Assume you have whatever your character considers to be important pieces of equipment close at hand, just in case. The people of the town seem unconcerned about the presence of weapons so long as they are sheathed. Many individuals carry their own weapons for personal protection. The town has a very independent streak and laws regarding the carrying of weapons are few and lax. Nobles carry sheathed swords and many wear leather armor or studded leather armor. A few even don chain or light plate, especially since there is a melee which is planned to take place later in the evening. Some of the common folk have sheathed daggers and a few have padded or quilted armor. The town guard are present here and there, although you estimate there to be fewer than two dozen of them, not including deputies, who merely carry clubs and wear quilted armor and serve a mostly ceremonial function. The guard and deputies are usually only called upon to break up the occasional brawl which erupts from drunken and disorderly conduct.