Ashy's Oathbound Campaign II, IC


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Raak increases the rate of sniffing and snuffling and mere moments after Tristan picks him up, the blue motes stop flowing upward from the asherake. Raak then looks to Tristan and coos, "rrrrrraaaaaaaakkkkkkkkk...." He snuggles up to Tristan, nuzzling his chest.

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Kyron comes to a realization and turns to Kiera.

"Captain. If you prepare speak with dead prayers tomorrow and we take some of the corpses before scavengers get to them all the questions we have proposed may be answered. Therefore all we need decide is what to do with our prisoner and where we shall go. PC can you tell us anything of your current mission?


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OOC: Baja tossed the bodies over the edge of the spire, remember? That is not to say that you might not find some parts of them on the ground below, however...

P.C. looks to Kyron, thinks for a moment and then replies. "No offense intended, but until you all decide to whom your alligeances lie, there are just somethings I cannot tell you. Let's just say that I am to deliver a message to a very high-up man for Ossian. One of the Three Warlords that rules over Arena, no less."


Kiera concentrates upon the magical items, hoping to discern their relative strengths and schools of magic. The action letting her clear her mind and think for a moment, apart from her companions.

OOC: Spellcraft checks for 23 items in order: Chain Shirts: 17, 5, 16; 1/2 Plate: 8, 22, 21; Swords: 8, 18, 18; Bracelet: 9; Ring: 6; Anklet: 17; Metallic Disks: 12, 15, 24, 7, 19, 21, 10, 17, 6, 6, 10.


Ashy said:
OOC: Baja tossed the bodies over the edge of the spire, remember? That is not to say that you might not find some parts of them on the ground below, however...

ooc Kyron knows the spell mending :)


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While I don't exactly like the way this questioning of this prisoner is taking.Julian speaks outI unfortunatly see know other way...we do need to know what they know of us, unless it was just that that 'goddes' summoned them to take care of any of our unfortunate friends companions left after she did what she did..


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Coming back into the room with a handy haunch of "something" in his left fist, strands of meat hanging from his large mouth as he chewed.
I figured that he found some discarded "thing" from the ram people's group and that he could eat it , his orcish heritage not worrying too much about rotten meat and so forth.

His eyebrow shot up at the mention of questioning the prisoner. ME can promise to tear tail off and use to floss Baja's teef? Dat would be good start?


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The night passes slowly. Eventually, Baja and P.C. create a fairly decent dinner and Kiera finishes examining the pile of loot brough in by Baja. The mood over dinner, however, is solemn and sedated; it stands in stark contrast to the night before. It is a grim reminder to the party of just how far they are from home...

About mid-way through the dinner, Xerxes notices that the asherake is awake. He does not know how long the creature has been awake, however, as Raak is sleeping contentendly upon its chest. The creature makes no noise, but lies still, glowering at all of you with cold hatred in its eyes and visage.

Kiera: [sblock]
  • 3 chain shirts - the first and third shirt contain fairly strong overtones of abjuration.
  • 3 suits of 1/2 plate - the last two of these contain strong overtones of abjuration.
  • 3 serrated bastard swords - the last two contain hints of evocation
  • 1 thick silver braclet (looks like a large, braided cord) - you are unable to determine anything about this item
  • 1 plain onyx ring - you are unable to determine anything about this item
  • 1 anklet (seven tiny, dark colored stone skulls on a string of mithril) - you detect equal parts of abjuration and necromancy
  • small grey metallic disks - each of these possess a strong sense of evocation

OOC: There is much to do, I do not think that everyone is healed and there might be information to exchange...


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Startled by the sight, Xerxes rapps on the table, getting everyone's attention and points at the vile thing in their midst. He does not speak, fearing to wake Raak, whose presence upon the thing's chest he believes is the reason the beast has not moved or spoken or even made a single sound.

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