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D&D General Hey, are we all cool with having to buy the same book twice, or what?

Ash Mantle

I, for one, would love to see pdf versions of supplements sold along with the physical hard copy! Unfortunately as it stands, I don't think that's feasible, unless Wizards revamps its sales model.

Wizards only has print-runs of its books, and these books are then sold through suppliers, whether that's through Amazon, your LFGS, bookshops or what have you.
Unlike Paizo, where their business model has spoiled us I'm afraid, Wizards also doesn't have a storefront built into their website and also doesn't have a warehouse, they've cut out inventory keeping out of their business practice.
Now they could potentially utilise DMsGuild and use their pdf-print-on-demand bundle model, but would Wizards want less of an oversight in quality control of the print-runs?

Further, D&D Beyond, Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, et al all make fantastic products, and I, for one, would be more than happy to continue in my choice to support the people working to make D&D as fantastic and enjoyable experience as possible.

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#1 Enworld Jerk™


Given Paizo's business model, I'm not surprised retailers wouldn't want to play ball with them.

Honestly, I'm surprised as many of them carry their products as they do.
How would choosing not to sell products that people wish to purchase from them improve the sales figures of an establishment?


I'm confused, @FlyingChihuahua ... I thought @eyeheartawk was talking about retailers, and was asking how a retailer saying "I don't like Paizo, so I'm not going to sell their products" is going to see that increase the money they are making... and I don't know what pointlessly aggravating people you are talking about or why you're talking about Paizo.

Perhaps people would like a PDF with their future purchases even though it wasn't available for their past ones? Why does it have to be all or nothing?
It’s not all or nothing as I specify you can get the PDF if you preorder.
But that’s different than PDF with purchase as you can’t buy the Core Rulebook of their games and get a free PDF.

Even if you buy it from their store and they have a record of the sale there’s no PDF. You don’t even get a discount or an option for a bundle when buying both at the same time.
Which they could do because when I look at Paizo’s stock while logged in it let’s me know I purchased certain books already. It keeps track. So it could easily give a discount.

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