[Adventure] Serpent's Skull: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv (DM: Mewness; Judge: THB)


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Kane tries to ignore the burning the spores next to him cause as they begin to strangle the air supply to his lungs. His flashing armour had saved him from a savage blow aimed at him from the creature hidden in the fungal growth that surrounds the area, so Kane had it flash once more before trying to focus his mind an his fungal assailant and bring to bear the force of his mind upon it, a difficult feat considering the type of creature concerned.

Thanking his lucky stars Kane finds a thread of thought and drives towards the strange alien mind with a thrust of his blade. As he breaks through his sword responds to these familiar creatures, the ichor of the other sentient plant that enchanted the blade in the first place snaps hold of it and bends it to Kane's will, tearing it through space where it reappears next to Aerys dazed and confused, the threat of its lashing limbs momentarily neutralized. Kane moves away from the killer spores though his body continues to foul from within, Jade badly wounded limping by his side heads into the thick of the fray with a defiant snarl. Kane positions himself in the centre of the fungus creatures and closing his eyes he reaches past his own limits, mixing his arcane talent to absorb the bright glow of his shimmering armour. His entire body begins to glow like a lighthouse before a blinding light explodes around him engulfing his enemies, pushing them away from his allies with a burning touch. When the light dies away a dim glow surrounds his body. A similar glow surrounds Aerys and Jade.

[sblock=OOC] Phew ... what a complex turn! Sheesh!

I'm really sorry about the drawing on the roll20 page. I couldn't figure it out how to delete it. The arrows mark how Kane has displaced the monsters, first with his Dislocating longsword and then with his Glorious Presence push power.

How can I eliminate those marks?

Start of Turn: Kane takes 5 necrotic/poison dmg from spore aura and 5 necrotic/poison dmg from ongoing dmg
Jade takes 5 necrotic/poison dmg from spore aura

Standard: Phantasmal Assault vs Yellow Blood Shroom Hit: Target Grants CAdv and can't make OAtks TENT (+White Lotus Riposte)
Free Action: Dislocation Longsword: Will be moved to a square next to Aerys at I7
[sblock=Aerys and Cunning Presence this turn] I think it would be a good idea for Aerys to make the most of the miss and and Hu Li's cunning presence and slide 1 towards Hu Li. That will put Aerys in range of the Blood Shroom with threatening reach of her encounter power. She could drag it away from Hu Li if she hits freeing her up to shift away and attack at range.

Edit: moot point (but I moved her anyway) as Kane hit with Glorious Presence and moved both enemies threatening Hu Li out of range.[/sblock]
Move Action: If Aerys slides to H7 then Jade moves to H8; If not it moves to H9; +2 dmg to enemies in Jade's aura and Kane gains CAdv vs those enemies.
Kane moves to G6
Minor Action: Mark Yellow Fungus Zombie with Aegis of Shielding
Action Point: Glorious Presence with Enlarge Spell to make it a Burst 3 (-2 dmg)
Enemies caught in Burst: Blue, Green and Yellow Fungus Zombie and both Blood Shrooms
Enemies Hit: 25 vs Will Green Fungus Zombie: 16 radiant dmg: +5 vulnerability = 21 dmg and Push 2 to K5
18 vs Will Purple Blood Shroom: 16 radiant dmg +5 vulnerability = 21 dmg and Push to L5
22 vs Will Blue Fungus Zombie (with CAdv): 16 radiant dmg +5 vulnerability +2 Fey Beast Aura = 23 dmg and push 2 to G11
26 vs Will Yellow Fungus Zombie (with Cadv): 16 radiant dmg +5 vulnerability +2 Fey Beast Aura = 23 dmg and push 1 to H9
Edit: Oops: All damage is -2 due to Enlarge Spell feat
Note: No redistribution of damage needed as all fungus zombies were hit so they will all end up with same dmg anyway.
Enemies missed: 11 vs Will yellow Blood Shroom (critical miss)
Effect: Kane, Aerys and Jade gain 2 THP
End of turn: save vs ongoing dmg: 3 = FAIL!
[sblock=Combat Summary]Yellow Blood Shroom: 11 psychic dmg; grants CAdv and no OAtks TENT; White lotus Riposte: takes 4 psychic dmg if it attacks Kane on its next turn.
Purple Blood Shroom: 19 radiant dmg
Green Fungus Zombie: 19 radiant dmg
Yellow Fungus Zombie: 21 radiant dmg; Marked by Kane
Blue Fungus Zombie: 21 radiant dmg
[sblock=Kane Arcane]
PC:Kane Arcane (jbear1979) - L4W Wiki
Human Hybrid Swordmage | Wizard 5
Passive Perception/Insight 14
AC:22, Fort:17, Reflex:18, Will:18, Speed:6
HP: (+2 THP) 32/49, Bloodied:24, Surge Value:12, Surges left:10/10
Initiative +2
Action Points: 1 (encounter): USED

Conditions: 5 ongoing necrotic/poison dmg (save ends)

MBA: Dislocation Longsword +1, +8 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage
Freezing Burst, Phantasmal Assault, Sword Burst

Glorious Presence: USED
Aegis of Shielding:
Channelling Shield:
Dimensional Vortex: USED
Second Wind

Flaming Sphere:
Swordmage's Shielding Fire
Dislocation Longsword: USED
Amulet of Psychic Interference:

Combat notes:
Amulet of Psychic Interference: Kane makes a SThrow vs Charm, Fear and Psychic effects at the start of his turn; if he fails he does not get another SThrow to end them at the end of his turn
White Lotus Riposte: When an enemy Kane has hit with an At Will Power attacks him on his next turn, they take 4 dmg (type is equal to the damage type dealt by at will power)
Gauntlets of Arcane Might: Kane gains 2 THP when he hits an enemy he marks with an Arcane power
Shimmering Cloth Armor: Kane's ranged and area attacks do not provoke OAtks
War Wizard's Expertise: Kane's arcane attacks vs allies take a -5 penalty to hit.

Jade, Feybeast HP (+2 THP) 3/24; AC 18 F/R/W 20/16/20
Perception +6
MBA: Claw: +10 vs AC; 1d12+2 dmg
Aura +2 dmg to all allies vs enemies in Fey Beast Aura; Kane gains CAdv vs enemies in aura
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The light causes the sinister plants to scatter in all directions, withering in the glare. The nearby growth explodes violently, covering both Aerys and Jade with sickening spores. The beast falls to the ground--and fades away.

OOC: @jbear You'd left Kane in H5, not G6. You do need to be in column 6 to get all of those enemies in your burst (not sure whether you want to be in G6 or H6, though. G6 is in the spore aura).

In any case the forced movement for the two critters near Hú Lí is not legal. You'd have to be in G5 to push them down like that (in which case, blue zombie would not be in the burst).

If you want to delete drawings, you can select drawings only by clicking the Select tool and drawing a rectangle while holding the Alt/Option key.

I'm going to assume that Kane is in H6 (i.e. that he would move out of the aura), so that everything fits in the burst. I corrected the pushes on the purple shroom and green zombie. The grab on Hú Lí is broken.

The spore is also in the burst and is a minion, so I rolled your Glorious Presence against it. It hits, and the minion explodes in a burst 3, catching Kane, Aerys, the fey beast, and Takahaan.

Aerys and the fey beast are hit for 5 poison and necrotic and cannot regain hit points (save ends). Fey beast keels over. Blue zombie slides to D12. Yellow shroom and zombie regain 5 each.

Whew, that was complicated. I've left the drawings in for the moment.

Edit: Found more mistakes. I *think* the status in Roll20 should be right now.
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First Post
[sblock=OOC] Argh! Okay, sorry about all that.

And damn, that would have been a good time to miss the spore minion.

We're going to have to drop some dailies to get through this fight I think unfortunately.


Castile shakes off the foul spores and concentrates on paying back her attackers for their attention. In one wide slash of her axe, she tears through both the spore cloud and the mushroom creature.

[sblock=Castile actions / stats]Short post; I'm heading to the airport in a few minutes. If you didn't see it in the discussion thread, I'm going to be traveling for the next week. I think I'll have internet access, but I'm not 100%. NPC me if you don't hear from me by Monday or so.

Standard: Hack and Hew:
  • vs Spore (D11) hits? AC 19. Not sure what its AC is, but if that hits, the spore dies because it's a minion. Castile gains 8 THP, which may be reduced by the spore's death attack.
  • vs Shroom (D12) crits AC 30 for 25 damage, marks it TENT Castile, and Castile gains 8 THP. [1d12+9+2 (THP)+2 (crit)]

Move: If the spore was killed, Pass Forward to E11. Otherwise, no move.

PC:Castile (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Female Dwarf Fighter 5
Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 16
AC:21, Fort:20, Reflex:17, Will:16, +5 saves vs poison, Speed:5
HP:8+43/58, Bloodied:29, Surge Value:14, Surges left:13/13
Initiative +2
Action Points: 1 (encounter)


MBA: Waraxe, +10 vs AC, 1d12+9 damage and gain 4 THP (see Combat notes below)
RBA: Waraxe, +10 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage, 6/12
Combat Challenge, Crushing Surge, Pass Forward, Tide of Iron
Bold Victory, Dwarven Resilience, Guardian's Counter, Hack and Hew, Shield Edge Block
Comeback Strike, Dwarven Thrower Waraxe, Rain of Steel

Combat notes: +2 melee / close damage with THP, +2 to attack roll on OAs, OAs stop enemy movement


First Post
The fat pod at the center of the cloud explodes, covering Castile and Takahaan with spores.

OOC: Castile takes 5 at the start of her turn from the spore's aura.

Blue zombie shares damage with yellow zombie.

Spore explodes hitting Castile and Taka. Each takes 5 damage and can't regain hit points (save ends). I rolled a save for Castile. She saves out of it immediately.

Blue zombie regains 5 HP.


First Post
Noriaki takes advantage of the zombie's distraction to slip behind it. He strikes, his blade flashing in the sun briefly before slashing at the fungus-infested corpse.

Standard: pressing strike on blue zombie
shifting to C13, hit it, barely, for 19.

Noriaki Matsumoto
Male Human Thaneborn Barbarian 5
Initiative: +5(+7 with Takahaan)
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal

Surges left:9/9
Surge Value:12
Action Points: 1/1

MBA: +11 to hit, 1d12+8 damage
Howling Strike
Pressing Strike

Vault the Fallen []
Shatterbone Strike []
Howl of Triumph []
Shrug it off []
Heroic Effort []
Second Wind []

Swift Panther Rage []
Silver Phoenix Rage


Action Surge: +3 bonus to attack rolls made during an action gained by spending an action point.

Horned Helm: +1d6 to charge damage

Battlecrazed Weapon: +1d6 damage when bloodied

Feral Might(Thaneborn Triumph): Whenever you bloody an enemy, the next attack by you or an ally against that enemy gains a bonus to the attack roll equal to your Charisma modifier(+2).[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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