[3.5e D&D Greyhawk] The Sunless Citadel [OOC]

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Keep me in mind for it, sure! Of course, lots of things can happen between then and now as far as gameload and RL and such, but if I'm still available I'd be happy to play.

Okay guys, three spots are filled. I updated the initial post.

Still recruiting for 1 more.

Since I asked questions about you guys, it is only fair that I share as well. I have been pretty active since I came to these boards, recently joining my third game as a player. I also play on other boards too. I have been DMing two PBeM games since the beginning of the year and they are still going.

Until recently I have been playing D&D via Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2 mostly, so I am pretty familiar with 3rd Edition rules before I took up playing PnP rules again around a table about 6 months ago. I started playing PBP only 2 months ago because I was bored waiting on my PBeM players and I wanted to be a player myself.

As for my posting schedule, generally every evening is guaranteed, even on weekends. Weekdays I can often additionally post during my working hours. But keep in mind, I am halfway around the world from some of you so my evening is not the same as yours. This generally means I am posting updates during your off line times after people have gone to bed in North America. I do have an iPhone and I check on things even when I am away from my computer, but usually I will not post much that way (too easy to make mistakes).

Okay GandalfMithrandir will take the last spot. I will update the initial post and recruitment.

Players go ahead and begin discussing roles and character possibilities.

I will leave the process up to you all, but I will step in if needed. Though I urge you to communicate and work as a team.

We are not in a hurry, so you can take your time to do it right. But I would keep in mind that everyone should be communicating about once per day from here on.

When we are ready to begin working backgrounds, I will start the IC thread with campaign setting and initial scenario information. Maybe next weekend, but that really depends on if you guys are ready.
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@PM - Unearthed Arcana a potential source? I'm looking at some of the alternative class features. Details are here if you don't have UA:

Variant Classes Index :: d20srd.org

This version of the SRD is also a good source for you, Errandir, if you don't have copies of some of the other listed books.

As far as putting together the party goes, can we have a little more background info at this stage? I'm not averse to in-game meet-ups, but if we are looking at putting together a workable party, I don't see any reason why we can't have had some contact or shared experience together as a group. In which case, what is that shared link? How do we know each other, why do we want to *be* with each other? There can be all sorts of reasons for being together, and trust is a fairly important thing at this stage. I know it's not my game, but I'll trot out my usual statement at this point that if anyone else pitches up with a CN 'I can do whatever I want' type PC, even if you convince the GM that you're good, you are going to have to convince *me* why my character is putting his life in your hands.

With only 4 of us, and being relatively inexperienced adventurers, we're not going to be able to do everything. What are the absolute minimum 'jobs' we need covered by somebody? And are people prepared to do those jobs? And if they aren't, how do we get round that?

The other 3 players pitched PC ideas. Are you still sticking to them? Care to give the rest of us a bit more to work with? If those are your final choices, have you given any thought to development?

This largely just brain-dump at this stage, but we've got a willing GM who is prepared to spend time running a good adventure for us. We owe it to him to treat it with respect and give him a rewarding experience in return. It's fairly rare to have the chance to work on a party like this beforehand so let's use it productively. Let's hear some ideas!

I am heading to bed now, but I will be quick.
Unearthed Arcana is fine. Just give me the references on feats or whatever whenever you stray from the previously mentioned materials. I haven't read everything that I have access to.

I am expecting you all to integrate backgrounds. When we start up the Character sheet thread, you can edit and refine the backgrounds until you get them the way that you want. I am thinking the players will be together already when we start, assuming that you all have workable back stories. But how long the characters have been together can be varied (1 week to childhood friends). I would lean towards shorter association though to allow for more interaction as your characters get to now each other better. Also if information in the background would not be know by the other characters, make sure it is properly identified as such.

As far as putting together the party goes, can we have a little more background info at this stage? I'm not averse to in-game meet-ups, but if we are looking at putting together a workable party, I don't see any reason why we can't have had some contact or shared experience together as a group. In which case, what is that shared link? How do we know each other, why do we want to *be* with each other? There can be all sorts of reasons for being together, and trust is a fairly important thing at this stage. I know it's not my game, but I'll trot out my usual statement at this point that if anyone else pitches up with a CN 'I can do whatever I want' type PC, even if you convince the GM that you're good, you are going to have to convince *me* why my character is putting his life in your hands.

Many of the those questions you presented can be answered by you guys. I will throw this carrot out there though, 100-200XP each if everything is properly supported in the character backgrounds. And as for CN characters, they tend to not be team players as much

I will try and get the IC thread started tomorrow to give you something to work with.

With only 4 of us, and being relatively inexperienced adventurers, we're not going to be able to do everything. What are the absolute minimum 'jobs' we need covered by somebody? And are people prepared to do those jobs? And if they aren't, how do we get round that?

The other 3 players pitched PC ideas. Are you still sticking to them? Care to give the rest of us a bit more to work with? If those are your final choices, have you given any thought to development?
Well, saying I have a PC idea is a bit of a stretch. I would be interested in playing a spellcaster of some sort if that comes up, but like you I'm also perfectly willing to play whatever would be useful for the party. For now I think I'll leave it at that, at least until we hear from Mithrandir and Shrike and start figuring out what other party roles need to be filled.

I know it's not my game, but I'll trot out my usual statement at this point that if anyone else pitches up with a CN 'I can do whatever I want' type PC, even if you convince the GM that you're good, you are going to have to convince *me* why my character is putting his life in your hands.
As for this... I hope you don't take it amiss if I point out that it seems a strange way to approach joining a party. I would tend to think it's the responsibility of each player to come up with reasons for why their character is adventuring with the group, not the other way around.

As for this... I hope you don't take it amiss if I point out that it seems a strange way to approach joining a party. I would tend to think it's the responsibility of each player to come up with reasons for why their character is adventuring with the group, not the other way around.

I've read this. And read it again. And I can't actually work out what you are saying here. Sorry. Care to explain?

Maybe I should have been clearer: I find it an all too familiar trend in pbp recruitment that people propose PCs which, irrespective of class, are CN, and the player justifies this choice by saying they want to play a PC who 'can do whatever they want' (yes, that is an exact quote from someone I have gamed with). So, if we are to be part of an established group, what I was trying to say was I find it very unlikely that I would have continued to associate with someone with this attitude. I wouldn't trust them. If someone is going to try and play a character like that, I'm afraid I'm going to take my ball and go elsewhere.
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My Character Idea:

Chaotic Good Elf Ranger, Bow Focused, High Survival and perception skills (Spot, Search, Listen etc. I can take heal if you guys want me to, but I'd rather put the points into something like Knowledge (Nature)

Whatever you guys want.

As i said to the DM, i can take whatever role you guys dont want. It`s usually the healer, so thats why i threw out that concept. Anyway, make the charactrers you really want to play and i`ll fill in the missing role. I like playing all the classes, so it`s fine.

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