TUW: The Steel Trade [IC]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Noticing that multiple opponents seem to be taxing the man's defensive capabilities, Merin and Tor both switch tactics. Both of them will engage the man, hand-to-hand, augmenting their strikes with Way. Tor will go the stunning route, augmenting his punches with Concussion. Merin will go the Vital Strike route, augmenting his strikes with Paralysis.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: The Stranger, part 5

GM: The stranger stands, still wielding a knife in each hand. He is surrounded by Vadin to his right flank, Bolo to his left flank, and Indigo to his rear. He is facing Sannit. Turtle is a stride beyond Indigo. Sheldon is lying on the ground between this group and the porch of the guildhouse. Merin and Tor are each 2 paces away behind Sannit. Saemund is 4 paces away at the site of the hammock in which Myth's body had been deposited.

The light from Narangia, the orange moon, is dominant over Argentum, the silver moon at this time of year. It cast an eerie glow like that of a distant fire upon the combat, intermittent with shadows from the piney canopy overhead. The little light from the stone that Sheldon had tossed upon the porch glints in the Stranger's eyes. After the initial rush of immediate engagement, everyone realizes that here in the early hours of the night, it is difficult to see.

It is noted that the man appears unarmored, except perhaps for some bracers. His clothing appears to be in the style of a common Ansylin laborer, except for the quality boots.

OOC: Combat Sequence: (d100)
Sheldon: 83 - 60(daze) = 23
Indigo: 83
Tor-Merin: 72
San-Bolo + Turtle: 92
Saemund: 89
Vadin: 97
Stranger: 84

OOC: Hindrances will be figured into the following actions since combat has closed to melee range.
Vadin reacts first.
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Vadin seeing that the Seekers have got him surrounded realizes that the best chance is to quickly attack, and allow Sannit, Bolo, and Turtle to jump in with their attacks. Vadin thinks that perhaps if he is a bit quicker, he may have a chance to break his defenses. Vadin clears his mind, and focuses on trying to be quicker in combat. He attempts to use way to give him a boost, to hopefully strike more accurately and quickly.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: The Stranger, part 6

GM: The one second of lull that follows the previous burst of action allows the minds of all involved to assimilate information previously gathered. This foe's ability to move far exceeds that of any Seeker.

Vadin seeing that the Seekers have got him surrounded realizes that the best chance is to quickly attack, and allow Sannit, Bolo, and Turtle to jump in with their attacks. Vadin thinks that perhaps if he is a bit quicker, he may have a chance to break his defenses. Vadin clears his mind, and focuses on trying to be quicker in combat. He attempts to use way to give him a boost, to hopefully strike more accurately and quickly.
GM: His sword already in motion from the previous attack, Vadin works it back toward the Stranger before the foe begins to move. His mind starts to process his desire even as the sword is in motion. Half the distance into his swing and a third ready to manipulate Way, Vadin registers that the Stranger is moving toward him.

OOC: It will take Vadin 60 tics of time to complete his sword swing, just over half a second, and an additional 40 tics to complete his enhancement of himself, which will complete 1 full second. No action has completed, yet.

San-Bolo + Turtle react next.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit will focus on increasing his strength as he intends to strike at the stranger again, attempting to stab him in the leg that Bolo wounded.

Sensing that the area around the stranger is too crowded to be effective, Bolo intends to roll back out of melee and sprint for her bow, sheathing her kukris to pick it up. She summons Turtle to her side.

Turtle shakes the dirt off his face from his failed attack and intends to lumber over to stand near Bolo to protect her from other possible attackers and serve as a reserve fighter.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: The Stranger, part 7

Sannit will focus on increasing his strength as he intends to strike at the stranger again, attempting to stab him in the leg that Bolo wounded.
GM: The Stranger demonstrated extreme flexibility in having avoided the charging bear. His poise and guard still remain keen despite all the motion. Sannit, recoiling his spear from his first thrust, aims for the injured leg. Crippling the man should slow him down.

OOC: It will take Sannit 90 tics to thrust the spear, just under 1 full second.

Kwargrow said:
Sensing that the area around the stranger is too crowded to be effective, Bolo intends to roll back out of melee and sprint for her bow, sheathing her kukris to pick it up. She summons Turtle to her side.
GM: Already low to the ground from her previous strategic knife cut, Bolo leans backward into a tuck roll to remover herself from melee, sending a signal to Turtle to follow, simultaneously.

OOC: It will take 100 tics, or 1 full second for Bolo to roll back to her feet and begin moving away. The completion of the roll will have moved her 1 full space from the melee engagement. It will take her another 50 tics or half a second to retrieve her bow followed by 2 seconds to draw and fire it.

Kwargrow said:
Turtle shakes the dirt off his face from his failed attack and intends to lumber over to stand near Bolo to protect her from other possible attackers and serve as a reserve fighter.
GM: Turtle senses Bolo's intentions even before he begins to shake the dirt from his face. He presses his weight onto his back feet propelling himself forward and left to stay clear of the melee and not hinder Indigo. He will reach Bolo's side as she begins to draw her bow.

OOC: No action has completed, yet.
@Sylvar B.
Saemund reacts next.
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Sylvar B.

Saemund keeps clear of the fight, but stays close enough to cover someone if they fall to the ground for some reason. He circles the group keeping an eye out for anyone faltering. While he does this he targets the Stranger with way. He sends feelings of intense pain coupled with anxiety. His goal is to trick the man's mind into intensifying any pain or discomfort the man already feels, and and make him averse to receiving any more wounds.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: The Stranger, part 8

Saemund keeps clear of the fight, but stays close enough to cover someone if they fall to the ground for some reason. He circles the group keeping an eye out for anyone faltering. While he does this he targets the Stranger with way. He sends feelings of intense pain coupled with anxiety. His goal is to trick the man's mind into intensifying any pain or discomfort the man already feels, and and make him averse to receiving any more wounds.
GM: With the advent of melee already being a crowded situation, Saemund relies upon mental tactics to engage the Stranger. He need not be able too see the foe as long as he remains within his range.

OOC: It will take 1 full second of time to complete the manipulation of Mystic Way necessary to Compel the man's mind.

GM: The Stranger begins to leap sideways which will carry him between where Indigo and Vadin are standing, his body facing toward Vadin in the intended pass to flick his leading knife blade into an attack as he moves.

OOC: It will take 1 full second of time for the Stranger to complete the leap, but only 20 tics to flick his blade at Vadin.

Indigo, a mere tic slower than the Stranger, slides her left leg backward while striking with her right sword, using the momentum to increase her power and the distance to not endanger Vadin on the other side. Sheldon's mind starts to process his desire, but in his dazed state, his thoughts are slowed.
OOC: It will take Indigo 30 tics to slide her foot and swing her blade. It will take Sheldon 60 more tics just for his thoughts to coalesce. No action has been completed, yet.
[MENTION=6790669]Tellerian Hawke[/MENTION]
Merin and Tor react.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Both Merin and Tor will close the distance, as quickly as possible. Merin will try to slide under the man's defenses, like a runner sliding into home base. He will strike the man in the side of his left knee, hard enough to dislocate or (hopefully) break the joint. At the same time, he will attempt to paralyze The Stranger.

Tor will rush The Stranger as well, attempting to knock him down with a shield bash. Simultaneously, he will use Concussion on The Stranger's head, attempting to stun him.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: The Stranger, part 9

Both Merin and Tor will close the distance, as quickly as possible. Merin will try to slide under the man's defenses, like a runner sliding into home base. He will strike the man in the side of his left knee, hard enough to dislocate or (hopefully) break the joint. At the same time, he will attempt to paralyze The Stranger.

Tor will rush The Stranger as well, attempting to knock him down with a shield bash. Simultaneously, he will use Concussion on The Stranger's head, attempting to stun him.
GM: Merin and Tor both begin moving at the same time, coordinating their approach despite the speed.

OOC: It will take them 150 tics or 1 and a half seconds to cover the distance. No action has completed, yet.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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