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[Adventure] Serpent's Skull: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv (DM: Mewness; Judge: THB)


Castile twice throws her axe at the last pscreamosaur, and twice she hits nothing but air. Thankfully, Kane seems to be having some luck calming down the chicks, so Castile opts to reposition herself closer to the party.

Castile mentions to Sasha as she walks past, "These things don't give up, you know?"

[sblock=Castile actions / stats]Move: walk to J9.

Free: Granted RBA vs Pscream 2 just barely misses AC 18. (1d20+9=18)

Standard: RBA vs Pscream 2 misses AC 14, and pscream 2 is marked by Castile. (1d20+9=14)

Move: Walk to I5.

PC:Castile (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Female Dwarf Fighter 4
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14
AC:21, Fort:20, Reflex:17, Will:16, +5 saves vs poison, Speed:5
HP:45/52, Bloodied:26, Surge Value:13, Surges left:11/13
Initiative +2
Action Points: 0 (encounter)


MBA: Waraxe, +9 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage and gain 4 THP (see Combat notes below)
RBA: Waraxe, +9 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage, 6/12
Combat Challenge, Pass Forward
Crushing Surge, Tide of Iron
Bold Victory, Dwarven Resilience, Guardian's Counter, Hack and Hew, Shield Edge Block
Comeback Strike, Dwarven Thrower Waraxe, Second Chance

Combat notes: +2 melee / close damage with THP, +2 to attack roll on OAs, OAs stop enemy movement
[/sblock][sblock=Immediate actions]1. Shield Edge Block when an adjacent enemy hits Castile with a close or melee attack and would have missed with a -4 penalty to the attack. Immediate Interrupt, +8 vs Fort, 2d6+4 damage and +4 THP. Effect: The target takes a -4 penalty to the triggering attack.

2. Combat Challenge when an adjacent enemy marked by Castile shifts or attacks an ally and doesn't include her in the attack. Immediate Interrupt, MBA vs AC. On a hit, the target is also pushed 1 if that would force it out of range for its triggering attack (no push otherwise).

3. Guardian's Counter when an ally within 2 squares of Castile is attacked and she isn't included. Immediate Interrupt, Castile and the ally switch places and she is the target instead. After the attack, she makes a basic attack vs the attacker.

4. Opportunity Attack as usual, 1/turn. MBA+2 vs AC. On a hit, the target stops moving (if a move provoked the OA).[/sblock]

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The chicks, mesmerized by the magical sounds that Kane is making, stay in place.

Pterosaur Wranglin’, Round 5

The long necked creature flies past one of the chicks, jabbing with its beak and raking with its claws, but Kane raises his sword and a shimmering magical aura surrounds the chick, protecting it from most of the damage. At the same time, the other reptile-bird swoops past. Unfortunately for the chick, it is struck just as the protective barrier dissipates, and the attacker knocks it flat and then swallows it. GULP!

[sblock=actions and rolls]Chicks forgo their moves.

Pneckosaur 2: Move to N9. Standard: Pneck 2 flyby bite vs AC (-2 marked), chick 3; damage
13(1d20) +11 -2 = 22; 11(2d10) +5 = 16
hits for 16, reduced to 8 by Kane’s aegis (or Channeling Shield, if you want). Pneck 2 flyby rake vs AC (-2 marked), chick 3; damage
5(1d20) +11 -2 = 14; 6(1d6) +6 = 12
narrowly misses owing to Kane’s mark. Pneck 2 ends in K15, 4 squares up.

Pscreamosaur 2: Move to O14 and lands. Standard: Pscream 2 bite vs AC (-2 marked), chick 3; damage
10(1d20) +11 -2 = 19; 9(2d6) +6 = 15
hits and kills chick 3.

Minor: devour chick 3. Pscreamosaur 2 swallows chick 3 and regains 15 hp.

[sblock=SAVE THE CHICKS!]As a move action, you can make a DC 20 Nature check in an attempt to calm/coax the chicks. If you succeed, each chick immediately takes a move action as you direct, and does not take one on its usual turn. Chicks have a move of 4 (and see the section on terrain).

As a move action, you can make a DC 22 check with some other skill to attempt to influence the behavior of the chicks. I’ll allow anything that seems reasonable (Arcana to produce compelling lights or noises, interpersonal skills, etc.). If you succeed, pick one of the following effects:
-- one chick immediately takes a move action as you direct (and none on its usual turn) or
-- all the chicks give up their move actions for the round and do nothing.

Regardless of how many attempts you make to influence the chicks, no chick may take more than one move action each round.

As a standard action, you can make a DC 14 Acrobatics or Athletics check to grab an adjacent chick and hold onto it to keep it safe. You must fulfill the usual conditions for maintaining a grab (hand free, not dazed, etc.). While grabbed, a chick is considered to be in your square, but cannot be targeted by attacks. Each round that you hold the chick, you must repeat the Acrobatics or Athletics check on your turn as a free action. If you fail, the chick escapes into an adjacent square and moves on its turn as usual.

If you successfully influence a chick that you are holding using one of the methods above, it will stop trying to escape for as long as you hold it. You do not need to make any further Acrobatics or Athletics checks.

The chicks count as your allies, and can be targeted by things that affect allies. They do not have any attacks, cannot flank, and they do not provoke OAs when they move. If you use an effect on a chick that allows it to spend a healing surge and recover hit points, it is fully healed by that effect.[/sblock]

[sblock=Special Note about Falling] Because falling off the rightmost edge would probably be fatal (and at the very least would take a character completely out of the fight), it is impossible for a PC or Sasha to fall off into the blue area during this fight. If you would fall off under the normal rules (i.e. you are forced over the edge and fail your save), then you stay prone on the edge and in addition become dazed until the end of your next turn.[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain and Elevation]All terrain is normal except for the nest, which is difficult terrain. The different shades of grey represent rock ledges at different elevations. The red numbers are elevations relative to the rough, light brown terrain at the top. (You can also tell where the drops are by the shadows: a thin shadow represents a 5-foot difference and a thick shadow represents a 10-foot difference.)

Moving to an adjacent square that is 5 feet higher or lower costs an extra square of movement. Moving to an adjacent square that is 10 feet higher or lower requires climbing (DC 15). Chicks can handle 5-foot changes without spending extra squares of movement, but they can’t handle 10-foot changes at all.[/sblock]

[sblock=Controlling Sasha]Companion NPCs in Combat

Any PC can take a standard, move, or minor action to have an NPC perform an action of the same (or a lesser) type. E.g., if you want Sasha to use Twin Strike, you spend a standard action. If you want her to move, you spend a move action. An NPC is limited to the usual number of actions each round (but those actions need not all be granted by the same PC). An NPC who has an immediate action can likewise only use it if a PC has an immediate action available to use on his/her behalf.

NPCs can take free actions and opportunity actions normally, without the direction of PCs. They are always considered to have their weapons in hand and don’t need to spend actions unsheathing them.

If all of the PCs act in a given round without giving any actions to a particular NPC, I will have that NPC take one non-offensive action. This will most likely be Second Wind if it is needed and available, and movement or Total Defense if it is not. (It won’t be necessary for PCs to spend their own standard actions to have NPCs use second wind.)[/sblock]

HP 22/34, Bloodied 17, Surge value 8; Surges 7/7
Str 10, Con 12, Dex 18, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12
AC 18, Fort 16, Reflex 18, Will 14
Skills: Nature +8, Perception +8, Stealth +10
Striker: 1/round, Sasha can deal 1d6 extra damage when she hits an enemy she has CA against.
:branged: longbow +9 vs. AC, 1d10+5 damage (range 20/40)
Twin Strike (standard; martial, weapon; ranged weapon, one or two creatures)
Attack: +9 vs. AC, two attacks
Hit: 1d10+1 damage per attack
[x] Evasive Strike (standard; martial, weapon; ranged weapon, one creature)
Special: Sasha can shift 3 squares either before or after the attack
Attack: +9 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10+5 damage
[o] Crucial Advice (immediate reaction; ranged 5)
Trigger: An ally within range that Sasha can see or hear makes a Nature, Perception, or Stealth check
Effect: The ally can reroll the skill check with a +2 power bonus.
[o] Heroic Effort (no action; personal)
Trigger: Sasha misses with an attack or fails a save
Effect: Sasha gains a +4 racial bonus to the attack roll or saving throw.
[o] Second Wind

Conditions: none[/sblock]

[sblock=status]Good Guys
Castile (J9) HP 45/52; surges 11/13;
Hú Lí (N3) HP 25/39; surges 8/8; dazed (save ends)
Kane (O5) HP 26/38; surges 9/10
Noriaki (N6) HP 18/45; surges 9/9; bloodied, grabbing chick 2
Takahaan (Q9) HP 19/39; surges 8/8; bloodied
Sasha (K6) HP 22/34; surges 7/7

Chick 1 (R11)
Chick 2 (N7) 2 damage taken, grabbed by Noriaki
Chick 3 (O13) 8 damage taken
Chick 4 (H17) prone

Bad Guys
Pneckosaur 1 (E5) dead
Pneckosaur 2 (K15 +4) 45 damage taken, bloodied, marked by Kane
Pscreamosaur 1 (N7) dead
Pscreamosaur 2 (J12 +6) 10 damage taken, curdling screech used, devour used

[sblock=Enemy Stats]Please read the appropriate block(s) only when necessary to resolve attacks or OAs.

[sblock=Pscreamosaur (with the open beak)]Pscreamosaur
AC 19, Fort 17, Ref 18, Will 17; HP 62, bloodied 31
:bmelee: Bite +10 vs. AC, 1d8+6 damage or 2d6+6 damage with CA.[/sblock]
[sblock=Pneckosaur (with the long neck)]Pneckosaur
AC 18, Fort 17, Ref 19, Will 18; HP 80, bloodied 40
:bmelee: Bite (reach 2) +11 vs. AC, 2d10+5 damage.[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Possible triggers that the DM doesn’t want to forget]Black Fox
Virtue of Cunning (no action; ally is missed)

Combat Challenge (interrupt; adjacent marked target shifts or makes an attack that doesn’t include Castile)
Guardian’s Counter (interrupt; ally within 2 is hit by an attack that doesn’t include Castile)
Shield Edge Block (interrupt; adjacent enemy hits or misses Castile with a close or melee attack)

Aegis of Shielding (interrupt; marked enemy hits a target within 10 and the attack doesn’t include Kane)
Channeling Shield (interrupt; an attack hits Kane or an ally within 10)
x Dimensional Vortex (interrupt; an enemy within 10 hits an ally with a melee attack)

Rampage (free; Noriaki scores a critical hit with a Barbarian attack power)
x Roar of Triumph (free; Noriaki reduces an enemy to 0 hp)
x Shrug it Off (reaction; Noriaki is subjected to a save ends effect)
Thaneborn Triumph (no action; Noriaki bloodies an enemy)

Guardian’s Counter (interrupt; ally within 2 is hit by an attack that doesn’t include Takahaan)
x Vengeance is Mine (reaction; an enemy hits Takahaan)[/sblock]


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Kane stabs his sword towards the pneckosaur, now at the very edge of his range.

"Fold mind! Fold!"

Despite his immense frustration at his inability to pierce the reptiles thick skull, Kane manages to bite back the profanities bubbling in his throat and issue a softer more natural version of the call to the remaining chicks

[sblock=Actions] Phantasmal Assault on Pneckosaur ... cmon 12 or better!!! ... sigh.

Kane will use Aegis of Shielding to protect chick. If not attacked and he is he'll protect himself with Channelling shield. [/sblock]
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First Post
Noriaki easily holds the crying chick in his hands, and continues to the next verse of his song.

White frost o'er the autumn camps freezing the whole night,
Flocks of wild geese cry and pass just below the moon.
Where is the moonlight that might have shone so bright,
Shone upon the warriors' swords gleaming through the night?"

As he sings, Sasha moves into position to end the threat to the rest of the chicks.

Move action: Diplomacy to calm the chick.
Roll: 1d20+4=21 :(
Athletics to keep ahold of it: 1d20+10=29 That'll do :D

Standard: Move Sasha to O10.


[sblock=Noriaki]Noriaki Matsumoto
Male Human Thaneborn Barbarian 1
Initiative: +5(+7 with Takahaan)
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal

Surges left:9/9
Surge Value:11
Action Points: 1

MBA: +10 to hit, 1d12+6 damage
Howling Strike
Pressing Strike

Escalating Violence []
Howl of Triumph []
Shrug it off [x]
Heroic Effort []
Second Wind []

Swift Panther Rage []


Feral Might(Thaneborn Triumph): Whenever you bloody an enemy, the next attack by you or an ally against that enemy gains a bonus to the attack roll equal to your Charisma modifier(+2).[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: [MENTION=14889]Mewness[/MENTION] From Brash Assault: "The target can make a melee basic attack against you as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack. If the target makes this attack, an ally of your choice within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack. Against the target of Takahaan's Brash Assault, Takahaan gains a bonus to his defenses equal to his Charisma mod (+4) until the end of his next turn." I'd like Sasha to be the ally that takes the basic attack.

Takahaan goes after the bird-reptile near him now that it is low enough for him to hit. His magical cloak glows and ensures that he will stay protected should the creature strike back.

He makes a hefty swing and strikes the creature square in the chest, leaving himself open for counterattack, hoping Sasha would be able to land an arrow while he baits it to stand still and attack him.

Move: Walk to O13.

Minor: Use Cloak of Resistance Daily, granting Takahaan resist 5 to all damage TSNT.

Standard: Brash Assault on Pscreamer. Hits AC 29 for 15 damage.

Brash Assault attack: 1d20+11=29
Brash Assault damage: 1d10+5=15[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Takahaan]Takahaan Thanazashi Male Dragonborn Bravura Warlord 4
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal
Will:18 HP:19/39
Surge Value:10
Surges left:8/8
Action Points: 0


Brash Assault
Intuitive Strike
Dragon Breath [x]
Inspiring Word [x]
Flattering Charge [ ]
Vengeance Is Mine [x]
Lamb to the Slaughter [x]
Spur To Action [x]

Other Abilities:

Second Wind [ ]
Cloak of Resistance [x]


+4 bonus to defenses against Pscreamer TENT.

[sblock=Important Features] Bravura Presence: When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack or take a move action after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn.

Combat Leader: You and each ally within 10 squares who can see and hear you gain a +2 power bonus to initiative.

Dragonborn Fury: When you’re bloodied, you gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls.[/sblock] [/sblock]
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First Post
GM: I hereby award Noriaki a +2 circumstance bonus to his Diplomacy check for player input. Diplomacy check succeeds, chick 2 is no longer trying to escape.

Takahaan's brash assault allows pscreamosaur 2 an attack:

Pscream 2 basic vs AC (+2 CA), Takahaan; damage (CA)
17(1d20) +10 +2 = 29; 8(2d6) +6 = 14
hits for 14, modified to 9 because of the cloak of resistance.

Sasha shoots in response: Sasha basic attack vs AC (+CA), pscream 2; damage (+1d6 CA)
13(1d20) +9 +2 = 24; 7(1d10) +5 +2(1d6) = 14
hits for 14.


Castile winces when she sees the chick get swallowed, as if she herself were hurt by the bird-lizard. Unseen behind her visor, she glares murderously at the pscreamosaur and then charges, tearing a wound into it with her large axe.

[sblock=Castile actions / stats]Move: walk to N9.

Standard: Charge to P13! MBA vs Pscream 2 hits AC 22 for 10 damage, Castile gains 4 THP, and pscream 2 is marked by Castile. (1d20+9+1=22;1d12+7=10)

I'll use Guardian's Counter on the chick if it gets attacked.

PC:Castile (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Female Dwarf Fighter 4
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14
AC:21, Fort:20, Reflex:17, Will:16, +5 saves vs poison, Speed:5
HP:45/52, Bloodied:26, Surge Value:13, Surges left:11/13
Initiative +2
Action Points: 0 (encounter)


MBA: Waraxe, +9 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage and gain 4 THP (see Combat notes below)
RBA: Waraxe, +9 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage, 6/12
Combat Challenge, Pass Forward
Crushing Surge, Tide of Iron
Bold Victory, Dwarven Resilience, Guardian's Counter, Hack and Hew, Shield Edge Block
Comeback Strike, Dwarven Thrower Waraxe, Second Chance

Combat notes: +2 melee / close damage with THP, +2 to attack roll on OAs, OAs stop enemy movement
[/sblock][sblock=Immediate actions]1. Shield Edge Block when an adjacent enemy hits Castile with a close or melee attack and would have missed with a -4 penalty to the attack. Immediate Interrupt, +8 vs Fort, 2d6+4 damage and +4 THP. Effect: The target takes a -4 penalty to the triggering attack.

2. Combat Challenge when an adjacent enemy marked by Castile shifts or attacks an ally and doesn't include her in the attack. Immediate Interrupt, MBA vs AC. On a hit, the target is also pushed 1 if that would force it out of range for its triggering attack (no push otherwise).

3. Guardian's Counter when an ally within 2 squares of Castile is attacked and she isn't included. Immediate Interrupt, Castile and the ally switch places and she is the target instead. After the attack, she makes a basic attack vs the attacker.

4. Opportunity Attack as usual, 1/turn. MBA+2 vs AC. On a hit, the target stops moving (if a move provoked the OA).[/sblock]


First Post
With the battle moving away from her, Hú Lí dances closer to the edge, playing accompaniment to the song Noriaki is singing. She smiles as the ringing in her ears finally dies down.[sblock=actions]Move: to N9
Save vs. Dazed (round 5): 14(1d20) = 14[/sblock][sblock=Hú Lí]The Black Fox Fox Spirit (Changeling) Bard 4
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 20
AC:19, Fort:13, Reflex:17, Will:18
:bmelee: +4 vs. AC, 1d6-1 damage

HP:25/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges left:7/8
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: unused
Powers: Fox Spirit Disguise, Wild Shape, Staggering Note, Vicious Mockery
Blunder, Dissonant Strain, Fox Spirit Trick, Grasping Claws, Majestic Word x2, Words of Friendship, Noble Presence, Painted Drum
Stirring Shout, Canon of Avoidance

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy misses an ally within 9 squares of the Black Fox, the Fox may slide the ally 1 square as a free action.



First Post
The chick on the edge of the cliff struggles to its feet again, while one of its siblings moves toward Kane, attracted by the sounds he is making. The chick in Noriaki’s hand calms down, lulled by his singing.

Pterosaur Wranglin’, Round 6

The long-necked creature swoops past the chick on the edge, knocking it flat with its beak and then devouring it--GULP!--before continuing its flight back around to approach the group again. The other monster bites at Castile but fails to connect. It tries desperately to fly away, but although Castile’s counterattack misses, Takahaan lunges with his sword and strikes it dead.

The remaining beast, having gotten one morsel and finding the others out of reach, looks very much inclined to flee.

[sblock=actions and rolls]Pneckosaur: standard--flyby attack on chick 4. Pneck 2 bite vs AC, chick 4; damage; rake vs AC, chick 4; damage
9(1d20) +11 = 20; 11(2d10) +5 = 16; 15(1d20) +11 = 26; 5(1d6) +6 = 11
kills chick 4 (too far away for Kane’s aegis).

Minor: devour chick. Pneck 2 regains 20 hp.

Move: to H10 (6 squares up)

Pscreamosaur: Pscream 2 swooping slash vs AC, Castile; damage
1(1d20) +11 = 12; 4(1d8) +6 = 10
misses. Pscreamosaur tries to move away, provoking OAs from Castile and Takahaan.

Castile basic vs AC (+2 OA); damage
5(1d20) +9 +2 = 16; 11(1d12) +7 = 18

Takahaan basic vs AC, Pscream 2; damage
12(1d20) +10 = 22; 8(1d10) +5 = 13
hits for 13--exactly enough to kill it!

GM: Combat over. The remaining pneckosaur will try to flee (although there is some chance that a barrage of ranged attacks might kill it before it gets away).

Final Status
Castile HP 45/52; surges 11/13
Hú Lí HP 25/39; surges 7/8
Kane HP 26/38; surges 9/10
Noriaki HP 18/45; surges 9/9; bloodied
Takahaan HP 10/39; surges 8/8; bloodied
Sasha HP 22/34; surges 7/7

You can take a short rest and spend surges.

Sasha manages to coax one of the surviving chicks into a cage, but the other makes an incredible fuss when any attempt is made to separate it from Noriaki, crying in distress, clinging to his robe with its claws, and flapping its little wings. Sasha, smiling, desists from trying to relieve him of the little creature, and proposes heading back to camp.

The mother pterosaur that used to occupy this nest seems to have had a great liking for shiny objects; the nest contains several pearly shells and fragments of metal, as well as some more interesting things. There is a fine pendant, depicting a very stylized, complicated knot; a fillet of white gold, the color of Noriaki’s hair; and a set of clothes that seem highly incongruous in this setting--a bustier, some tights, and a pair of elbow-length fingerless gloves, perhaps an outfit that a dancer might wear on a city stage. All the pieces are sewn with tiny, shiny beads, which explains the mother pterosaur’s attraction to them. But when they are brought together, they shimmer and change, merging into each other to become an unremarkable-seeming ringmail corselet.

[sblock=Treasure!]Pendant--amulet of seduction +1 (L5 item “bought” by Hú Lí)
White gold fillet--horned helmet (heroic) (L6 item; Noriaki)
Ringmail corselet--changeling’s hide armor +2 (L6 item; Hú Lí)

Changeling’s Armor +2 (hide)
Power (At-Will, Polymorph): Minor Action. You can transform this armor into a normal-looking set of clothes. While in clothes form, the armor does not provide an armor bonus, but neither does it impose an armor check penalty or speed reduction. You can change this armor back into its true form, or into the form of a different set of clothes, as a minor action.

Special: If you are a changeling, you can use this armor’s power as a free action when you use your Changeling Disguise power.

Note: This item is modeled on Impostor’s Armor (level 6), but it comes as light armor rather than heavy, does not include the bonus to Bluff checks, and has a little extra synergy for changelings.[/sblock]

[sblock=Your Quest Log Has Been Updated] Major Quest: Get safely off the island.

Minor Quests (one for each NPC): Keep Aerys, Gelik, Ishirou, Jade, and Sasha alive.

Minor Quest: Find a supply of viper nettle berries to help Aerys kick her drinking habit. COMPLETE!

Minor Quest: Find the Nightvoice for Gelik.

Minor Quest: Find the treasure at the end of Ishirou's treasure map. COMPLETE!

Minor Quest: Find evidence to exonerate Jade. COMPLETE!

Minor Quest: Help Sasha capture a baby pterosaur. COMPLETE![/sblock]


First Post
Takahaan kneels after the battle is over, catching his breath and tending to his minor wounds. After he has wiped the blood off his nodachi and sheathed it, he approaches Noriaki.

With a victorious smile, he asks, "So! What will you name it?"

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