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[Adventure] Serpent's Skull: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv (DM: Mewness; Judge: THB)


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The Irregulars begin setting up a perimeter around the group. The Captain and several of his officers confer to the north. As Castile jibes him, "I'll have you know I'm quite well rested, now, my dear." He grins at her.

As she's climbing he calls out, "Be sure to mind the..." before he can even finish the statement she falls. "Algae..."

Several of the younger Irregulars begin looking for supplies to make Castile some makeshift pitons, just in case. When the Captain sees this, he barks orders to mind the perimeter.

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"I'll try to swim, I'll tie a rope around me and maybe that will help someone else cross" the dwarf says, strapping his heavy shield to his back to full concentrate on swimming. The dwarf pushes against the heavy currents stoically.

Tie a rope from my pack around my waist first [/sblock]


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After Alkas has been in the water for a few minutes, he feels something nip him sharply on the toe, but he is a strong enough swimmer to evade it, whatever it is, and so he suffers no significant injury.
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Noriaki hesitates for a moment, looking to Takahaan, but makes up his mind to go for it. He leaps up onto the rocks and makes a good show of dancing gracefully across them. That is, until about halfway through, where he slips on a slick spot and takes a fall. Standing, he looks at the new patch of greenish stain on his elbow from a patch of algae as if his bone were poking through the skin. Somewhat sobered, he continues the climb more carefully.

Atheltics for rock dancing: 1d20+8=11 Backed up by the bonus, betrayed by the dice. Noriaki is down to 6/9 surges.[/sblock]


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After accepting to hold onto the curious vial that the Irregulars handed him, Takahaan turns to watch Noriaki and Castile begin the descent. Trailing after his partners, Takahaan attempts to scale the rocks down to the Jenivere, as well. The dragonborn flinches as Noriaki slips on the algae-covered rocks, taking worry in the sight of his friend plummeting to a hard stop on the dangerous heights.

Resuming his descent once realizing Noriaki had brushed the fall off, Takahaan focuses on safely getting down to the wreckage. Whether through skill or dumb luck, Takahaan slowly but surely climbs down the rocks, unscathed.

[sblock="Mechanics"]Athletics Check1d20+8=19 Slippery underfoot is no match for Takahaan's quest for honor and glory ;) [/sblock]

[sblock="OOC"]Sorry for the wait, all! I was moving residences and I had no internet access.[/sblock]
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First Post
GM: The Perception checks in this post can only be attempted by those who are exploring the wreck.

Leaving Hú Lí and the Irregulars to watch the beach, Alkas, Castile, Noriaki, and Takahaan make their way over to the wreck. Sasha shrieks when Noriaki’s foot slips, and she observes the remainder of his climb with her hands clamped over her mouth.

The body lying on the deck proves to be Alton, the Jenivere’s first mate. As with Nelli, it appears that the lobster-things have been nibbling on his body, leaving it a gruesome sight.

[sblock=Perception 17 (active only)]Most of the blood has been washed away by seawater, but you notice that Alton has a deep wound in his abdomen. The wound is clean and straight and was almost certainly inflicted by a blade.[/sblock]

Belowdecks, the adventurers surprise another lobster-thing. This one is much larger than the ones they fought on the beach, but it doesn’t seem to want to fight and skitters over the edge of the hole in the hull, plopping into the water. The bodies of the remaining members of the crew are all here, looking as though they never attempted to leave the ship--or even to clean up after their last meal.

The body of Mecatl lies in one of the cabins. He is holding a piece of dense, blackened wood about twenty inches long. Smaller pieces of the same wood are scattered about--it appears that they once formed a larger wooden object, perhaps a club or staff, that splintered while Mecatl was trying to retrieve it. When touched, the wood thrums very gently against the skin, as though it has an extremely faint but steady pulse. In Mecatl’s pouch is a stoppered vial, just like the one found on Nelli, and a small key.

In the captain’s cabin there is a large, flat wooden box with decorative inlays. The box is badly damaged, but the item it contains is in perfect condition: this is a beautifully made dwarven axe with a blade of bluish, patterned steel. It is unusually showy for a weapon of dwarven make and was probably intended as a gift--though who was to have been the giver, and who the recipient, cannot be determined.

[sblock=Perception 15 (active only)]Wedged between the captain’s desk and the cabin wall is a logbook that must have fallen into the gap. It is water-damaged but looks like it might still be readable with a bit of time and effort.[/sblock]

The lower cargo section of the ship has mostly been destroyed. There is still food on board--a supply of black bread and dried meat looks usable, and is probably enough to feed the whole group for a couple of days, assuming it has not been tampered with. There are also a few jars of wine, but unfortunately no fresh water.

Only two people from the Jenivere now remain unaccounted for--Kovack, the captain, and Ieana, the quiet female scholar.

[sblock=Treasure!]I rolled randomly for who gets the first goodies. Here they are:

Accurate aversion staff +1 (L2 item; in piskie-sized splinters)--Dartmoor Irregulars
Dwarven thrower waraxe +1 (L2 item)--Castile
Another healing potion.
Please decide who is carrying the healing potions (Takahaan is already holding one).[/sblock]
[sblock=Getting back to shore]Getting back requires the same check as getting here in the first place did, with the same consequences for failure (bad luck).[/sblock]


OOC: Yay, treasure! It's nice to have a ranged weapon now.

Castile kneels beside Alton and remarks sadly, "The poor soul." She looks up to Alkas beside her. "I wonder if it was the rocks or the poison that got him?" Castile to her feet. "Anyway, we'd better keep looking for the others first."

When the adventurers happen upon the room full of bodies, Castile looks away to the floor and waits for someone else to say something about the departed.

Castile searches the captain's cabin and finds the lovely blue-tinted axe. She slings her old axe and immediately moves to pick it up the steel one. While doing so, she notices a logbook that fell against the wall next to the captain's desk. She reaches to retrieve it and then produces it to the others when everyone regroups.

OOC: I think we should bring the supplies with us. Who knows how long we'll be on this island.
Also, 9/13 surges remain. Stupid algae!
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Reaching the wreck of the Jenivere, Noriaki can't help but note the contrast between the violence evident in the wreckage and the stillness in the area now. As he looks about, something on the first mate catches his eye. Noriaki peers closer and sees the telltale slash mark of a blade. He takes a breath, and says evenly, "This man was slain by a blade, not by the wreck. Another sign of our sabotage." Coolly, he stalks off below decks, not wanting to linger with the body.

Seeing the larger lobster, Noriaki's hand flies to his hilt, but the beast flees and he lets it go. the young swordsman steps gingerly over the bodies of the crew, making his way to the cabins, where he comes across poor Mecatl. He looks back to Takahaan, "I found our other guide. It seems he got the worst of this bargain as well." He feels a strange pull from the staff and touches it gingerly. Feeling the energy pulse underneath, he gathers some of the pieces, not sure what to do with them, but not willing to leave them behind, either. In his gathering, he comes upon the pouch, and slips it into his satchel with the staff pieces.

[sblock=mechanics] Perception on first mate: 1d20=17 wow, on the spot.[/sblock]


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Takahaan's stability down the rocks continues, and he reaches the wreck without harm. Walking alongside his human friend, the dragonborn reaches the body of Alton, listening to Noriaki's explanation for the death.

"If what you say is true, I fear that we are endangered. Whoever's plan it was to sabotage us... they will still want our blood."

Keeping an eye out for anything that could provide extra sustenance or comfort, Takahaan catches a glimpse of the bread, meat, and wine. Thinking ahead, the dragonborn calls his companions over, urging them to help him bring back the supplies.

"Although it will be a hassle to bring some of these supplies back to the others, we don't know how long we will be on this forsaken island. It is imperative that we salvage everything we can."

[sblock="OOC"]Exactly how much supplies are there, and how much would we be able to bring with us back?[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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