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Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

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Star Portfolio
Stars, Space, Night, Astrology, Fate
Opposed Portfolio: Entropy
Examples: Nuit (Egyptian First One)
Favored Animal: Shantak
Favored Class: Sorcerer, Oracle, Star Knight
Favored Place: Observatory, Outer Space, Open fields on clear nights
Favored Sacrifice: Meteorites
Favored Time: Dusk
Favored Weapon: Magic, Star Knife
Portfolio Trial: Must go into outer space
Prerequisites: Must have been exposed to naked starlight at some point (exposed to solar radiation without the atmosphere's protection)
Symbol: Stars or Space
Typical Quote: "The Stars are right!"

Star Domain
Granted Power:
You gain +2 Charisma and use of the ability "Minute Meteors" 3+Cha Bonus/ day
Minute Meteors (Su): You can summon a rain of tiny meteorites as a free action to fall in a 5-foot column, 30 feet high, with a range equal to your Divine Aura. The meteors inflict 1d4 points of fire damage + 1 per 2 levels + divine bonus. A Reflex save negates this damage. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 your level + your Charisma modifier + divine bonus.

Star Domain Spells
1. Magic Missiles: fire small orbs of force unerringly at 1 or more targets, these always appear as pinpoints of starlight
2. Darkness: You create an area of magical darkness
3. Protection from Energy: Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
4. Resilient Sphere: You create a personal Wall of Force in a sphere around you
5. Aurorae Borealis: Create a Wall of Fire that deals cold damage radiates electricity, and fascinates enemies on one side of the wall.
6. Wall of force: Create a powerful wall of durable energy.
7. Reverse Gravity: Send enemies and objects in your environment falling upwards
8. Limited Wish: Alter reality in a limited fashion
9. Meteor Swarm: Bombard Foes with meteors from the sky (summons actual meteors from space vice just multiple fireballs, aesthetic)

Star template (Single)
The immortal's pupils glow like stars in the dark.
Behavior: These immortals always seem a little distracted and will look upward to the sky from time to time as if they see something others do not.

Star template (Double)
The immortal's manifestation is indistinct, slightly transparent and surrounded in a umbral nimbus with tiny pinpoints of light within (granting a +2 concealment bonus to stealth)
Behavior: These immortals are always distracted, rarely making eye contact but appear both alien and beautiful

(Single) Star Portfolio
Spell-like Abilities (Disciple):
Use any Star domain spell once per round as a standard action.
Hostile Environment Subterranean: You take 50% extra damage when underground
Negative Energy Vulnerability (Weakness): You suffer 50% extra damage from Negative Energy attacks and spells.
Darkest Vision: You gain the See in Darkness special ability
Light Immunity (Prophet): You become immune to light based and positive energy based damage and attacks
Scion of Stars (Hero-deity): You gain a bonus to attack rolls, damage, and AC equal to your divine rank when in starlight. (Clear nights)
Improved Summoning Aliens (Quasi-deity): Any Aeon, Pseudonatural, Shantak, or other interstellar being you summon gain 50% HD
Dimensional Ancestry Aeon (Demi-deity): You gain Aeon traits
Superior Divine [Effect] (Lesser deity): Blast your enemies with Divine starlight, this always appears like beams of radiant light
Uncanny Divine Mastery (Intermediate deity): Blast your enemies with Divine starlight, this always appears like beams of radiant light.
Star Soul (Greater Deity): Gain regeneration equal to 1/2 your HD when bathed in starlight
Star Struck (Elder God): Gain the Pseudonatural template (Epic Handbook)
Cosmic Imperfection (Stone) (Weakness): One artifact in the universe can defeat your Cosmic String ability.
Web of Fate (Old One): All enemies within your Divine Aura must make 2 saves against any hostile effect, Allies can make 2 saves against any effect used on them

(Double) Star Portfolio
Spell-like Abilities (Disciple):
Use two Star domain spells per round (one standard, one swift).
Hostile Environment Subterranean: You take 100% extra damage when underground
Negative Energy Vulnerability (Weakness): You suffer 100% extra damage from Negative Energy attacks and spells.
Starshroud (Prophet): You are effected as if you have the Blur spell on you at all times, this is an extraordinary effect
Greater Scion of Stars (Hero-deity): You gain a bonus to attack rolls, damage, and AC equal to double your divine rank when in starlight. (Clear nights)
Perfect Summoning (Aeon) (Quasi-deity): Any Aeon, Pseudonatural, Shantak, or other interstellar being you summon gain 200% HD
Starflight (Demi-deity): You can survive in the void of outer space. You also can fly through space at an incredible speed. A single solar system takes 3d20 hours, while a trip beyond takes 3d20 days or more.
Superior Divine [Effect] x2 (Lesser deity): Blast your enemies with Divine starlight, this always appears like beams of radiant light
Uncanny Divine Mastery x2 (Intermediate deity): Blast your enemies with Divine starlight, this always appears like beams of radiant light.
Star Soul (Greater Deity): Gain regeneration equal to your HD when bathed in starlight
Inner Eye (Elder One): You maximize all rolls and always roll the highest roll possible in any given situation
Cosmic Imperfection (Stone, Entropy) (Weakness): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your Cosmic String ability.
Legendary Charisma (Old One): Your Charisma is doubled.
Sunstruck (First One): Gain the Helioeides Template
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Star Portfolio
Wonderful, only note: what do you think of the hypothesis of giving in place of Dimensional Ancestry Aeon -> Starflight (as Great Old One, Cthulhu – d20PFSRD which is a demi-deity)? I have always seen the Aeons as entities of the Astral Plane that protect the balance of the Great Beyond rather than Space. Although the appearance of many Aeons is very "Cosmic".
Why a guisarme? I think a morning star would make more sense. Also, if you make Desna, I think she should have the Dream and Space portfolios instead of Dream and Travel
If I ever build Desna I will give her Dream and this Space (or a similar version of mine) as Portfolios + the Travel as a bonus.

Wonderful, only note: what do you think of the hypothesis of giving in place of Dimensional Ancestry Aeon -> Starflight (as Great Old One, Cthulhu – d20PFSRD which is a demi-deity)? I have always seen the Aeons as entities of the Astral Plane that protect the balance of the Great Beyond rather than Space. Although the appearance of many Aeons is very "Cosmic".

If I ever build Desna I will give her Dream and this Space (or a similar version of mine) as Portfolios + the Travel as a bonus.
Greater starflight seems far too strong imo, but normal starflight I think just could be a solid stand in not for dimensional ancestry (not sure why you'd want to get rid of that tbh) but Shadow Self I could see it being a better choice.

I altered it. I think Aeon makes sense for single portfolio, it grants the Star God some space themed abilities and capabilities without flat out giving them space travel at that point.

For a double deity however, I can get behind them traveling the stars. I added starflight in lieu of Shadow Self at Demigod. Thanks for the suggestion.

I like the single portfilio god being more like an astronomer vice an astronaut. I think that makes more sense. I think there's a place for ground based gods of space and stars within a pantheon or society of Immortals.


Greater starflight seems far too strong imo, but normal ass starflight I think just could be a solid stand in not for dimensional ancestry (not sure why you'd want to get rid of that tbh) but Shadow Self I could see it being a better choice
Greater Starflight is between the base Starflight of the Shantank and the Starflight of the Sidereals. For a demi-deity i think will work.
Because the Aeon does not have real connection with the Outer Space if not for their aspect. Also Desna and Black Butterfly, the only true deities with connection with the Outer Space are CG, very far from the "Beyond passion, beyond mercy, beyond reason" of the Aeons. They are a collective, a collection of cells, without a single name or identity, which act as the immune system of the Universe / Demiurge / Time Lord. The video game Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous shows this well with the Aeon Path.
Only for the Single Portfolio this will be changed, for the double Shadow Self is good.
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Greater Starflight is between the base Starflight of the Shantank and the Starflight of the Sidereals. For e demo-deity i think will work.
Because the Aeon does not have no real connection with the Outer Space if not for thei aspect. Also Desna and Black Butterfly, the only true deities with connection with the Outer Space are CG, very far from the "Beyond passion, beyond mercy, beyond reason" of the Aeons. They are a collective, a collection of cells, without a single name or identity, which act as the immune system of the Universe / Demiurge / Time Lord. The video game Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous shows this well.
Only for the Single Portfolio this Will be changed, for the double Shadow Self Is good.
I added basic starflight. I still stand with what I said regarding starflight, I think thats fine. Regarding Aeons, change it for yours if you want but, this is my version of it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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