[5e_One Shot] Baptism by Fire


The girl grasps her towel towards her chest protectively, and eyes the coin for a few seconds. She steps forward timidly and places a slim hand over the coin. "Well, the knight was all burnt up. I saw him... well his back anyway, as the priest made his body ready." Her voice cracks as if remembering was hard. "Looked like he done laid down in a bed of flames."

GM: Aridrish knows there are two active volcanoes in the mountain chain. And sometimes fire-based creatures are seen wandering about.

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Aridrish nods to the young barmaid.

"Thank you lass, and the gnomes? Did they say where they came from or how they found this knight?"

Aridrish's stomach grumbles.

"Can you also get me a plate of food then I'll let you get back to work."


The girl shakes her head, "Nothing that I heard about. Those weird grey-skinned gnomes only wanted their reward."

Hurrying off the young girl returns moments later with a platter, filled with cooked carrots, potatoes, onions, and a hunk of roast steaming in the center. "Here you go,"

Aridrish presses another coin into the girls hand.

"Thank you, this is for the food. Keep the rest."

The dragonborn sits down to eat while he ponders the significance of what the girl told him.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Darrock stands before the Arch Mage, amongst a group of people he doesn't know. Wait, no -- that child, the one who's late. He's seen him before. And he's going to climb a mountain? Darrock is not good at concealing his disbelief, but hopes that folk haven't seen enough of his kind to know how to read the contempt in a twitching whisker.

No order or discipline, which means -- and believe me, Darrock recognizes the irony here -- that he might be the most prepared for this long trip. He strokes an ear, absentmindedly.

"Hope for your son's return is valuable," he says, his fingers running through the contents of the chest, checking to see if there are any gems in amongst the trinkets and coin.

"Of course I will help, sir. Give me until the morning, and I can arrange for us to stay in communication as we travel. That way you can know how we proceed." He pauses, thinking. He's already impatient. He turns to the others. "So, head for Fort Silan in the morning?"

OOC: How far to Fort Silan? Ought we be asking for horses?

If we can wait to the morning, Darrock can make Sending Stones, and leave one with Delenir. He can also make a small device to keep an image of Delenir and the necklace as an ID token should they find the prince.


Darrock sees no gemstones only the potions, scrollcase. a copper amulet, and a thick blue wax candle.

"I have a boat waiting for you on the river," Delenir says seriously. "It shall take you as far as Fire Trees." Pointing at the contents of the chest he says, "A clockwork amulet and a candle of the deep," he says mildly. "The only items I could find that might help you. The money is for expenses, and I hope to have a group of horse waiting for all of you to take first to Fort Wheelan and then on to Fort Silan. You may stay here and prepare yourselves to leave in the morning."

GM: From Darrock's background he knows both forts lie south of the Marthessei mountains on the western border. About 170 miles away.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Grateful for your support, milord," says Darrock, reaching for the chest. It's heavier than he expects. He waits for anyone else to ask questions, but once he looks about and sees there are none, he says, "We'll see you in the morning, then."

HP: 18/18
AC: 14 (Leather)
Bardic Inspiration:
3/3 (1d6)
Spell Slots: 1st: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Pass Perc: 13
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 11
SPELL SAVE DC: 13Arcana: 4
Deception(race); 7
Disguise Kit: 5*
Minor Illusion; Vicious Mockery
DEX: 16 + 3
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 14+2
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:16 +3
STR: -1
CON: +1
INT: +2
WIS: +1
Performance: 5
Persuasion: 5
Perception (feat): 3
Slight of Hand: 5*
Stealth: 5*
Thief Tools: 5*
Known Spells 1st
Animal Friendship
Comprehend Languages,
Detect Magic,

Fern scribbles words across the pages of a large leger.

"To summarize: Archmage Delphin, Master of the Ivory Tower of Unther, in return for services rendered - detailed in section B of the contract - will provide Corporal Darrock of the Unther military, Mardok Rocksinger and Amil the Archivist with funds to cover expenses to travel to Fort Salin,as well as horses and food and then passage by boat to to the Fire Trees. All expenses beyond those listed shall not exceed 220gp except from approval by the Tower Treasurer. Furthermore, they will also be provided with two healing potions, 3 scrolls, a Candle of the Deep and a Clockwork Amulet."

Fern finishes his scribbling and end it with a dramatic swipe of the quill.

"Is there anything else, Master, before I return to my studies?"

I'm not sure what information Fern was given in advance. I'm just riffing that Fern has no idea he's supposed to go along.
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"Very good, Fern. I knew you could pay attention when you wished it." he smiles to himself, and with a mumble adds. "If only you took to your history studies so attentively."


Clearing his throat, he looks on the young man with pride. "But you forgot one name. That of Fern Wilkinson the apprentice and representee of the Archmage Delenir and his interests."

Nodding to the young man's expression he says, "Yes. I wish for you to go as well."

HP: 18/18
AC: 14 (Leather)
Bardic Inspiration:
3/3 (1d6)
Spell Slots: 1st: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Pass Perc: 13
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 11
SPELL SAVE DC: 13Arcana: 4
Deception(race); 7
Disguise Kit: 5*
Minor Illusion; Vicious Mockery
DEX: 16 + 3
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 14+2
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:16 +3
STR: -1
CON: +1
INT: +2
WIS: +1
Performance: 5
Persuasion: 5
Perception (feat): 3
Slight of Hand: 5*
Stealth: 5*
Thief Tools: 5*
Known Spells 1st
Animal Friendship
Comprehend Languages,
Detect Magic,

Fern is taken aback for a moment, not knowing what to say. He recovers and looks around at the others who are looking at him.

"Oh. Oh, yes, of course....let me just make a correction here in the book...”

scribble, scribble

He suddenly has a sad feeling down in the pit of his stomach - Was the old man trying to get rid of me? Have I been that big of a failure?

But feeling is fleeting and, as he adds his name to the list of adventurers in the book, excitment overcomes him.

"Yes, well, all fixed up then.... I suppose I should get my things ready! Ready to go with all of you!"

He points at the listed payments written in the book, practically standing on his chair "Riding on OUR horses! I'll have to pack my new sword too!"

He stands up, closing the book. "If you need to speak to me about anything," He waives his hand to everyone present, "I'll be in my room!”

He picks up the books and turns, walking to the door with barely-restrained excitement.

And he leaves, sprinting down the hallway whooping the whole way to his room unless anyone stops him to talk to him.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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