TUW: The Steel Trade [IC]


Creator of The Untamed Wilds

As children the Southroad Seekers had grown up with one of the various caravans traveling from the port city of Asylim in the south of The Untamed Wilds to Boga City, the trade hub of the continent. Upon reaching a mature enough age, each future member had departed his caravan meeting by fate, destiny, or coincidence in Southroad Fair, an outpost community about half way between Asylim and Boga City.

Joining together, the Southroad Seekers established themselves and their name by solving 3 dilemmas that were plaguing that community. Discussing the possibilities of striking out on their own adventure, tragedy once again befell the small outpost in the form of a key assassination. Martello, the Blacksmith, was found murdered on the very morning of their planned departure, staving off those plans. A mark of the Ansylin Assassins' Guild was left upon the chest of the body, removing any doubt as to the credit for the kill.

Suausedeserp, derogatorily called Sauce Drip, one of the Magisters of Asylim, had long been suspected of orchestrating various assaults on the outpost in the past. Now with the murder of a key member of the community it has, once again, fallen to the Southroad Seekers to solve the new dilemma. Knowing that it would not yet be possible to make a head-on response directly at a prominent figure of the ruling body of a city so far to the south, a more immediate solution must be found.

Rumor of a mining community has given impetus to an expedition of finding a replacement smith and/or establishing a method of trade with that community.

GM: Main Objectives:
Establish contact with the rumored Mining Community possibly located in the mountains to the northeast.

Find a replacement for the Blacksmith or a dependable means of trade to compensate for his loss.

Side Objectives:
Find enough pack animals to initiate a Silk Trade from Southroad Fair undermining Sauce Drip's trade from Asylim.

Collect hides for Swift Raven, the Tanner of Southroad Fair, other than the common pig and deer.

Collect spider and beetles carapaces for Maeli, the Herbalist of Southroad Fair, for the production of lacquer.

OOC: Recruitment and OOC comments for this gaming thread are located at the following link: (Recruitment) The Steel Trade

OOC: Information about the town Setting is located at the following link: Southroad Fair
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 84: The Last Drop of Rain

GM: Day 76 or so, Remembering Back:

Sometime toward the end of the rainy season, the Tobacco Caravan arrived from Boga City bringing with it strange and interesting news. A few days back, the caravan had sent a hunting party into the corn fields for game. The hunters had come in contact with a party of Mhytres. The Mhytres were likely a clan of Maldrog but no communication was exchanged, neither did any conflict arise. The oddest part of the encounter was the description of their gear. Never before had any caravan member seen so much metal.

The Mhytres had heavy weapons and plates of metal covering parts of their body, as well as decorative helmets. The caravan hunters could only stare, open-mouthed. The Mhytres had stood silently for a moment, assessing the hunters' possible intent, then nodded and walked away back toward the east, toward the mountains.

The morning is bright and fair as the Seekers were gathering their supplies and fitting their pack animals for departure when news of tragedy comes to them by runner. Sometime during the night Martello, the Blacksmith, had been murdered. No notable stranger had been seen about town. No alarm had indicated such an event during the night, but a single mark of the Ansylin Assassins' Guild was left on the dead man's chest.

Assembling the leaders of the town and all the Seekers at the Boar's Head Tavern, discussion ensues of possible action. A surprising voice of reason comes from the normally silent and unreadable Clavo, the Head of the Carpenters Guild.

"Similar to Giodavi, I was once a ranking member of the Magistry Marshals. I understand the gravity of war. We have just over 100 members of this community. The Marshals alone are a 1000 trained soldiers. If I thought it would make a difference, I would take my axe, march into Asylim, and start carving them down. I'd bet I could still cut through a dozen of them before they filled me with enough arrows to bring me down, but that would draw no more than a yawn from the man we all suspect is behind this.

We do not have an army; and even so, making war wastes so many lives. We need to think differently. We might be able to strike at his income somehow, but we need to replace our smith. The Tobacco Caravan spoke of seeing metal clad Mhytres, and you Seekers even met a group that came to us and traded. I have heard rumors of Mhytres' skill since I was a child. Legend has it that a collective community exists in the mountains to the northeast. If we could establish a direct trade, I can only imagine the benefits

Giodavi, the Mayor, nods at the other man's wisdom.
"Southroad Seekers, what say you?"
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Gamer Extraordinaire

Sannit broods for a moment before replying, "No, we cannot march to Asylim, and we do not know the reason for Martello's death or that it has anything to do with Saucedrip or this community. It could be an old grudge or debt finally caught up to our smith. I do not like that the assassin guild simply walks into this town and kills one of our own. That must be answered. I don't care if it's business to them; if it is possible, I would like to track down this killer. I want those assassins to know if they murder in this town we will find them and deliver justice. Before we leave I would like the Seekers to search through Maretello's belongings to try and determine why he was killed."
"As for the Mhytres, I agree we should attempt to reach this community for trade or a possible alliance, though I suspect we will have to fulfill some sort of quest before they will trust us,"
he gives his comrades a knowing grin.


Bolo asks, "Who has the guild mark? Perhaps it will serve as a clue to Martello's assassin?"


Outside Turtle sits upwind of the pack animals. He had great hopes of going back into the wild when they were gathering the beasts of burden, but now the people are talking again.
"We have been in this town forever," he sighs in bear.

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Sylvar B.


Saemund responds,
"I would hesitate to say that he was murdered over an old debt. The problem with murdering your debtors is that dead people can't pay you.

I would agree that looking through his belongings may help...especially his ledgers, if he were making a something special for someone powerful who suddenly didn't want to pay, this could cause a problem. However, if he was in fact assassinated it may help if we hinted to the right people that we are looking to hire one. I wouldn't imagine that there are many assassins for hire available in this area. We could at the very least find some names.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 84: Discussing the Assassination

Bolo asks,
"Who has the guild mark? Perhaps it will serve as a clue to Martello's assassin?"


Giodavi responds to Bolo.
"I have the mark and can tell you what I know of it." He hands the coin to Bolo. "It looks like a coin made from tin. It has the official stamp of the Assassin Guild of Asylim. This coin is always left on the body of a victim to indicate credit. Sure another could collect the coin and reuse it, but sure that would lead to dire consequences for the usurper."

Saemund says,
"...if we hinted to the right people that we are looking to hire one. I wouldn't imagine that there are many assassins for hire available in this area. We could at the very least find some names."
Giodavi responds.
"I can assure you and Clavo can confirm; there is no hiring an assassin outside of that guild, and it is a complicated process to do so. This system was designed to prevent the employer from learning anything of the guild or its members. We could send word. It would take time, but it will be arranged if you all think it should be done."

Sannit said,
"Before we leave I would like the Seekers to search through Maretello's belongings to try and determine why he was killed."
"...looking through his belongings may help...especially his ledgers, if he were making a something special for someone powerful who suddenly didn't want to pay, this could cause a problem."

Lyndha also responds,
"Martello could not read or write. He did not keep a ledger. I kept track of his finances. You all are the only ones for whom he has ever performed contracted labor. I do not like the way the facts are stacking, but it seems our innocent blacksmith was killed for some politics in which none of us are even directly involved You are welcome to speak with his heartmate about looking through his belongings. His residence is next to his shop."
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit nods to Lyndha and says, "Yes we will speak to his heartmate. She would know if he had any enemies." He rubs his beard and adds, "Another thing that perplexes me is how and where this assassin came into Southroad Fair. Could it be they traveled with the Tobacco Caravan, located their target, and then doubled back for the murder? Did they travel to the town from Asylim alone to kill Martello? That would be a dangerous journey for a single traveler so maybe the assassin had companions. We might be hunting a group of people, not just a lone murderer. First things first, though, I will ask his heartmate what she knows about this matter. Any Seekers are welcome to join me."

Sannit will locate Martello's mate, gently tell her of their desire to repay death to this assassin, inquire about any possible enemies of the deceased blacksmith and look over his belongings for possible clues.

Bolo takes the mark out to the sulking Turtle and has him sniff it. She wants him to remember any strange smells he might detect. After that is done Bolo will go to Lyndha privately and softly ask, "You are wise and your powers are great. Can you tell us any more about who has done this murder?"

Turtle sniffs the metal without complaint. People are strange creatures.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 84: Discussing the Assassination, Part 2


Sheldon, who is not normally prone to remaining silent for so long, stands and runs his left hand through his hair, pulling it back from his face.
"I think better moving around. Once before an assassin was sent to this community to disrupt its primary means of commerce. Efficient and brutal, that assassin made it appear as if some hostile tribe of Shimadow were committing the acts. With the ideology that this is indeed perpetrated by someone in Asylim, I see the death of Martello as means of inhibiting progress. Advancement in the use of metal is the future.

I was a child when i left Boga City; but even so, I cannot see that the killer or killers would have come in with the Tobacco Caravan from there. Like Sannit, it think a group must have come up from Asylim, but only one very skilled person slipped into town to do the deed in order to avoid detection.
I would like to accompany Bolo to see if I can discern anything from the coin as well


Indigo stands and walks to Sheldon, touching his left shoulder as she addresses the group in her usually rich alto voice.
"I will accompany Sannit to Martello's house to confirm or deny our suspicions, but like Sheldon, I see this as orchestrated by someone in Asylim. He and Bolo have a different way of looking at things than I, perhaps they can learn something from the coin. This deed happened last night. Surely the assassin has not gotten far. We might even be able to give pursuit."
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin Portrait 001.jpg

Merin says, "I'd like to know HOW Martello was murdered. Was it poison? or was he attacked? Strangulation? Stab wounds? etc.?"
Merin's demeanor has lost some of its usual whimsical aspects; he seems cold, and distant, as he asks this, obviously calculating very serious things in his mind, things which hint at a darker side, giving the careful observer a clue that Merin does not intend to take Martello's death lightly. In fact, there is the slightest glint of anger in his eyes, although it is not the hot, passionate kind of anger which lashes out without care; it is the cold, factual, relentless anger of someone who is willing to wait, in order to see justice done.

Tor Portrait 001.jpg

Tor says, "I think we should set out to find the Mhytres, and perhaps recruit one of them to join us here in town, as Martello's replacement. The town cannot afford the loss of productivity. After that is done, we should see to it that Martello's killers are brought to justice... at the end of a rope."
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 84: Discussing the Assassination, Part 3

Merin says ,
"I'd like to know HOW Martello was murdered...
Giodavi answers.
"Forgive me for omitting that specific information. His throat was slit while he lay in bed next to his heartmate. The horror she must still be going through. I cannot imagine."

Tor says,
"I think we should set out to find the Mhytres, and perhaps recruit one of them to join us here in town, as Martello's replacement. The town cannot afford the loss of productivity. After that is done, we should see to it that Martello's killers are brought to justice... at the end of a rope."

Sheldon responds.
"Unless this assassin proves close at hand, I think we are all in agreement on that action, my friend. Lyndha, perhaps you, Bolo, and I can move over to the store and examine that coin."

Giodavi interjects.
"No need. I will bring in a lamp for better light and give you the room."

Suspecting that examining the coin will take some time, the remaining Seekers file out of the tavern with everyone else. Turtle hesitates, wondering if he should wait, then decides that it will be okay to follow Sannit. Once the room is cleared, Lyndha shakes her head and apologizes for not having thought of divining the coin herself.

GM: Lyndha takes the coin then links with Sheldon and Bolo. Linking with her is very unlike linking with other Seekers. It is like being grabbed by the shirt and forced to face another direction. The difference in skill is palpable. Ignoring the victim, it takes a few more minutes to locate the coin's placer. Certain previously unknown bits of information are learned.

The assassin is an Asylin female, and she is located, what should be, a day and a half south of Southroad Fair. This bit of information comes as a surprise, but it is nothing compared to what happens next. Bolo and Sheldon can sense the presence of the woman because of the link. Lyndha's range of divination is amazing. The assassin's presence suddenly shifts farther and farther away until she is at a greater distance than any mount could travel. It is as if she were in one place then suddenly in another place all together.

GM: Martello's heartmate is considerably distraught. She has not gone back into the house and some other ladies from town are there to comfort her. She allows The Seekers entry and everything is examined thoroughly. The suspicion that Martello is completely innocent of any wrong is confirmed by the search. His death appears to have been almost instantaneous. It is mentioned that a funeral pyre is being prepared. The woman is grateful to learn that the Seekers are looking into the matter.

Turtle, having a keen sense of smell as bears do, locates the assassin's sent outside Martello's house. Turtle feels very proud of himself, and Bolo can sense his finding even while otherwise engaged. The bear has no way of knowing that Bolo has learned the futility of trailing the killer.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Through the link Bolo tries to remember everything she can about the Asylin assassin. She wants to be ready for when they encounter her.

After he leaves Martello's widow Sannit takes a moment to control his anger over the murder, letting his rage pass through him. There is nothing they can do about it now. After regrouping with his mate, San-Bolo call the Seekers together at the build site for a group discussion and all related information is shared.

Sannit says, "It seems Martello was murdered to slow our progress here, which probably means someone in this town is informing Asylim of our actions. Who that is I have no idea, but the only ones I completely trust are right here. We might as well start on our mission, but that brings up another question. When we reach these Mhytres to recruit one to bring back, should we tell them that we are in need of a smith because our last one was murdered by our rivals? I think we should, even though it might make them more difficult to convince to join us."
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