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[Adventure] Squash Those Bugs! (DM: Dekana, Judge: ?)


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OOC: Are we using the same map? If we're, mind if you mark out the spot where the explosives are so we can better position ourselves?

Seeing what Lenyara did, Ashurn slid into the shadows with his dagger drawn.
[Sblock=Stealth] Result=23[/sblock]

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"Well, let's do this then," Lenyara snapped. She walked to the (locked?) door they had entered through and rapped on it firmly with the ilt of her short sword. "We're done! Open up!" Then, weapons ready in hand, she stepped smoothly to the side of the doorway and stood in a ready crouch...
After a brief moment of silence, the kobold guard on the other side of the door responds.

".... Really? You actually beat the bugs?... Umm... And did you all survive?"

Another moment of silence follows before the guard yells something in Draconic. His voice can be heard echoing several times as the noise travels down the tunnel back toward the kobold settlement.

[sblock=Draconic]"Hey! The softskins say they killed the bugs! What am I supposed to do now?"[/sblock]
"I, just, uh, ask for orders. Little wait please."

About a minute passes before another voice faintly echoes back down the tunnel.

[sblock=Draconic]"Boss says let them starve! We'll get their stuff later!"[/sblock]
The guard on the other side of the thick door speaks up one more time. "Boss says let you starve. Sorry 'bout that."

GM: It would seem the kobolds have double-crossed you. A heavy stone door, barred from the other side, and presumably a tribe of hostile kobolds, now stand between you and the surface.

You have a few options for getting past the door:
  • You could try the old explosives, but safely moving and detonating them would require extreme caution and no small amount of luck. (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Nature, Thievery)
  • Another option would be to bash the stone door down with brute force, but that would take anywhere from hours to weeks of effort. (Acrobatics, Athletics, Endurance)
  • Lastly, you could try to persuade the guard into opening the door for you. Kobolds aren't known for their bravery or willpower, but then again, you don't exactly have much leverage in this situation. (Bluff, Diplomacy, Insight, Intimidate)

The group can only pick one option, so please reach a consensus before rolling anything. I'll set the skill check DCs after you've decided.


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OOC: Out of all the skill checks, the highest I've got for those are Thievery and Acrobatics at +10. Which I could try to use for moving the explosives or opening the door.


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"Tell the Boss we won't starve- we are coming to eat HIM!," Lenyara snarled, before she turned away from the door and stalked back towards the others. She took a quick look around the group, her anger clearly visible. "I don't guess anyone brought a pick, or a prybar? We may have to try those explosives you found. I've got plenty of food, but water might be a problem- it could take days to dig out of here on our own..."

OOC: Mechanically, Lenyara is far more suited to trying to dig out of here (trained in all 3 listed skills)- are the floor and walls solid stone? Narratively, though, I think we ought to try the explosives (Nature +9, Thievery +6)- if they don't work (and we survive the try), we can still try to dig out.


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"Well, there goes my gold." *sigh* "I should have known better than deal with kobolds. Well, time to stop moping and take action." Ashurn strides towards the satchel of explosisves. "You all should move away from me, just to be on the safe side.", said Ashurn as he squats down and started cutting the leather straps that bounds the satchel to the skeleton of the dead gnome.
OOC: Tell me if you need me to roll for anything for my actions.
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Labraundos looks on with alarm when Ashurn steps towards the explosives. He instantly backs away to cover to plug his sensitive ears.

OOC: Labraundos' appropriate skills are Athletics +7 (+9 out of armour), Diplomacy +5 and Endurance +5 (+7 out of armour). I do think we should try the bang sticks, too.


Ashurn cuts the satchel loose from the gnome to get a better look at what he's dealing with, but he's cautious not to actually disturb the bag's contents quite yet.

GM: Okay, the explosives it is!

You're faced with the tasks of finding a good spot (or spots) to take cover, delicately moving the explosives to the door, and detonating them. The fuses on the bombs are extremely short, so you'll also have to think of a way for whoever lights them to get clear in time.

Round 1
Primary skills are Arcana, Dungeoneering, Nature, and Thievery with a DC of 13. If you can think of a plausible way to use a different skill, you can roll that skill against a DC of 21 (limited to one non-primary skill per character in this encounter). Everyone should roll once per round.

The group needs 10 successes before 3 failures.
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OOC: DC of 10? Can one character just use the same skill over and over or we have to use different skills? Just asking because my Thievery is trained with +5 dex mod, it is base +10. It's a auto succeed.


[sblock=musings]As a side note, I'm not entirely pleased that the DCs are so low for this level. Without looking at everyone's character sheets, at least 3 people will have automatic successes per round! Still, 5 / 10 / 15 are what the DCs should be according to the errata, and I don't want to raise them (punish the group) just because you have good skill checks. So I'll just look forward to this skill challenge as an opportunity for some role play. :)[/sblock]

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