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D&D 5E [+] Explain RPG theory without using jargon

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B/X Known World
Post four in the thread (possibly five I account for Iserith's, which I cannot see).
You mean the post where you define Simulationism, Gamism, and Story Now? Okay, so either you define Story Now and Narrativism the same, or I'm not seeing your paragraph on Narrativism. Also, the definition of Narrativism has evolved within this thread as different posters have joined the conversation and asked for clarification. So if you could provide an actual up to date definition of Narrativism that would actually be helpful. Preferably one that other supporters of Edwards and GNS theory actually agree with.
Except you don't have the receipts.
Weird. I'm literally holding the book in my hands. And it definitely shows the receipts. The Elusive Shift. I'm not even half-way through the book. What I've read literally reads like a summary of all RPG forum conversation, including all talk of theory...only they're all quotes from zines and luminaries of the scene back in the '60s and '70s. I guess I could quote from it at length, but then I'd be just copying & pasting the majority of the text, which seems like a bad idea.
The fact that you're asking me to define narrativism suggests you cannot. If you cannot define it, how can you claim that it's always existed and their are receipts.
I'm asking you to define it because you're an advocate for it. I want to give you the opportunity to put the best version forward you possibly can rather than talk about my misunderstanding of what you mean. It's worth noting that over the course of this now 32 page thread other proponents of GNS have come along and disagreed with each other (and you) as to what these terms mean and how to properly use them. So you know, it's not like there's one universal definition to point to...unless you try to decipher Edwards' faltering attempts.
Your argument automatically discards anything that doesn't fit into the conception you currently have.
Pot, kettle.
It's not curious about new ideas, it's saying there are none, and you shouldn't look.
Quite the opposite. I'd like to hash this all out so we can maybe finally move on to more fruitful conversations about actually new topics. Because, as I said, these exact conversations have been circling the hobby since before it was a unique and separate thing.
The ask to define narrativism absent Edwards (which I did more than once in this thread) is indicative of hostility to the idea.
Not at all. It's hostility to the man's offensive words, the pedestal his advocates put him on, and the willful ignorance of history that's required to put him on that pedestal.
If the idea has merit, it's source shouldn't matter.
Sorry, no. Sources absolutely matter. Are you taking auto repair advice from a 6-year-old or a car mechanic who's got 20 years on the job?
But even when it's source is elided, you still reject the idea.
Because it's: 1) framed in a terrible way up to and including calling those who disagree brain damaged; 2) the theory itself is incoherent and ignores large swathes of preferences, and; 3) the same conversations have been going on for decades if not centuries.
Yes, go read a fairly expensive book to get to the idea you're proposing. Except, the Elusive Shift doesn't make the argument you're making -- that's it's all come before and that RPGs extend back to the 1700's. It's very clear that it's talking about the creation of a new genre of games with the advent of D&D. Your source is contravening your larger argument!
Weird. Because it literally does make that argument. It's filled with sources and quotes from people and zine and other publications from the '60s and '70s talking about these exact topics.

And really? A gamer recoiling from the cost of a book? Most seem to take the expense as a badge of honor.
No, it hasn't. You cannot explain the theory that came out of the Forge. You cannot steelman an argument for narrativism. You cannot even steelman the arguments for simulationism or gamism. So far, every time I've seen you characterize these ideas they are incorrect. How can you begin to claim that it's all been done before if you can't even articulate what it is?
I can't even get any two of the people defending GNS and Edwards and the Forge to agree on the definitions of these things. How am I supposed to have a better grasp of it than you lot?

I never claimed Edwards exact phrasing was precisely repeated decades ago. I said that these conversations (about preferences, game and gamer types, which of simulation/realism, game as game, character, or story should be primary) have been circling the hobby since before it began because they have. Along with immersion, how best to RP a character, what it means to be in character, the authority of the referee, the creative input of the players, etc. It's all decades old conversation. Even the phrase "One True Way" has been with the hobby since 1976.
I'll freely admit that there were pieces of narrativism floating around prior to the Forge. But they weren't brought together and formalized until the Forge. There's nothing talking about this way of playing prior or games that aim to support it. You can bend some older games to do so, but they aren't designed with this concept in mind, they just got there. For all @pemerton's championing of Prince Valiant as a proto-Story Now game, when I read it I see it leaning more towards Trad play and simulationism, and only if you bring a narrativist lens to the interpretation do you get a game that leans that way. It's a post hoc realization -- I do not think that a contemporaneous player would have reached that conclusion, or only a small number might and they'd not have any framework to hang their play upon conceptually.
Thank you. Exactly. Even fans of the Forge, Edwards, and GNS completely disagree about what the theories and jargon even mean. Thank you for clearly making one of my points for me.

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No flips for you!
it didn't feel like one when I tried to give a simple overview and was basically shouted down with "WRONG"
You mean this post?
I have never been to the forge, I don't even pretend to understand half there jargon, but I will try.

RPG theory of GNS is just a break down of weather the game itself is more important or the story that the game creates is more important.

Because that's not correct at all. What is the proper way to point this out?


Weird. I'm literally holding the book in my hands. And it definitely shows the receipts. The Elusive Shift. I'm not even half-way through the book. What I've read literally reads like a summary of all RPG forum conversation, including all talk of theory...only they're all quotes from zines and luminaries of the scene back in the '60s and '70s. I guess I could quote from it at length, but then I'd be just copying & pasting the majority of the text, which seems like a bad idea.

So, if you had to pick a handful of quotes from the Elusive Shift to kick off a discussion of early theorizing of RPGs, or as something to use to start a new discussion, what would they be?

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I don't think the problem is with the people who did not find it offensive, either. I absolutely fit the description of what he was talking about. It doesn't hurt my feelings or anything. Is that a problem?

I don't control your reaction- but your lack of having your feelings hurt doesn't mean that you dictate that others feel the same way. That's ... well, that's something I think we have all discussed a lot in other areas in the last few years.

I take it that Edwards has never apologized or retracted those statements, then? If that's the case, then I would say that maybe it's best to just move on than to keep arguing the point. If someone says to me, "Hey, didn't Gygax say some sexist stuff," I'm not going to spend time arguing with them.

"Yeah, he said those things. I'm not defending it. It wasn't appropriate, even as hyperbole." That's usually a better response. IMO.

Finally, the reason those statements keep coming up is because people keep trying to present Edwards as a neutral arbiter of games ... you know, Edwards liked B/X! But he isn't a neutral arbiter and fan of all games. It's well known. To argue otherwise does a disservice to the people you are talking to, and, honestly, to Edwards to.

I don't think that's even remotely the case. We have only to look to a few pages back where there was reasonable discussion and debate and clarification. If the folks who didn't want this conversation to happen just didn't involve themselves in the conversation, there would be no issue. It's really simple that way.

For example, I don't care about the future of Greyhawk. I have any/all the material I'd ever need to run a game in that setting if I so choose. Know what I didn't do? Jump into @Snarf Zagyg 's thread about Greyhawk and say anything. That I don't care about Greyhawk is a very different thing from me wanting to tell others that they shouldn't care about Greyhawk, or to otherwise disrupt their conversations on the topic.

I saw the title of the thread, I read Snarf's OP, and I didn't really go any further. I don't have anything to add, and any comments I make will likely distract from those who are interested in the topic.

It's that simple.

And there are plenty of conversations about GNS that I don't get involved in. Or the torchbearer thread. Perhaps this is just a failure of perspectives; obviously, from your perspective, it would seem that people come in and argue GNS/Edwards issues with you; however, from another perspective it might seem that these issues are interjected into other threads that don't have to do with the specific topic.

And perhaps the truth is somewhere in between, leaving everyone aggrieved.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
So, if you had to pick a handful of quotes from the Elusive Shift to kick off a discussion of early theorizing of RPGs, or as something to use to start a new discussion, what would they be?

That's a start.

You mean this post?

Because that's not correct at all. What is the proper way to point this out?
normally in a + thread it is to add not say anything is wrong

edit: and where it is simplistic (what I thought was the point) I don't see what is wrong at all... infact as gets shown over and over again people can NOT agree on a 'right' answer even with massive jargon and details


Since we mostly agree that Edwards was horrible when it comes to naming things, maybe a more interesting direction for the thread might lie in asking how you would rename the jargon so it better fits the described phenomena?

Since we mostly agree that Edwards was horrible when it comes to naming things, maybe a more interesting direction for the thread might lie in asking how you would rename the jargon so it better fits the described phenomena?
I actually think Enworld would be better if we HAD agreed upon definitions for things... but it never works

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