D&D 5E Arcane Trickster/Arcane Archer build


So I really want to play an arcane archer multiclass. Looking at the subclasss and the numbers I know battlemaster is hands down more powerful and many other fighter options are too. I know this is a mediocre subclass, but I want to play one because I like the idea of it. I was thinking of doing a multiclass to make it a bit more viable.

I would start with 4 levels of Rogue-variant human 16Dex/14Int at 1st level and shadow touched for a 15. Go to Arcane Trickster 4 and pick up fey touched for a 16 intelligence. These two feats will give me four extra castings a day and making me roughly equal to a full caster at this level. Then multiclass to figheter. Arcane archer at 7th and pick up sharpshooter at 8th level and probably go to 10th for extra attack and the ASI/+2 to dex.

At that point I am a 4AT/6AA and I have a lot of options - Wizard/Diviner for more spells and portent, Rogue for more SA, uncanny dodge and expertise or fighter for more arcane shots and curving arrow.

What do you think?

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I suspect you'll be long burnt out and frustrated with this character before 10th level.

What are you attempting to accomplish with this character? You're dipping into so many areas you will have a breadth of abilities, but no strong suite, which can be frustrating to play.

I am actually disappointed Arcane Archer isn't a Ranger subclass - have you looked at creating an "Arcane Archer" as a Ranger instead of using the fighter subclass?


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Why are you so set on a high intelligence? It's pretty easy to avoid spells with a DC if you choose carefully.


Why are you so set on a high intelligence? It's pretty easy to avoid spells with a DC if you choose carefully.
Most of the illusion and enchantment spells, which are most of what he will get as an AT, have a DC, also the arcane shot options for Arcane Archer have an intelligence-based DC too and that is the central feature of the class.


I suspect you'll be long burnt out and frustrated with this character before 10th level.

What are you attempting to accomplish with this character? You're dipping into so many areas you will have a breadth of abilities, but no strong suite, which can be frustrating to play.

I am actually disappointed Arcane Archer isn't a Ranger subclass - have you looked at creating an "Arcane Archer" as a Ranger instead of using the fighter subclass?
I have played a bunch of Rangers and I like the class, probably my third favorite after Rogue and Wizard. A Ranger will make a powerful archer, but I can't use the AA subclass for a Ranger as we only play official rules.

Mostly I want a viable character that can use the Arcane Shot features and has some good fallback features. I have played a lot of Rogues so levels 1-4 will be fun, it is 5-9 that could drag as you say. When I look at my idea for a class - a straight Arcane Archer is a one-trick pony and one that is not very good at that one trick. AA is a fighter that is below average in fighting. The way I look at it is the skills and spells the multiclass brings to the table make up for a lot of that .... maybe?

I think in levels 5-9 the character will be pretty strong out of combat with with 8 proficiencies, 2 expertise and generally high skill abilities (S8, C10, W12, Ch14) along with substantial spells for a non-caster. I think he will also make a good Rogue even through level 9 (albeit without equivalent sneak attack but with more spells than an AT of the same overall level). He won't be great in combat until 9th level or so, but I think I am ok with that given the out of comobat uses the Rogue brings to the table.
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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Most of the illusion and enchantment spells, which are most of what he will get as an AT, have a DC, also the arcane shot options for Arcane Archer have an intelligence-based DC too and that is the central feature of the class.
Ah right I forgot about the Arcane Archer aspect. I think I'd need to see "what you do in a typical combat" analysis to be more helpful. My Arcane Trickster does very heavy damage at levels below 9th, but he's using a rapier and green flame blade or booming blade to do it along with a familiar and sneak attack damage.


Ah right I forgot about the Arcane Archer aspect. I think I'd need to see "what you do in a typical combat" analysis to be more helpful. My Arcane Trickster does very heavy damage at levels below 9th, but he's using a rapier and green flame blade or booming blade to do it along with a familiar and sneak attack damage.
I think I can take one of those cantrips to use for levels 3-8 and then change to a bow when sharpshooter and extra attack come online. I won't have as much SA damage at levels 5 and 7, but still enough to be decent.

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