TUW: The Steel Trade [IC]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor says, "It does seem strange that he wasn't wearing a collar, and yet, he bears the mark of not only a soldier, but also a caravaner, which means he WAS considered an asset, subservient to a master. For all practical purposes, he was a slave. I wonder if this wasn't his collar, but if it was, why did he remove it? I hate to say it, but perhaps we killed him too quickly."

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: Checking the Grounds

Merin will try to sense the presence of Way on the collar.
Sense Way:
  • Adhesion + Will
  • Essence + Adhesion +
  • Collegiate
  • Inversion
This active Basic task is used to determine if an item can augment the natural abilities of the possessor or if another being can manipulate way. This sensitivity provides no specifics. The result is as simple as yes or no.

OOC: Merin: 30(sense way) + 72(d100) = 102

GM: Merin does not sense any manipulation of Way coming from the collar.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: Checking the Grounds, part 2

After returning to the guild house San-Bolo rush over to where Sheldon has pointed out the collar but do not approach it yet. "What a strange gift," Sannit says, rubbing his beard. "Was he planning on coming back for it or was part of his purpose here to deliver it to us?"

Bolo says, "Sitting on the floor like that it looks like bait for a trap."
Tellerian Hawke said:
Tor says, "It does seem strange that he wasn't wearing a collar, and yet, he bears the mark of not only a soldier, but also a caravaner, which means he WAS considered an asset, subservient to a master. For all practical purposes, he was a slave. I wonder if this wasn't his collar, but if it was, why did he remove it? I hate to say it, but perhaps we killed him too quickly."
GM: The collar is perfectly centered with the entrance, about 2 paces into the room. It was placed, not idly dropped.

Sheldon says,
"I think it was intended to be a taunt. I know Merin checked to see if it was emanating any sign of Way manipulation. I did the same thing. There is nothing there. It is not like the collars on the other caravaners. I would be willing to bet those 4 stones in it are worthless as well.

I have an idea of how the real collar works, but I have no idea how to duplicate the effect. I do think that with you Sannit, and with Saemund, we might be able to override the outcome, but we would need to find a caravaner willing to risk his life to try it

Kwargrow said:
Turtle sniffs all around the guild house to try and pick up any other strange scents. Maybe that murdering person did not come here alone.
GM: Turtle readily picks up the scent of the Stranger's passage through the house, but he does not detect the scent of any other unwanted.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
After checking to make sure the collar is not physically connected to anything, like a trigger for a trap, Sannit will pick it up and turn it over in his hands. He will look for any identifying marks.

Bolo goes through the guild house to see if anything else was disturbed or changed. If nothing else happens San-Bolo will propose getting some sleep and picking up the matter of their mystery assailant tomorrow. She instructs Turtle to keep watch tonight, but to come warn her if anyone comes to the house instead of engaging.

Turtle stays close to the house and keeps watch. He hopes somebody will come start some more trouble. He won't miss with his paws again.

Sylvar B.

Saemund addresses everyone,
"There is nothing we can do about this until morning, I suggest we all get some rest and then investigate further tomorrow."

Saemund goes to lie down but cannot rest easy. Death seems like a preferable outcome to ending up in a collar. Saemund wakes later in the night, dresses and straps his axe to his waist. He carries his carving axes in his hands and walks the perimeter of the Guild house. While doing so he concentrates on detecting humans approaching in the night, he readies his mind to trap the mind of anyone approaching and cause them to stop in their tracks and wait for him to approach them. He also goes to check on Feroz in his roost.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: Checking the Grounds, part 3

After checking to make sure the collar is not physically connected to anything, like a trigger for a trap, Sannit will pick it up and turn it over in his hands. He will look for any identifying marks.
GM: The collar is simply lying on the floor and appears exactly as the others, forced upon the caravaners, looked. It is a leather collar with a simple buckle. There are four stones slightly visible poking through the two layers. They are strategically placed equally about the collar. As Sheldon suspected, theses particular stones appear to be worthless rocks.

Kwargrow said:
Bolo goes through the guild house to see if anything else was disturbed or changed. If nothing else happens San-Bolo will propose getting some sleep and picking up the matter of their mystery assailant tomorrow. She instructs Turtle to keep watch tonight, but to come warn her if anyone comes to the house instead of engaging.
GM: Nothing else appears amiss. By Turtles nose, it is known that the stranger do go through the structure thoroughly but apparently did not move anything.

Kwargrow said:
Turtle stays close to the house and keeps watch. He hopes somebody will come start some more trouble. He won't miss with his paws again.
GM: There is plenty of room underneath the structure, and Turtle moves under the center of the floor, giving himself equal distance to cover any direction should the need arise.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: Restlessness

Saemund addresses everyone,
"There is nothing we can do about this until morning, I suggest we all get some rest and then investigate further tomorrow."

Saemund goes to lie down but cannot rest easy. Death seems like a preferable outcome to ending up in a collar. Saemund wakes later in the night, dresses and straps his axe to his waist. He carries his carving axes in his hands and walks the perimeter of the Guild house. While doing so he concentrates on detecting humans approaching in the night, he readies his mind to trap the mind of anyone approaching and cause them to stop in their tracks and wait for him to approach them. He also goes to check on Feroz in his roost.
GM: As Saemund walks from the entrance, Indigo, who is lying on the porch with Sheldon, looks up at him. Sheldon, perhaps feeling the aftermath of his serious injury, remains asleep. Seeing that Saemund is in his own thought, Indigo says nothing.

As Saemund steps from the porch, Turtle stirs beneath the structure, but smelling who it is, he settles back on his belly feeling confident in his duty to guard the other people who are still resting.

Feroz cannot really see Saemund, but he makes a small, quiet, noise at his approach. Saemund merely whispers a word to comfort the bird. He continues to patrol the property in sleeplessness, but no one approaches until the dawn, when a hunting party moves out for game.


Vadin thinking about all that happened, agrees with Saemund. The rest will probably do him good. He cleans his sword, then goes inside to lay down and get some sleep.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Although Tor is able to sleep, Merin cannot. He spends the night watching, waiting, and listening. During the night, he makes a discovery; he finds that he is so focused on keeping a watch for trouble, that his eyes seem to adjust to the darkness, allowing him to see almost as well as he can during the daytime! Quietly, so as not to disturb Sheldon, Merin approaches Indigo, and shares his findings with her. As Saemund makes his patrolling rounds, Merin shares the information with him, also.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Y 0: Day 158: Doldrums 38: Restful

Vadin thinking about all that happened, agrees with Saemund. The rest will probably do him good. He cleans his sword, then goes inside to lay down and get some sleep.
GM: Vadin puts his sword away and sleep overtakes him almost immediately as he lays down. His personality lends itself well to setting aside the problems of the day until a rested body and mind can better tend to them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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