[Adventure] Serpent's Skull: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv (DM: Mewness; Judge: THB)


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Takahaan is just leaving the ship as he stumbles into Kane breaking the figurine. Before he can react, the creature launches on him, mauling him, and then vanishes. Sword drawn, Takahaan races over to the prone Kane. "Kane! What was that fiend? You're injured." Pulling his friend to his feet, he asks him: "Was that the creature from that strange figurine?"

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Kane slaps Takahaan on the shoulder as he gets to his feet.

"A t-trapped soul. C-confused and angry."

He holds up the shattered figurine.

"N-no more slaves."

Takahaan can tell that Kane is clearly crestfallen at having lost such a unique item despite his noble ideal.

"Shall w-we return to c-camp?"

OOC: That's cool! I thought that the figurine was a way to explain being able to call a wild creature back each day and why it would obey commands immeadiately. I figured that freeing it the creature was possible but once free ... well ... it would probably go and be free :) But I guess you are thinking of have it return to help of its own accord at some stage, or the process of friendship something that happens over time, perhaps while Noriaki hunts down a pteradactyl chick. Nice! Hehe ... Kane however still hasn't the faintest inkling!


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The odd figurine-creature is nowhere to be found; it seems to have vanished entirely. Gathering their new belongings, the party makes its way back towards the main camp. They stop, as usual, to take shelter from the heavy afternoon rain, then travel the remaining distance without event.

They are climbing the steep hill just south of their destination when Ishirou, standing so still above them that he seems a part of the background, speaks. “They are here,” he says calmly. “Welcome, my lord Noriaki.” A moment later, there is a flash of red hair, and Sasha appears at the top of the hill, smiling and waving.

The camp is much as they left it. Jade greets the adventurers with a beaming smile, and Aerys looks much better than when they saw her last--and the wine she left is still undrunk. The Irregulars get very excited by the large box that Takahaan is carrying and scurry all over it as soon as he puts it down. Soon, working in teams, they manage to open the lid, and swarm all over the interior, examining the contents.

“Well, this isn’t bad at all,” says Pezock, upon reaching the camp. “Although, this hill--something needs to be done about that. A bit of a climb, eh? Maybe you could lay some track, rig up a trolley, you know, like in a mine.... Of course that would be rather visible, wouldn’t it, a track going up the side of this hill like that. That’s a problem, Pearl. Oh, hello, miss. I’m Pezock. Oh yes, I’ve lived here a while, sad to say. Where? Southwest, on the coast. In a giant crab, you know. This is Pearl. No, the sword. Isn’t she pretty? Oh, hello to you too, sir. There are quite a few of you, aren’t there? So nice to have good company!” And the kenku leaves off his chatter, briefly overcome by sentiment.

GM: You may want to set a new watch schedule, as the last one depended heavily on the Irregulars. But it's basically extended rest time, and we can get on to the pterodactyl wrangling in the morning.

Map has been updated on the first page. You can see that Sasha did a little more wandering. She didn't injure herself this time.
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Castile walks up to Jade and says, very excitedly, "Are you ready for some good news? I mean, you'll really like this. Try not to get too shocked!" Castile produces the ledgers and hands them to her fellow Magari. "Guess where we found these?" she asks as he studies them.

OOC: That was a very cool way of introducing the fey beast, Mewness.


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Noriaki inclines his head to Ishirou. "I trust everything went smoothly in my absence?" He breaks off his greeting to Ishirou to crack an eager smile at Sasha. Playfully, he asks, "Ah, Akagehime! Good to see you! You didn't try to catch the flying lizards without me again, did you?"


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Kane doesn't know how to express in words the warm fuzzy he gets returning to camp. His ears prick up at the mention of hunting flying lizards. He sits down and watches with joy the sprigs scurrying over the treasures found in the chest, a grin splitting his face from side to side.


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Castile walks up to Jade and says, very excitedly, "Are you ready for some good news? I mean, you'll really like this. Try not to get too shocked!" Castile produces the ledgers and hands them to her fellow Magari. "Guess where we found these?" she asks as he studies them.

Jade takes the books, comprehension slowly dawning. "Kinkarian!" he cries. "You have find Kinkarian's books! I can't believe--I must look over, very carefully. Dese come from his ship? It is here?"

Noriaki inclines his head to Ishirou. "I trust everything went smoothly in my absence?" He breaks off his greeting to Ishirou to crack an eager smile at Sasha. Playfully, he asks, "Ah, Akagehime! Good to see you! You didn't try to catch the flying lizards without me again, did you?"

"No," says Sasha, "although I did find another nest. I'll show it to you! But we stayed in camp today, because the Captain was very concerned. He absolutely insisted. He says there's a tribe of murderers on the island. Did you see them? Did you fight them?"

Kane doesn't know how to express in words the warm fuzzy he gets returning to camp. His ears prick up at the mention of hunting flying lizards. He sits down and watches with joy the sprigs scurrying over the treasures found in the chest, a grin splitting his face from side to side.

"You're awfully pleased with yourself," says Aerys. Her color has returned, and she seems cheerful, although she is constantly munching on viper nettle berries. "What have you been up to? Where'd you find that box?"

GM: If anyone wants to stay on watch tonight, let me know. The NPCs have set up the following schedule during your absence, and will stick to it if there's no particular reason to disrupt it: four watches, with Sasha first, then Jade, then Alkas, then Aerys, with some of the Irregulars awake throughout.


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(pending judge approval)


Encounter 1: Ghouls in the Shaft
2 x elite skirmisher 3 (savage ghoul ambushers), 600
2 x soldier 3 (hungry ghouls), 300
1 x lurker 3 (ghoul flesh seeker), 150
Total: 1050, x 2 = 2100 XP

Minor Quest: Find the treasure at the end of Ishirou’s treasure map
1 x L2 quest, 125
Total: 125, x 2 = 250 XP

Minor Quest: Find evidence to exonerate Jade
1 x L2 quest, 125
Total: 125, x 2 = 250 XP

Time Experience
Black Fox, Castile, Noriaki, and Takahaan: 3 months @ level 3 (Oct 30 to Jan 30) = 750 XP
Kane: 2 months @ level 2 (Nov 6 - Jan 6) + 1 month @ level 3 (Jan 6 to Feb 6) = 668 XP

Experience Totals
Black Fox, Castile, Noriaki, Takahaan: 2100/5 + 250/5 + 250/5 + 750 = 1270 XP
Kane: 2100/5 + 250/5 + 250/5 + 668 = 1188 XP

3 months (Oct 30 - Jan 30) = 6 credits for Mewness.


Kane: Shimmering cloth armor +1 (L4 item)
Noriaki: Battlecrazed fullblade +1 (L4 item; replaces starting weapon)
Takahaan: Dwarven chainmail +1 (L2 item)

Gold magari calendar disk
Eternal Pen (L1 item; as Eternal Chalk, but it’s a pen. It can even write upside down!)
An unspecified quantity of monetary treasure (to be finalized at the end of the adventure)

Time Gold
Black Fox, Castile, Noriaki, and Takahaan: 3 months @ level 3 (Oct 30 to Jan 30) = 762 gp
Kane: 2 months @ level 2 (Nov 6 - Jan 6) + 1 month @ level 3 (Jan 6 to Feb 6) = 610 gp

Take an extended rest and level up. Themes are now active!


First Post
Kane's smile disappears instantly as Aerys speaks to him, causing him to jump. He looks around like a startled deer to see if she is talking to anyone else by any chance.

"Errr ... w-w-we ... I-I-I... C-ca-c-c-cas ... Tak-t-t-tak... g-g-ghoul hole ... l-l-l-look..."

Sweat suddenly pouring off him, hands trembling, Kane dips into the chest and brings out the ancient disk, a few of the disgruntled pixies running up his sleeve shaking their fists at him momentarily before they become bedazzled by the material of his waistcoat and begin to rub it admiringly and coo.

"M-map ... old ... v-very very old..."

OOC: Kane was not on the roster, so I am happy to be included. Whenever. I think he'd probably go out of his way to not be with Aerys as that might kill him from the stress. But probably before her or after her so he would have to either wake her or be woken by her.

Sheet updated with Kane lvl 3
(Thanks for such cool armor btw!)

[sblock=Kane Arcane]
PC:Kane Arcane (jbear1979) - L4W Wiki
Human Hybrid Swordmage | Wizard 3
Passive Perception/Insight 13
AC:21, Fort:15, Reflex:16, Will:16, Speed:6
HP:38/38, Bloodied:16, Surge Value:8, Surges left:8/10
Initiative +1
Action Points: 1 (encounter): USED


MBA: Dislocation Longsword +1, +6 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage
Freezing Burst, Phantasmal Assault, Sword Burst

Grasping Shadows:
Aegis of Shielding:
Channelling Shield:
Dimensional Vortex:
Second Wind

Flaming Sphere: Used
Dislocation Longsword: USED

Combat notes: Theme: Feybeast Tamer: Kane is unaware of this. Not active until this changes.


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OOC: I simply must quote from the Dimensional Vortex power on Kane's updated sheet:

"You teleport the target 5 squares. The target then makes a melee basic attack against a teacher you choose."

Anything you want to tell us about your schooling, jbear? ;)

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