A Night at the Four Seasons (DM: renau1g, Judge:Ozymandias79)

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
"You're done dragon, flee now before you are consumed by a superior flame," Phoenix says, wrapping the dragon in blue fire, her phoenix darting from the flames to gouge its hide.

OOC: 16 fire damage, slide the dragon 1 square SW, 15 more fire damage to the dragon at the start of its turn.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Sustain Flaming Sphere.
Standard: Freezing Burst(close burst 1 centered on R19, 1 square above the dragon): 1d20+10=27 Reflex, hit, 1d6+11=16 fire damage and slide the dragon 1 square SW.
Move: Move flaming sphere to S18, 1 square above the dragon. At the start of its next turn, the dragon takes 1d4+11=15 fire damage.

Status: -

[sblock=Phoenix's Statblock]Phoenix, Female Tiefling Mage 4
Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 18
AC: 18, Fort:16, Reflex:19, Will:17, Resist Fire 7 -- Speed:6
HP:23/36, Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left:4/8
Initiative +3, Action Points: 0
MBA: +6 AC, 1d4+4 fire damage. RBA: Range 20, 8 fire damage.

Powers: Magic Missile, Freezing Burst, Arc Lightning, Infernal Wrath, Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation, Color Spray, Shield, Second Wind, Flaming Sphere, Flaming Dagger, Cloak of Resistance
Notes: *Phoenix does not provoke OAs for Ranged or Area attacks. *Phoenix's attacks ignore fire resistance. *Phoenix gains +1 to hit against bloodied foes.

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First Post
OOC: Kael anyway you can double move up to Papo? I'll double move up to Cyr and then we both can do heal checks to stabilize them next turn.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Another shot flies from between the rocks, catching the dragon at a disadvantage and wounding it heavily. Damen remains out of sight. [sblock=OOC]Shoot from Prone w/ CA: Hit for 22. Crawl 1 sq south w/ should still be in cover and Stealth: 30[/sblock][sblock=Damen (Bloodied, Prone, Stealth)]Damen Bane—Male Drow Thief 6
Initiative: +12, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13
AC: 21, Fort: 16, Reflex: 22 Will: 19 — Speed: 6
HP: 22/49, Bloodied: 24, Surge: 12, Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0
Powers -
Ambush Trick
Feinting Trick
Sneak's Trick

Agile Footwork
Backstab x2
Cloud of Darkness/Darkfire

Cunning Escape
Slip Aside

Shadowdance Armor +1 (daily)
Boltshard Hand Crossbow +2 (daily)
2 Healing Potions

Damen Bane - http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Damen_Bane_(stonegod)[/color][/sblock]
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First Post
*Kauldron breaths deeply as he notices the dragon not following him. Then cringes as he hears the cries of Cyr.*

Oh crude. I'm coming lad!

*He turns and scales the rock moving into a better position. He stops at the rocks edge and looks to the hulking dragon. He then looks to the sky and abouts at the sand. Watching the clouds and the movement of the sand. He needs to himself as he notices the light breeze of wind. He takes his javelin in hand and lurches back.*

Lord of the Maddening Pyre guide my arm true.

*He then heaves the javelin through the air. Praying to his god almighty, while drawing another.*

[sblock=Actions]Move: Move to E19.

Standard: Ranged Basic Attack. (Athletics 16)
-Target: Volcanic Dragon.
-Attack: +7 vs. AC. (Hit: 20)
-Damage: 1d6+3 damage. (7 damage)

Minor: Draw Javelin.[/sblock]

[sblock=Kauldron] Goblin Tactics Trigger - Immediate Reaction to the First Enemy that misses Kauldron with a melee attack, shift 1 into a better flanking position.

Kauldron- Male Goblin Paladin 4
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12

AC:23, Fort:18, Reflex:19, Will:17
Vs. Bloodied Creatures - +1 bonus to All Defenses
Vs. Charm – +2 Item bonus to All Defenses
Vs. Fear – +2 Item bonus to All Defenses
Vs. Psychic - +2 Item bonus to All Defenses


HP:8/47, Temp HP:
Bloodied:23, Surge Value:11, Surges left:4/12

Divine Challenge
Enfeebling Strike
Goblin Tactics
Virtuous Strike

Action Point [X]
Call to Challenge [X]
Channel Divinity [X]
Javelin [X] [ ]
Second Wind [X]
Strength from Valor [X]
Valorous Smite [X]

Lay on Hands [X]
Majestic Halo [X]
Dazzling Plate [X]
Symbol of Brawn [ ]
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
OOC: Doh! I just realized I could have been attacking with my Flaming Sphere each round. Worked out anway, but would have meant +1d6 damage per round. :uhoh:

Live and learn, I guess.

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