgoblin stumbles off the bar as he charges forward; his right hand leading, voice screaming, focussing his power in a telekinetic punch aimed squarely at its chest.

OOC: Hoping for a bonus as he's fallen off the bar!

[sblock=Combat Actions]Minor = Forceful Push - slide Grokka to Q34
Move = to R34
Standard = Force Punch - Grokka[/sblock]

Grokka tries to pick himself up having just been shoved off the bar during one of the finest speeches he has ever made. Suddenly standing before him is a weasily man, with a pronounced twitch.

Grokka grins "Me...", he starts, and then his head rocks back with such force that his neck is snapped like a twig.

Viator smiles thinly and blinks furiously.

Encounter #1 Bar Fight

Turn: 2

Initiative (* = Next to play)

26 Sneaky Goblin #1
26 Sneaky Goblin #2
23 Magnus (TSS)
21 Freggo (Goken)
19 Hobgoblin #4
19 Hobgoblin #8
15 Viator (Raven)
14 Ah-shahran (Tiornys)*
13 Kalimaru (Hairychin)
11 Kyalia (Thanee)
0 Patrons of the Inn
0 Fire

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 30/30 Surges 8/8
Freggo 27/17 (4 Temp HPs) Surges 9/9
Kalimaru 25/25 Surges 8/8
Kyalia 26/26 Surges 8/8
Magnus 38/27 Surges 13/13
Viator 26/15 Surges 8/8

Sneaky Goblin #1- 8 damage taken & Marked by Magnus.
Sneaky Goblin #2- 19 damage taken. Shroud (Kali). Quarry (Kyalia)
Hobgoblin #1- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #2- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #3- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #4
Hobgoblin #5- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #6- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #7- DEAD.
Hobgoblin #8
Hobgoblin #9- DEAD.

Actions To Date

Turn #1

Sneaky Goblin #1- Move on to bar (R27). Light 2nd Torch. Throw Torch behind bar (M29), it burns.

Sneaky Goblin #2- Burst in to Inn & Move (N42). Throw Bitumen Torch Viator- Hit 1 HO Fire damage and the Torch burns.

Magnus- Draw Warhammer. Leap on the bar and to R30. Charge Scorch- Hit 4 damage & Marked.

Freggo- Move W27. Luring Strike Hob#3 Doofus- Hit & Killed, and Shift to V25. Aegis of Ensnarement Smeg.

Hob#1- Move V24. Longsword Freggo- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#2- Shift U26. Longsword Freggo- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#4- Charge Berk- Hit & Killed.

Hob#5- Move N41. Charge Viator- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#6- Move N41. Charge Viator- Hit 5 damage.

Hob#7- Move N41. Ready Action.

Viator- Move Torch M42. Fey Step W36. Dimensional Scramble- Gah, Fiery Pete, Thug, Gut Spike & Trev- Gut Spike & Trev killed.

Ah-shahran- Move O37. Twin Panther- Gah & Fiery Pete- Hit both, Gah killed, Fiery Pete 6 damage. Summon Spirit Companion U25 4 Temp HP Freggo.

Kalimaru- Draw Axe. Shroud Fiery Pete. Move with Athletics check- Fail Q41.

Kyalia- Jump up on to table and Move P40. Quarry Fiery Pete. Twin Strike Fiery Pete- Hit & Hit for 10 damage- Bloodied.

Bar Patrons- Run around screaming, or flee, or hide. Wumpus attacks Hobgoblin Smeg- Miss.

Fire- Liquor cabinet explodes- fire spreads. Fire on the stairs behind Fiery Pete does the same.

Turn #2

Sneaky Goblin #1- Draw Shortsword. Shortsword Magnus- Hit 11 damage.

Sneaky Goblin #2- Throw Bitumen Torch Kyalia- Miss. Draw Shortsword, Retreat in to storeroom taking 3 Fire damage en route.

Magnus- Reaping Strike Scorch- Hit 4 damage & Marked.

Freggo- Sword of Sigils Gronk & Smeg- Miss both.

Hob#4- Move Q42. Longsword Kalimaru- Miss.

Hob#8- Move N26. Charge Magnus- Miss.

Hob#9- Move P29. Move R33.

Viator- Forceful Push Grokka Q34- Prone. Move R34. Force Punch Grokka- Hit & Dead.



New Map-

Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar

Ah-shahran, you're up...

Voidrunner's Codex

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