TUW: Boga City

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor nods at Saemund, "Agreed, my brother, their skin should be preserved. Besides making new armor, it could also serve as reserve materials with which we can patch our existing armor when it becomes damaged. Such is already the case with a few of us, now."

Merin nods also. "We should also see if we can collect the venom sacs, their venom is probably quite valuable, and would serve practical uses as well."

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Gamer Extraordinaire
San-Bolo manipulate Way to restore the faculties of their horses, Erudite, (Sannit's), and Intrinsic (Bolo's). They will help cut up the lizards with Turtle set to watch.

Sannit says, "Let's keep the wings as whole parts. Perhaps we can use them to fly."

Bolo laughs and replies, "What are you going to do? Eat them?"

Sannit grins back, "I'm going to study them and make diagrams of the pieces. Perhaps we can construct something with different materials if the we had the right shapes and alignment."

Her face turns more serious and she says, "The only thing you will learn is how to fall from a great height."

Turtle licks the lizard blood off his lips and waits to rummage through the remains after the people remove the skins. He understands their need, though. Not everyone is born with perfect bear skin.


Vadin brushes himself off, and laughs a bit. "That fall was quite the rush. Thank the Gods I am no worse off than when I was lifted up." approaches his horse, whom he has named Victor, and uses way to restore his memory.

Vadin joins the others in carving up the lizards. He listens to the conversations, laughing at the idea of flying. He says to Sannit, "I have done all the flying I want my friend. I do believe I will try to stay on the ground as best as I can"


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day: 227, Shiftings 17, Flying Lizards

After beheading the lizard Saemund looks at Sheldon.
"I'm happy to see you are uninjured. Let's skin these carefully, the six of them will make handsome armor, and I'm sure we can make some useful talismans from their teeth and bones."

When the party skins the lizards Saemund is sure to keep back some of the innards as a reward for Feroz.
Tor nods at Saemund, "Agreed, my brother, their skin should be preserved..."

Merin nods also. "We should also see if we can collect the venom sacs, their venom is probably quite valuable, and would serve practical uses as well."
San-Bolo manipulate Way to restore the faculties of their horses, Erudite, (Sannit's), and Intrinsic (Bolo's). They will help cut up the lizards with Turtle set to watch.

Turtle licks the lizard blood off his lips and waits to rummage through the remains after the people remove the skins. He understands their need, though. Not everyone is born with perfect bear skin.
Vadin joins the others in carving up the lizards. He listens to the conversations, laughing at the idea of flying...
Sheldon and Indigo also help prepare the lizards after reclaiming their horses, Zephyr and Savanna. Sheldon will also aid Merin in attempting to collect the venom glands, making sure to pull the talons as well.
  • Identify Animal (Collegiate Task) +
  • Mind + Knowledge +
  • Commercial + Mercantile
This active task is applied to cleaning and dissecting animals to preserve their useful parts. Generally the collection of meat is a given. This task is more specifically used when collecting hides, glands, and particular organs. (Effectiveness + d100 - difficulty = % collected).
Saemund: 30(Id) + 28(eff) + 82(d100) = 140
Tor: 26(Id) + 30(eff) + 71(d100) = 127
Merin: 28(Id) + 31(eff) + 93(d100) + 56(luck) = 208
Sannit: 28(Id) + 33(eff) + 64(d100) = 125
Bolo: 28(Id) + 34(eff) + 64(d100) = 126
Vadin: 29(Id) + 31(eff) + 75(d100) = 135
Sheldon: 35(Id) + 35(eff) + 83(d100) = 153
Indigo: 32(Id) + 35(eff) + 83(d100) = 150
Average: 146
Skins: 146 - 40(simple) = 106
Glands: 146 - 100 = 46[/sblock]
GM: During the discussion whole cleaning the fallen lizards, it is decided that the beasts must be Volantins. Since they only have two legs and not four, it is decided that they are not dragons.

The crew has no difficulty skinning the animals and prepping any desired meat. As Bolo takes choise pieces of heart and liver to feed Turtle and Saemund to feed Feroz, Indigo takes one of the hearts and turns before suddenly realizing what she is doing and that Myth is now gone. She frown remembering the loss of the fine lynx, Merin had bequeathed her.

Merin and Sheldon are not so proficient in removing the venom glands. After rupturing 4 of the 6 and having to resist the effects, the last 2 were collected safely.

Taking some parchment from Merin, Sannit makes diagrams of the wing structure. Trying to preserve the wings, however, only offers a great disappointment. The membranous covering of the wings cannot be preserved. It tears and flakes as it dries, being much to thin to preserve, until nothing identifiable remains.

OOC: New Collections:
Volantin Skins: 6 (60% cover)
Volantin Venom Glands: 2
Volantin Talons: 120

Affinity of Talismans:
OOC: At the basic level of the Collegiate skill, alone, all items are useful to everyone, but any bonus will be limited to +1. The table above indicates greater usefulness specific to novices and above.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Indigo Responds to Saemund

"That is an intriguing thought. Perhaps we could take the venom and fill sheep bladders with it to use as a thrown weapon. It could cause dementia to enemies who are too far off to be effected by the manipulation of way.

Also I've heard of men who carry a vial filled with venom soaked cotton for dipping arrow tips into before shooting
The comments offered by Saemund catch Indigo's attention, and she stands to address him, having been intrigued.
"I know Sheldon and Merin can manipulate Way from a much greater distance than they could throw an item, but that second suggestion is brilliant. I can see the merit of it even if I am not an archer. Fabric soaked in the venom can be attached to an arrow. It might take some practice to adjust to the alteration caused to its flight, but once the arrow penetrates the skin, the venom will enter the blood and the target will be affected."

GM: Awarded Experience:
Tor: 14
Merin: 13
San-Bolo: 17
Turtle: 12
Saemund: 18
Feroz: 14
Vadin: 12

OOC: The new scenario has been started. Please go to the following link. TUW: Welcome to the Jungle.
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