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Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

This is a modified version of the Wall of Fire spell and thusly is the same spell level and usable by the same types of casters (except when it should obviously be disallowed like Fire domain clerics or Fire Elemental bloodline sorcerers) and uses a magnet instead of a piece of phosphor for a spell component.

Aurorae Borealis: You can create a sheet of cascading colors. This power acts as a wall of fire but it inflicts 2d6+1 per level cold damage and does not radiate heat, however it creates a field of charged particles on one side of the wall, selected by you, creating an electrical current dealing 2d4 points of electric damage to creatures within 10 feet, The wall deals this damage when it appears, and to all creatures in the area on your turn each round, the same side of the aurora designated by you fascinates creatures within 20 feet, up to a maximum of 2 HD of creatures per level. A Will save negates this fascinate effect. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 your level + your Charisma modifier.
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The Goal of All Life is Death (Epic Spell)


Spellcraft DC: 122

Components: V, S

Casting time: 2 rounds

Range: personal

Target: you

Duration: instantaneous

To Develop: 1,098,000 gp; 21 days; Seed: slay (DC 25). Factor: ignore spell resistance (+8 DC), quadrupled all effects (+30 DC), ignore all immunities (+30 DC), remove attack rolls (+5 DC), require the casting of another spell (-2 DC), increase the DC of counterspell (+10 DC), increase casting time to 2 rounds (-4 DC), add your caster level the DC of subject’s save (+20 DC).

In an instant, a clock with its hands marking the twelve o’clock position appeared behind the caster’s back. While the caster was busy dodging the barbarian’s attacks, twelve seconds passed. Having completed a full revolution, once again, the hand on the clock pointed toward the sky. And the caster’s secret weapon activated. He then cast a spell. [Wail of the Banshee]. A woman’s scream rang throughout the surroundings like a ripple. It was a shout with an instant death effect. That moment—the world died.”

To cast this spell you need to have prepared, if you are a prepared spell caster, at least one other spell that deals damage. If you are a spontaneous caster, you need to have at least a remaining spell slot for a spell level in which you know at least one spell that deals damage. If you have spell-like ability, you need to have at least a remaining spell-like ability that deals damage. During the 2 rounds of casting, you can take a move action each round but only to move with your movement speed, you cannot use thise move action for use move equivalent actions.

At the end of the your second round’s casting this spell, you can cast any spell or spell-like ability that deals damage as a free action, despite any normal casting time and without provoking attack of opportunity. All the effects (duration, range, area, damage, number of targets, etc.) of che chosen spell is quadrupled and maximized, ignoring all immunities (like immunity to necromancy, death effects and Fortitude save of constructs and undead if casting a wail of the banshee), ignoring any spell resistance, any saving throw or DC of the effect increase by a value equal to your caster level, the DC for counterspelling it increase by a value equal to your spellcasting modifier (minimum +10), in addition to automatically hitting the targets with no need for attack rolls (but for this, it cannot be a critical hit). The spell casted can have metamagic feats applied to it.


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Here's one I thought of ages ago but never put to text:

Gold Body (Divine, ex)
Prerequisites: construct traits, iron body, wealth portfolio
Your body becomes gold. Your weight increases
twenty-fold. Your strength increases by +50 (Which will gain you at least
three virtual size categories; meaning your natural attacks deal base damage
as if three size categories larger). You can add 10/adamantine to your damage reduction.
You also add +10 to your natural armor bonus. You become immune to acid. Your dexterity is reduced by 12 (although this penalty cannot reduce
your dexterity score below 10).
Special: Both the damage reduction and the natural armor bonus stack
with existing damage reduction and natural armor.
This ability overlaps with Iron Body, it does not stack with it.
This can be used as a prerequisite for orichalcum body in lieu of adamantine body.
Appearance: Your manifestation is made out of solid gold.
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Here's one I thought of ages ago but never put to text:

Gold Body (Divine, ex)
Prerequisites: construct traits, iron body, wealth portfolio
Your body becomes gold. Your weight increases
twenty-fold. Your strength increases by +50 (Which will gain you at least
three virtual size categories; meaning your natural attacks deal base damage
as if three size categories larger). You can add 10/adamantine to your damage reduction.
You also add +10 to your natural armor bonus. You become immune to acid. Your dexterity is reduced by 12 (although this penalty cannot reduce
your dexterity score below 10).
Special: Both the damage reduction and the natural armor bonus stack
with existing damage reduction and natural armor.
This ability overlaps with Iron Body, it does not stack with it.
This can be used as a requisite for orichalcum body in lieu of adamantine body.
Appearance: Your manifestation is made out of solid gold.
Should Gold Body theoretically reduce your DR to 5 like the hardness of Gold or Silver


Here's another one I've been thinking about for a while
[Race] Giants
Aspects: Different races of giants, big creatures in general
Opposed Portfolio: Dragon
Examples: Annam (DND)
Favored Animal: Whale (natural)
Favored Class: Barbarian
Favored Place: Cave, rock quarry
Favored Sacrifice: rocks to smash
Favored Time: ?
Favored Weapon: Great Club
Portfolio Trial: Must defeat a creature at least two size categories bigger than you singlehandedly
Prerequisites: Must be a giant or half-giant
Symbol: Fist or Boot
Typical Quote: "If I have seen further than other men, it is only because I have stood on the shoulders of giants."

Giant Template (single portfolio)
Appearance: The immortal's manifestation is bigger than average for its race, although not enough to go up a size category
Demeanor: The immortal comes across as kind of stupid and oblivious. If good-aligned, they are usually dumb but kind-hearted, while if evil-aligned they are stupid and cruel

Giant Template (double portfolio)
Appearance: The immortal is one size category bigger than normal
Demeanor: As single portfolio, only moreso.

1.Enlarge Person
2.Bull's Strength
3.Enlarge Person, mass
4.Fire Shield
5.Bull's Strength, mass
6.Move Earth
7.Great Shout
8.Summon Giants
9.Clashing Rocks

Giant Portfolio (single)
Cast one giant domain spell per round
Rhino's Cunning: Competence penalty equal to your divine rank to intelligence.
Lemming's Wisdom: Competence penalty equal to your divine rank to wisdom

Divine Immensity: Increase/decrease your size by 1 category.
Scion Of Strength: Competence bonus equal to your divine rank to strength
Quasi Deity:
Big Brethren: Summoned creatures are one size category than usual.
You gain the rage class ability. If you already have it, the number of times per day you can rage doubles.
Lesser Deity: Superior Kinetic (effect)
Intermediate Deity: Uncanny Kinetic Mastery.
Greater Deity:
Unbridled Rage: Your Strength and Constitution scores increase every round you are raging
Elder One:
Legendary Strength: Your strength is doubled.
Cosmic Imperfection (Dragon): One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability.
Old One:
Transmogrify: You get bigger every round you rage

Giant Portfolio (single)
Cast two giant domain spells per round
Rhino's Cunning: Competence penalty equal to double your divine rank to intelligence.
Lemming's Wisdom: Competence penalty equal to double your divine rank to wisdom

Divine Immensity: Increase/decrease your size by 2 categories.
Scion Of Strength: Competence bonus equal to twice your divine rank to strength
Quasi Deity:
Bigger Brethren: Summoned creatures are two size categories than usual.
Blood Boil: You can cause opponents to rage and possibly attack their allies
Lesser Deity: Superior Kinetic (effect) (x2 HD)
Intermediate Deity: Uncanny Kinetic Mastery(x2 HD)
Greater Deity:
Vanguard Fortitude: Allow allies to use your fortitude save bonus in place of your own.
Elder One:
Legendary Strength: Your strength is tripled
Cosmic Imperfection (Dragon): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string.
Old One:
Legendary Strength: Your strength is quadrupled
First One: Transilient Fortitude: You never fail fortitude saves.

New Divine Ability
Kinetic [effect]
Benefit: You deal d6 physical damage (your choice of bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing) per HD (E.G an intermediate deity (60 HD) taking kinetic hand would do 30d6 damage). This can be used to perform some combat maneuvers at a distance (Trip,Bullrush,Disarm), but cannot be used to pin or grapple foes. The damage is treated as magic, epic, and whatever DR you have for the purposes of penetrating damage reduction (if you have dr/-, it penetrates dr/-)
Special: This effect can be taken multiple times and its effects stack.
Each time it is taken it either applies to a different effect or it applies to the same effect as follows:
Taken twice = Greater Kinetic [Effect], original effect doubled.
Taken three times = Superior Kinetic [Effect], original effect
Taken four times = Perfect Kinetic [Effect], original effect
Taken five times = Kinetic Mastery, use any type of Kinetic Effect
Taken six times = Uncanny Kinetic Mastery, shape area effects to
only target enemies.

NOTE Beefermatic originally made Omnific Effect for Maximus. I made a lower-level version. If anyone wants to make the dragon portfolio, feel free.
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I decided to replace Cosmic Presence with Transilient Fortitude, as giants are known for being really tough, and Cosmic Presence seems way too weak if you can only pick ONE ability, rather than any cosmic ability you possess. I know the love portfolio has the same thing for Legendary Charisma, but that seems too weak as well. Anyone else think so? Also, can anyone think of a good favorite time of year for the portfolio?

I decided to replace Cosmic Presence with Transilient Fortitude, as giants are known for being really tough, and Cosmic Presence seems way too weak if you can only pick ONE ability, rather than any cosmic ability you possess. I know the love portfolio has the same thing for Legendary Charisma, but that seems too weak as well. Anyone else think so? Also, can anyone think of a good favorite time of year for the portfolio?
I think that makes more sense


Equilibrium Portfolio

“Beyond passion.

Beyond mercy.

Beyond reason.

Beyond the understanding of mortals.”

Aspects: Balance, Stability

Opposed Portfolio: Madness

Examples: Monad (PF1)

Favored Animal: Aeon

Favored Class: Envoy of Balance

Favored Place: Equator

Favored Sacrifice: Things of disequilibrium

Favored Time: Equinox

Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

Portfolio Trial: You have to bring balance to a place torn by imbalance

Prerequisites: True Neutral alignment. This cannot be ignore with abilities that remove alignment (like Apostasy Cosmic Ability) or allow to consider your alignment in another way. You must behave and roleplay as a True Neutral to take and maintain the Equilibrium Portfolio

Symbol: Yin and Yang

Typical Quote: "Everything is a cycle and everything is a balance."


Granted Power: You gain the Equilibrium ability.

Equilibrium (Su): You gains the ability to influence either emotions or time as a standard action, as chosen every time you use this ability. When affecting emotions, you affects up to one target per HD within 10 feet per HD as crushing despair. A target can negate this effect with a successful Will save (DC 10 + half your’s Hit Dice + your’s Charisma modifier + divine bonus). For each target that fails its save, you can affect one other creature within 10 feet per HD as good hope. When affecting time, the ability functions in the same way, but the affects primary targets as slow and secondary targets as haste. The caster level equals your’s Hit Dice plus divine bonus.

1 Sanctuary: Opponents can’t attack you, and you can’t attack.

2 Align Weapon: Weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or chaotic.

3 Dismissal: Forces a creature to return to native plane.

4 Lesser Planar Ally: Exchange services with a 6 HD extraplanar creature (Aeon only).

5 Banishment: Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures.

6 Planar Ally: As lesser planar ally, but up to 12 HD (Aeon only).

7 Mass Planar Adaptation: As planar adaptation, but affects multiple creatures.

8 Greater Planar Ally: As lesser planar ally, but up to 18 HD (Aeon only).

9 Summon Monster IX: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you (True Neutral monster only).


You create a kingdom of absolute order, in which everything moves according to pre-established patterns, like a clock.

Hazards: There are no intrinsic hazards in such realms, however, there is a risk of being trapped in the internal mechanisms of the plan and never being able to leave it again.

Inhabitants: Creatures intrinsically linked to the concept of equilibrium, such as the Aeon, will be attracted to these realms.

Equilibrium Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: The immortal’s manifestation appears cold and statuesque like a statue.

NB. When the immortal adopts a different form (through Shapechanging or Wildshape for instance), this trait is also adopted.

Demeanor: These deities are imperturbable towards the world, often with behaviors incomprehensible to those who do not understand the delicate mechanism of the universe.

Equilibrium Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: Same as the single portfolio except the immortal’s manifestation seems emotionless, like a construct.

Demeanor: Such immortals’ imperturbability is led to excess.

(Single) Equilibrium Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment
(Aligned) (Ex)

Disequilibrium Vulnerability (Weakness)

Energy Touch (Su)
Use any equilibrium domain spell as spell-like ability

Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls when in an aligned environment

Suffer 50% extra damage from aligned attacks and spell

You gain the Energy Touch ability of a Pleroma Aeon (1d8 x your HD)

Always Active
Aligned Resistance (Su)​
You gain a bonus equal to your divine rank agaist all alignment based effects​
Always Active​
Scion of Equilibrium (Ex)​
Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to your divine rank when in an environment without alignment traits​
Always Active​
Improved Summoning (neutral) (Ex)​
True neutral creatures summoned have 50% more HD​
Always Active​
Dimensional Ancestry (Aeon) (Ex)​
You gain Aeon traits​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Balance [Effect] (Su)​
Assault your enemies with alignment attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Balance Mastery (Su)​
Assault your enemies with alignment attacks​
Greater Deity​
Cosmic Balance (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to ½ your HD when in an environment without alignment traits​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Apostasy (Ex)
Cosmic Imperfection (Madness)
You are unaffected by alignment based effects

One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Inner Eye (Su)​
You always use the best possible dice roll​
Always Active​

(Double) Equilibrium Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment
(Aligned) (Ex)

Disequilibrium Vulnerability (Weakness)

Karmic Defense (Su)
Use any equilibrium domain spell as spell-like ability

Competence penalty (equal to double your divine rank) on all die rolls when in an aligned environment

Suffer 100% extra damage from aligned attacks and spell

You gain the Karmic Defense ability of a Lipika Aeon (B5)

Always Active
Aligned Karma (Su)​
Once per round, as a free action, you can decide which alignment to be considered for the duration of the round for the interaction of all effects (you don’t lose this portfolio)​
Always Active​
Greater Scion of Equilibrium (Ex)​
Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to double your divine rank when in an environment without alignment traits​
Always Active​
Perfect Summoning (neutral) (Ex)​
True neutral creatures summoned have 200% more HD​
Always Active​
Creation and Destruction (Su)​
You gain the Sphere of Creation and Sphere of Oblivion abilities of a Pleroma Aeon (B2) with the difference that you can use them both a number of times per day equal to your divine rank, the maximum range is 10 ft. per HD (with this range increment for the hurl version of the Sphere of Oblivion) and the speed with which you move them is 10 ft. x divine rank​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Balance [Effect] (x2 HD) (Su)​
Assault your enemies with alignment attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Balance Mastery (x2 HD) (Su)​
Assault your enemies with alignment attacks​
Greater Deity​
Spheres of the Planes (Su)​
Your Sphere of Creation and Sphere of Oblivion now have a 10 ft. x divine rank diameter​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Cosmic Serpent (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Madness)
You can change an opponents alignment with a touch

Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability

Always Active
Old One​
Legendary Wisdom (Ex)​
Your Wisdom is tripled​
First One​
Equilibrium (Ex)​
All ability scores match your highest ability score​
Always Active​


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