TUW: The Steel Trade [IC]


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: Returning to the Guildhouse, part 2

Merin gets a sense of foreboding, and a knot in his stomach, as it dawns on him that someone may have killed the big cat, and that its corpse might be lying in the hammock.
Indigo draws both of her swords and moves quickly toward the hammock. She can smell the blood before she reaches it. Myth is lying in the hammock on his side. His body is facing away. His head has been severed and is missing from the body. Indigo makes no sound as she turns toward the house but waves of danger can be readily felt emanating from her.

Sheldon takes a rock from his pouch and tosses it toward the porch of the guildhouse. The rock strikes the wooden planks and bounces near the wall as it begins to glow like one of the lamps about town. As the light illuminates the porch, somewhat, an unrecognized, Ansylin man can now be seen standing in the open doorway. He appears extremely calm, wielding a single bladed knife in each hand. The head of the decapitated lynx rests upon the top step, which is about a stride above the ground.

@Tellerian Hawke
Tor and Merin react first.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin intends to IGNITE the man using his Phoenix Feather to augment the attempt.

OOC: QUESTION: Can Merin manipulate the thermal attack in such a manner as to prevent outward signs of the manifestation? i.e., instead of engulfing him in flames, could I boil his insides / blood / guts? If not, Merin will throw a stone at the man, and use Way to give him a CONCUSSION; in this way, it will look as if the rock caused him to stumble.

Tor intends to give the man a CONCUSSION, through the use of Way.

OOC: Merin and Tor are both reacting now out of instinct, reflex, honed muscle memory. Neither of them has truly been hit yet by the full realization that their friend is dead.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: The Stranger

Merin intends to IGNITE the man using his Phoenix Feather to augment the attempt.
GM: Much faster than any of the Seekers could have imagined, at the moment Merin think to ignite the man, he leaps from the porch toward Sheldon, who happens to be standing closest to it having previously tossed the stone for light.

OOC: Transgress Space:
Range: Self
  • Essence + Adhesion + Invocation + Synergy +
  • Mind + Know + Will + Wisdom + Discipline + Acuity + Resolve +
  • Collegiate + Aberrative + Manifest Will
This active task is used to augment the Athletic Commercial Skill of Leaping, allowing for paranormal distances to be covered. The effectiveness is added to the leaping skill giving a new total of the percent of normal body lengths that can be covered.
  • Fury (Collegiate Task) +
  • Body + Strength + Might + Power +
  • Commercial + Athletic + Locomotion
There are 5 basic leaps that can be attempted: standing broad jump, running broad jump, standing vertical jump, running vertical jump, backward jump. The distances that can be accomplished are related to the size of the character attempting them. Characters tend to know whether or not they can make a jump.

GM: Instead of leaping the 2 paces or so that would be expected, the stranger's body seems to almost become insubstantial for a fraction of a second. His jump covers a full 5 paces. He lands a good 2 paces beyond where Sheldon was standing striking at him with his knife as he passed.

OOC: Stranger: 58(fury) + 55(lethality) + 79(attack) + 96(d100) + 90(luck) = 378
Sheldon: 37(konokoro) + 36(defense) = 73
Damage: 380 - 73 = 305% * 10 = 31 - 15(deflect) = 16
Body: 10 - 16 = -6: incapacitated
Mind: 10 - 6 = 4: dazed

GM: The knife blade cuts across the collar area of Sheldon's armor penetrating through both the Lizardskin and Silk Tunics, letting enough blood in the passing that Sheldon immediately falls incapacitated, yet he is still conscious.

OOC: Ignite:
Affect / Range:
  • Confluence + Hemostasis + Symbiosis +
  • Will + Discipline + Resolve
  • Essence + Confluence + Hemostasis + Symbiosis +
  • Mind + Know + Will + Wisdom + Discipline + Acuity + Resolve +
  • Collegiate + Aberrative + Machination
The causes up to two intended targets within one visual proximity to immediately heat unnaturally, causing physical harm (loss of Body). This can, also, be used to start a large fire if applied to naturally flammable substances.
Merin: 73(ignite) + 96(d100) + 92(luck) = 261 * 3(phoenix feather) = 783
Stranger: 55(conditioning) + 58(bolster) + 57(insulate) + 96(d100) + 90(luck) = 336 * 3(black pearl) = 1008: resists

GM: Merin can barely see the man move, but that is unnecessary. Once singled, as long as the target remains within range it can be affected. The phoenix feather cinders to ash as Merin manipulates Thermal Way. The Way coalesces around the Stranger but then unravels creating a strangely deep echo that can be felt more than heard.

Tellerian Hawke said:
Tor intends to give the man a CONCUSSION, through the use of Way.
OOC: Hammer:
Affect / Range:
  • Confluence + Hemostasis +
  • Will + Discipline
  • Essence + Confluence + Hemostasis +
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will + Wisdom + Discipline +
  • Collegiate + Aberrative
This causes a rapid expansion of air creating a loud thump in the target's ear which can inflict stunning damage (loss of Mind) and possible physical harm (loss of Body).
Tor: 56(hammer) + 96(d100) + 92(luck) = 214
Stranger: 55(conditioning) + 58(bolster) + 96(d100) + 90(luck) = 269: resists

GM: As with Merin, Tor can track his target by feel as long as he remains within range. Also like Merin, the Way Tor hopes to manipulate is dampened more effectively than he can agitate it.

GM: Though the full facts of the information gathering in the fraction of a second that the man was viewed may not be realized immediately, it is noted by all that the man's eyes glowed in the light like an animal's would and that he was not wearing a slaver's collar.

OOC: Saemund reacts next.
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Sylvar B.

In addition to using way to search for other humans. If he detects some he will attempt to note their direction and attempt to latch on to one individuals mind, and make them fear so they run away. Then he will alert the other seekers verbally, and draw his weapon. If he detects no one Saemund will cut the ropes holding up the hammock and lower Myth's body gently to the ground. Then he'll use the hammock as a sort of burial shroud and wrap Myth's body in it.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: The Stranger, part 2

In addition to using way to search for other humans. If he detects some he will attempt to note their direction and attempt to latch on to one individuals mind, and make them fear so they run away. Then he will alert the other seekers verbally, and draw his weapon. If he detects no one Saemund will cut the ropes holding up the hammock and lower Myth's body gently to the ground. Then he'll use the hammock as a sort of burial shroud and wrap Myth's body in it.
GM: Saemund detects no other enemies.

The dead weight of the cat is greater than expected, but not so great that Saemund cannot lower it to the ground respectfully. He proceeds to the other side after lowering Myth's body.

Indigo, adjusting to the movement of the Stranger is already in motion as Sheldon is cut down. She may not be as fast as the Stranger but she is fast enough to be on him as he turns to face her. Her initial cut with her right saber is faster than his repose.
OOC: Indigo: 35(fury) + 65(lethality) + 59(melee) + 93(d100) + 53(luck) = 305
Stranger: 30(konokoro) + 55(defense) + 89(defend) + 96(d100) + 90(luck) = 360

GM: Despite her initial speed, the Stranger is able to reflexively block Indigo's sword.
Vadin acts next.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: The Stranger, part 3

Vadin looks at the stranger with burning rage, draws his sword and attacks him.
GM: Vadin draws his sword as he moves. Rushing to the new location of the Stranger.
OOC: Vadin: 26(fury) + 61(lethality) + 46(attack) + 76(d100) = 209
Stranger: 30(konokoro) + 55(defense) + 89(defend) + 96(d100) + 90(luck) = 360 - 50(second opponent) = 310

GM: The Stranger moves faster than any viper the Seeker's have encountered. Despite being engaged with an opponent already, he demonstrates no difficulty in defending against Vadin as well.

San-Bolo and Turtle are next.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
With two other Seekers engaged with the Stranger, Bolo drops her bow and draws her kukris as she and Sannit move in to strike. They both draw upon Way to increase their own speed, (Impetus).

Sannit intends to thrust at the Stranger's torso, hoping for any hit.

Bolo intends to slice low, attempting to cut the Stranger's leg and slow him down.

Turtle can smell what has happened and knows Myth has gone on his last hunt. Fighting is one of the bear necessities and Turtle charges in, intending to knock the Stranger down so the others can finish him.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: The Stranger, part 4

With two other Seekers engaged with the Stranger, Bolo drops her bow and draws her kukris as she and Sannit move in to strike. They both draw upon Way to increase their own speed, (Impetus).
OOC: Stimulation:
Range: Touch
  • Essence + Confluence + Hemostasis
  • Mind + Knowledge + Will + Wisdom + Discipline +
  • Collegiate + Theologic / Academic
This can be used to temporarily increase the effective Motility, if used on oneself. The duration of such is one minute per cumulative Health ability.

Sannit: 55(effectiveness) + 64(d100) = 119
Motility: 11 + (119% * 11) = 24
Bolo: 60(effectiveness) + 64(d100) = 124
Motility: 11 + 124% * 11) = 25

Kwargrow said:
Sannit intends to thrust at the Stranger's torso, hoping for any hit.
GM: Indigo shifts to her right. Vadin shifts to his left. They can feel Sannit's approach.
OOC: Sannit: 32(fury) + 70(lethality) + 74(stab) + 64(d100) = 240
Stranger: 30(konokoro) + 55(defense) + 89(defend) + 96(d100) + 90(luck) = 360 - 50(2nd opponent) - 50(3rd opponent)= 260

Despite what should be overwhelming odds, the Stranger yet proves a capable defendant.

Kwargrow said:
Bolo intends to slice low, attempting to cut the Stranger's leg and slow him down.
GM: Vadin shifts further to his left as Sannit thrust his spear, allowing for Bolo to move between Sannit and Indigo.
OOC: Bolo: 36(fury) + 70(lethality) + 51(cut) + 64(d100) = 221
Stranger: 30(konokoro) + 55(defense) + 89(defend) + 96(d100) + 90(luck) = 360 - 50(2nd opponent) - 50(3rd opponent) - 50(4th opponent) = 210
Damage: 221 - 210 = 11% * 10 = 1
Body: 10 - 1 = 9

With the advantage of the ever-increasing odds, Bolo just manages to nick the Stranger's leg.

GM: As the crowd is closing in, the Stranger during all the shifting and contorting slices toward Sannit with his second weapon.
OOC: Stranger: 58(fury) + 55(lethality) + 79(attack) + 96(d100) + 90(luck) = 378 - 150(4 opponents) = 228
Sannit: 27(konokoro) + 47(defense) + 84(defend) + 64(d100) = 222

The Stranger taps onto Sannit armor, making his attack ineffective.

Kwargrow said:
Turtle can smell what has happened and knows Myth has gone on his last hunt. Fighting is one of the bear necessities and Turtle charges in, intending to knock the Stranger down so the others can finish him.
GM: Sannit eases left crowding Vadin further to his left as Indigo shift further to her right. Bolo stays low leaning to her right as Turtle launches in over her.
OOC: Turtle: 42(lethality) + 52(attack) + 64(d100) = 160
Stranger: 30(konokoro) + 55(defense) + 89(defend) + 96(d100) + 90(luck) = 360 - 50(2nd opponent) - 50(3rd opponent) - 50(4th opponent) = 210

The Stranger contorts his body to accommodate the charging bear, easily avoiding the rush.

OOC: This concludes the First Combat Sequence:
Myth: dead
Sheldon: incapacitated, dazed
Sannit: +13 Motility for 9 minutes
Bolo: +14 Motility for 9 minutes.

Everyone needs to roll % and send results through LINE.
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