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Airwalkrr's Shatterscape OOC (D&D 3.5)


City states sounds fine to me. Really just a matter of scale. I just threw in the word kingdom as a place holder off the top of my head. I didn't imagine West Fork as large enough to be its own entity, probably just a small settlement or even a military outpost beholden to a larger power. Possibly even Narovan itself.

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Ok, this game is now officially recruiting. World-building will start with Narovan, and we will work our way outward. Sometime this week, I will toy around with the EN Wiki and see if I can start moving some of the stuff we have already done over. Keep posting ideas and let me know if you are in for this project/campaign.


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So how does this work? We all submit some ideas and then, when we feel we have enough to work with (for now anyway), we create characters and start playing?

Anyway I'd like to participate.


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Count me in as interested. I love doing world-building type stuff, it's like my hobby. I'll come up with some ideas to throw at you in a bit.


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We are currently running something like this with voidrazor at the helm, although our world is an epic lvl tech/magic hybrid world ;p Its set around a few very unique characters that effectively run the worlds where they live, and we are currently dealing with a destructive invading galactic evil, while still trying to deal with our own planetary politics and inter planetary relations. Its very slow going and we have lost people along the way, as few have the stamina for epic lvl creation or real story telling ability. We started out with several merchantile type characters who were investigating the disturbance on the edge of their solar system.

Feel free to check out the IC thread that can be found in my signature.


I'm still interested.

I had a larger scale idea I wanted to throw out there. It may not be interesting to everyone, so feel free to scrap it

[sblock=Religion]There are only two sources of divine magic: the primal, fundamental forces of Law and Chaos.

Law is universally worshiped as embodied by the Lawgiver, a deity dedicated to laws, cities and order. The Lawgiver's worshipers build churches and temples to provide gathering places for worshipers. A rigid hierarchy of priests guides the flock, seeking to impose order. The Church of the Lawgiver is the only church, and they can be found in every one of the great city-states. Conflict sometimes arises between different branches of the Church, but the Lawgiver himself remains silent on the correct interpretation.

Worshipers of Chaos have no organization, no gathering points for worship. Reverence of Chaos is a very personal religion, and sometimes it isn't even recognized for what it is. A cultist seeking dark powers, a primitive tribesman praying to a fickle god, a gambler whispering entreaties to Lady Luck; all are in reality worshiping Chaos.

I like taking the normal good/evil god split and turning it on its side. Law vs. Chaos is the primary divide, at least among the divine. There are those who seek balance, druids and some others. But they do so with full knowledge of the two forces, trying to draw a little from both sides, rather than inventing a third side.

Also there are no gods declaring their demands on a daily basis. This leads to opportunities for conflict between different branches of the church, and intrigue inside a branch, and priests try and ascend in rank. And since all worshipers of Law, be they good or evil, are united in one church, jujst because you share a faith with another, it doesn't mean you can trust them.[/sblock]
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So how does this work? We all submit some ideas and then, when we feel we have enough to work with (for now anyway), we create characters and start playing?

I think you have the right idea. Right now we have the city of Narovan and the town of West Fork. Next step should be to detail the surrounding topography and some neighbors, be they rivals or allies. The best part is you get to decide.

dystmesis, glad to have you aboard.

Hafrogman, I like your idea of a Law/Chaos dichotomy. It might serve the campaign well if there were certain factions within the church however (e.g. a lawful good faction that ordains paladins and fights chaos and evil, a militant faction that seeks domination, or a faction that seeks blind justice). It could be vaguely analogous to the Protestant/Catholic/Orthodox split among Christianity (an example, not a model).

Voda Vosa

First Post
If there is a spot open, I'll like to take it. I don't know what you think of introducing a new cultural faction in this world. Currently I'm running a pbp game with an ancient china theme (see it in my link if you wish to) and I thought it could be a good idea to set a region of the land, ruled by a dynasty of emperors. It could be the start point for samurais (although they are Japanese) shugenjas ninjas (also Japanese xD ), monks and wu jens. I have some housrules for the oriental setting, a story of the rising of the empire and all, but I can create a new one of course.


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I just wrote this... I've actually got this homebrew class sitting around my computer without any real fluff, just a general idea, so I thought this is as good a place as any to unveil it to the world... So here's the general idea behind the Dreamblade... Tell me what you think.

[sblock=Dreamblade]Every child in Narovan has had nightmares of the dreamblades - fabled creatures that come crawling from the deepest recesses of the psyche and strike men dead in their slumber. Even in the harsh city of Narovan, where merely being in the wrong street at night spells certain doom, the legend of the Dreamblades strikes a particularly deep chord in the hearts of many people living in the city.

Luckily, however, they are just that - a legend left over from an earlier time, no doubt designed long ago to instill fear into children. This is what most people think. But in reality, they are no legend, no dream. They do exist, and in far greater numbers than anyone realizes.

The Church of the Lawgiver continues a crusade against them to the day, but are no closer to rooting them out than when they started. The Midnight Guild gave up fighting against them along ago. As wild and fleeting as a dream, all attempts to do away with them are futile. The dreamblades have no leaders, no recruiters. Very few of them could even recognize each other. Without any system of hierachy or organization, the dreamblades are a chaotic group of unrelated people hailing from all races and walks of life with only two things in common.

Firstly, they all claim to see endless visions during their sleeping hours - insane dreams and nightmares telling them to do things they'd never do; showing them things that could never come to be.

Secondly, all dreamblades share the ability to channel the world of dreams into reality, forging a weapon of pure dreamstuff with their will. These bizarre weapons can take any shape the dreamblade desires, from a simple sword or axe, to smoke and bursts of light, or abstract concepts.

Driven by strange otherworldy messages, dreamblades can appear anywhere at any time. Anyone on the street could secretly be a dreamblade, and there is no way to detect one until they manifest their weapon. Their goals are completely unknown - sometimes to even themselves.

Some are induced to performing insane, sadistics acts alone in the dead of night. Others are stirred by a message telling them to defend people from evil. Still others are led to form mysterious, loosely-formed cults, where they perform mad rites to bizarre, imaginary beings.


I haven't capped it to a specific number of players yet, Voda Vosa, so you are welcome to join and contribute. I believe I will probably see how many players who profess interest stick with it through the basic development processes.

I think the dreamblade shows promise. Did you have this in mind as a class or a prestige class? It seems at least partially inspired by the mindblade, so that might be a useful model to look at. I don't think we need to tie them to Narovan. They could be a world-wide phenomenon. I could even see dreams as being a signature element of the campaign, with dream mages, dream monsters, and a dream plane. That is assuming that the other players like that idea of course.

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