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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor looks at the bear admiringly.
"He (She?) has the look of courage and honor about him (her?). He (She?) will be most welcome."

Merin simply raises an eyebrow, as an idea comes to his mind.
"Fascinating." is all he says.

~Merin's thoughts: I wonder if I could do something similar, perhaps with an owl or a falcon?~ He then makes a mental note to explore that possibility at a later time.

GM: The sun bear is a young male.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
It is obvious to everyone that Bolo adores the bear. She names it Turtle because it was poking at a turtle when she found it. She pets him and throws her arm around his neck and introduces Turtle to everyone.

Sannit looks on with concern and his arms crossed. "How are we going to keep it fed?" he asks in exasperation.

Bolo gives him one of her dangerous looks and says, "He is not a baby. He can feed himself."

While the rest of the party cleans the animals and prepares them for eating, baiting, Bolo plays with Turtle.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Setting the Bait

OOC: A small fire is lit and the pack animals are comforted. As darkness begins to fall, a seemingly unnatural motion begins to occur in the pool. Tying some silken cord to the armadillo and another to the raccoon, the other ends are secured to trees and the live animals are cast into the water.

Sheldon -

"Both of these animals are considered natural pests so I don't feel that badly about using them as live bait. Based on the size of the tracks of some of the animals that have disappeared into that water, I'd say these two critters will only be a quick snack."

GM: The raccoon begins to swim. Strangely, the armadillo sinks. Perhaps it's one of those rare creatures that does not swim. A giant splash engulfs the swimming raccoon while bot lines immediately go taut, then instantly break. Surging from the water, aglow with strange iridescent lighting, are the heads and upper body of two of the largest serpents ever seen. Their inky black scales making them difficult to exactly locate as they sway, blinking the lights, then going totally dark. Sheer instinct allows the party to know that they are intended as the main course.


GM: State Intentions.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit fires his crossbow, aiming for soft areas, eyes, nose, mouth. Bolo will grab a handful of stone tipped arrows and heat them. She will shoot the heated arrows as quickly as possible.

Turtle takes up a defensive position but will intervene if the serpents attack, protecting Bolo first but aiding others if needed. In melee he will go for a grapple with the serpents, not fang or claw attacks.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor quickly grabs Merin's recurve Hickory short bow from the pack horse (the one that Merin's not strong enough to use) and begins firing arrows at the creature.

Merin will try to estimate the creature's striking distance, and stay just at the edge of it; he will hold his attack, waiting for the creature to strike, and then try to paralyze it when it comes within range (2 paces away? Can't remember what my range is now. I just know that he is no longer limited to touch.)

GM: The distance Merin can paralyze a single creature is Cohesion + Will spans, which = 8 spans, which is about 12' or 2 paces. I created a better working algorithm. You can increase this distance and the power of your effect by increasing those 2 abilities.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Combating the Water Sperpents

[sblock=Combat Sequencing]Rate = d100 - (Mind + Motility + Knowledge + Commercial + Wisdom + Flexibility + Athletic) + Hindrance[/sblock]
OOC: Combat Sequence:
Serpent 1: 1st action
Serpent 2 : 1st action
Merin: 1st action not using way
Bolo: 1st action not using way or bow
Sheldon: 1st action not using way
Merin: 1st action using way
Bolo: 1st action using way
Sheldon: 1st action using way
Serpent 1: 2nd action
Serpent 1: 2nd action
Indigo: 1st action
Merin: 2nd action using way
Sheldon: 2nd action using way
Tor: 1st action using bow
Serpent 1: 3rd action
Bolo: 1st action using bow
Sannit: 1st action using bow

GM: As soon as the lights wink out, the two serpents, seeing a large party of potential food, snake their upper bodies from the pool and strike. The sepents are quite large enough to swallow a person, even Tor.

GM: Sheldon, still being close to the pond after throwing in his bait, draws a strike from the first snake which catches him on his left shoulder. The teeth are unable to penetrate his double layered tunics, but the snake holds on, its mouth engulfing his shoulder to the neck and part of the left arm.

The second snake strikes at Tor as he turns to head for Merin's bow, sinking its teeth through the silk hauberk as it takes hold of his right shoulder and arm.

GM: Tor: Armor Soak: 6 - 10 = -4: damaged armor 50 - 10 = 40
Body: 10 - 4 = 6: hurt

OOC: Merin moves toward Tor as the serpent's strike lands, hoping to paralyze it. Bolo takes some of the flint head arrows from her quiver clasping their heads in her palm. Sheldon shifts his feet trying to prevent the serpent from dragging him.

GM: One second of time has passed.

OOC: Merin, having closed enough distance, attempts to paralyze the snake holding Tor and seems to have success in doing so. Bolo heats the heads of the arrows she is holding. Sheldon attempts to electrocute the snake that is holding him, but it appears to have no effect.

[sblock=Paralyze]d100 + Essence + Mind + Cohesion + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative[/sblock]
[sblock=Electrocute]d100 + Essence + Mind + Confluence + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative[/sblock]
GM: The serpent holding Sheldon curls its body out of the water and attempts to crush him, but thus far it cannot do so. The serpent holding Tor is still attached but appears to be unable to move.

GM: Two seconds of time has passed.

OOC: Indigo, who has simply drawn her weapons and rushed toward the serpent holding Sheldon, swings at the snake's large body as it begins to wrap around, but her sword cannot penetrate the scales. Sheldon, at this point, changes tactics to use Merin's normal mode of attack and attempt to paralyze the snake before it begins to crush him, and seems to do so. Merin seeing that the snake, despite being paralyzed, still has hold of Tor, attempts to increase the strength of his friend to help him shuck the beast, and feels he has had some success in doing so. Tor presses his thumbs into the jaw hinge of the snake and attempts to pry himself loose but still cannot.

[sblock=Increase Strength]Affect = Confluence + Will = 8
Effectiveness = Essence + Mind + Confluence + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative - d100 = 43 - 7 = 36% * 8 = 3[/sblock]
[sblock=Strength Check]d100 + Strength + Might - d100 - Strength - Might =
65 + 6(9) + 0 - 77 - 10 - 5 = -18 (fail)[/sblock]
GM: Surprisingly to Merin, the snake holding Tor becomes active again and attempts to curl around its victim and squeeze causing Tor pain.

GM: Tor: Armor Soak: 6 - 4 = 2: damaged armor 40 - 4 = 36
Body: 6 - 0 = 6: hurt

OOC: Bolo and Sannit both fire their weapons, Bolo at the serpent holding Sheldon, Sannit at the one holding Tor, Bolo making an excellent shot despite the limited lighting. The arrow appears to stick for a second before falling free, as it does so, it ignites in flame. The snake flinches but does not appear harmed. Sannit's shot careens off the scales, causing no harm.

GM: Three seconds of time has passed. This concludes the first Combat Sequence. Everyone state intentions for continued combat.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor will continue to attempt to pry himself loose. When he feels himself grow stronger, he follows suit, attempting to use his knowledge of Way to further enhance his strength as Merin did. As he grows stronger, he continues to struggle free.

Merin has an epiphany; if one can use Way to paralyze a creature's nervous system, then perhaps one could also use Way to stop a creature's heart (thereby killing it.) This will be his next attack.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit mutters a curse and drops the crossbow. He has time to think of it as a wasted purchase as he pulls his spear and rushes at the serpent attacking Tor, ready to run it through.

Bolo doesn't want to risk shooting one of her friends fighting off the serpents. She tosses her bow aside and pulls one of her kukri's, keeping one hand free. She remembers the tactic that worked on the knobbed lizard and runs to attempt to touch the serpent attacking Sheldon and tell it to sleep.

Turtle will stay by Bolo's side. He senses her intention through their bond and attempts to help her by grappling the snake and holding it steady.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sheldon and Indigo's Intentions

GM: This may be unnecessary but, as GM, I thought to lend some cumulative knowledge the characters would have acquired. Armored creatures seem well protected from physical damage. Unarmored creatures seem more protected against manipulating way. In order to effect armored creatures, the characters must determine ways to make themselves more physically effective or the creatures less so. To be more effective against unarmored creatures, the characters must be faster or slow their opponents.

OOC: While the snake holding Tor has regained its motility, the snake holding Sheldon appears to still be unmoving. He will attempt to get loose as he has no weapon to ply against it. Indigo will concentrate on focusing her sword attack to see if she can make it more penetrating.

GM: Combat post will follow.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Combating the Water Serpents: Sequence 2

OOC: Combat Sequencing:
Indigo: 1st movement
Sheldon: 1st movement
Serpent 1: 1st attack
Indigo: 1st action using way on self
Turtle: 1st movement
Sannit: 1st movement
Sheldon: 1st action using way
Tor: 1st movement
Bolo: 1st action using way on self
Merin: 1st movement
Tor: 1st action using way on self
Merin: 1st action using way
Serpent 1: 2nd attack
Indigo: 1st attack
Turtle: 1st attack
Sheldon: 1st attack
Sannit: 1st attack
Tor: 1st attack
Merin: 2nd attack
Serpent 1: 3rd attack
Indigo: 2nd attack
Turtle: 2nd attack
Sheldon: 2nd attack
Sannit: 2nd attack
Tor: 2nd attack
Serpent 2: 1st attack

OOC: Indigo takes something from a pouch and puts it in her mouth. Sheldon shifts his feet.

[sblock=Haste]Affect = Confluence + Will + Herb = 10
Effectiveness = Essence + Mind + Confluence + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Herb - d100
Effectiveness = 40 + 20 - 19 = 41%(10) = 4[/sblock]
GM: The serpent holding Tor squeezes causing him to almost lose consciousness.
Tor: armor soak: 6 - 20 = -14: damage armor: 36 - 20 = 16
Body: 6 - 14 = -8 incapacitated
Mind: 10 - 8 = 2 severely hindered

GM: One second has passed.

OOC: Indigo appears to move more quickly than usual. As Bolo's mind registers that Tor is in more danger than Sheldon, Turtle shift his movement toward the snake holding him. Sannit drops his crossbow, wields his spear, and charges at the serpent holding Tor. Sheldon shifts way tactics to drain the snakes life force which shows no visible effect. Sannit stabs his spear at the serpent killing Tor with considerable force pushing through the scales and into the body at a critical point. Tor is incapacitated and cannot move from the wraps of the snake. Merin uses way to leach the life from the snake as Sannit made his strike.

[sblock=Leach]Affect = Adhesion + Will = 9
Effectiveness = d100 + Essence + Mind + Adhesion + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative
Effectiveness = 87 + 47 - 16 - 36 = 82%(9) = 7[/sblock]
GM: Snake 2: Essence = 10 - 7 = 3
Snake 1: Size Soak = 8 - 30 = -22, Scale Soak = 12 - 22 = -10
Body = 10 - 10 = 0 incapacitated
Essence = 10 - 9 = 1 barely alive

GM: Two seconds have passed.

OOC: Indigo stabs at the apparently immobile serpent wrapped around Sheldon, like Sannit, this blow critically pierced scale and body. Turtle grabs the incapacitated snake wrapped around Tor and begin pulling it free. Sheldon frees himself from the snake holding him.

GM: Snake 2: Size Soak = 8 - 31 = -23, Scale Soak = 12 - 23 = -11
Body = 10 - 11 = -1 incapacitated
Mind = 2 - 1 = 1

OOC: Each inky black snake is 3 times the length of an average man's height and easily large enough to swallow a person. Tor is incapacitated and hindered mentally, but conscious. Bolo who did not need to attack moves to Tor side as Merin does lending aid to healing his body as Merin works on his mind. Together it takes them two attempts to restore him to full, but he is considerably hungry after the ordeal

GM: This concludes combat. State intentions.

GM: Everyone receives 22xp, including Turtle.
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