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[AU] Lost Dreams


First Post
Yajarn, Mojh Warmain

Yajarn loses no time. In one movement, he draws his sword and attacks one of the scrigs. Without his shield however, he's cautious and doesn't totally presses the attack.

OOC: Yajarns holds his bastard sword two-handed for 1d10+6 of damage and applies a penalty of -2 on his attack (so +6) to retain his usual AC of 22.

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First Post
Vand, 20/25 hp, AC 16, +5 to hit (touch), 1d6+5 dmg

Vand bravely jumps down the hole, trying to land on his feet, keeping only one hand on the rope.


Round 1, Con't

Yajarn slashes out cautiously at one of the scrigs taking it on the left shoulder. The ugly creature falls limply to the ground, unconscious and bleeding. [ooc: hit s1, 7 dmg, unconscious]

Sir Lornem rushes in behind Vand to see what the comotion<sp?> is. He will wait till Vand is down, and offers to hold the rope to make the decent easier.

Vand hangs on to the rope and moves down it quickly. He reaches the bottom safely right behing Yajarn, ready to attack at the first opportunity.

Round 2
The last scrig takes a stab at Yajarn again, looking apprehensively at the crumpled form of his friend on the ground. His spear clangs off of Yajarn's heavy armor.

In the background, from somewhere behind the scrig you hear a loud clang of metal striking the ground.

Quick map:

  |         |
__|     *   |
     s1  YV |
--|         |
  |         |
*is the ladder. The hole and dangling rope is directly above you, your up.[/QUOTE]


First Post
Yajarn, Mojh Warmain

Hearing Vand fall behind him, Yajarn calls to him. "Let's try to capture this one. I'll take his right, move to his left."

With a few faints and feeble attacks, Yajarn distract the scrig long enough to ready his shield and move to the right of the creature. Once in this position, he tries to knock out the scrig, much like he did yesterday with the one in the alley.

OOC: 5-foot step to the right of the scrig (the bottom of the map). Move action to ready the shield and attack for non-lethal damage (+4 to attack, 1d10+5 subdual).


Round 2, Con't

Yajarn gets out his shield and moves a bit to the left, launching a carefully placed attack designed to knock the creature down rather than kill it. Unfortunately the scrig leaps back at the last moment avoiding the blow.

Sir Lornem sees that there is no room for him to try and jump down so he waits for Vand to move.

Quick map:

  |         |
__|     *   |
     s1   V |
--|    Y    |
  |         |
*is the ladder. The hole and dangling rope is directly above you, your up.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]


First Post
Vand, 20/25 hp, AC 16, +5 to hit (touch), 1d6+5 dmg

Vand circles counter-clocwise, trying to get around to strike the creature and to make room for Sir Lornem.


Round 2, End

Round 2, End

Vand moves to his right, attempting to get in close to the little scrig. Swinging with his mindblade, Vand cuts through the suprised creature's defences. [ooc: hit s1, dmg 9, unconscious]

Lormen calls down from above, "Hey if I jump down there to join you, is there any way for us to get back up." He says as he dangles the rope.


First Post
Yajarn, Mojh Warmain

With a bit of annoyance, Yajarn responds hastily to Lornem's question. "Yes, yes, there's a ladder. I'll put it up." Once their employer is down, Yajarn retrieves his rope and quickly start tying the two scrigs together with it. "Once again, I think their leader slipped between our fingers. What do you think, Lornem, should we continue running after him, or heal and question these two."

OOC: The Mind Blade only did subdual damage, right ?


As soon as Sir Lornem is down the ladder he says, "Let's go after him. I don't want that little scrig to get away so easily again. We will be back to question these two soon. Just leave them bound and unconscious."

Following the corridor out of the room it goes about 20 feet where it becomes more like hewn stone. As you enter this part you start to smell the horrors of the sewer system. Pressing onwards you enter out of the rough carved tunnel into the sewers proper. it is a small room maybe 10 feet in either direction with only one other exit. A large steel gate with a heavy lock has been closed over the exit. That might have been the loud metal bang you had heard earlier. It would appear that the room you are in might have once been some kind of way station or storage room.

[ooc: yup mind blade is subdual damage, the other you hit is probably going to bleed to death, but you have captured one of them.]


First Post
Yajarn, Mojh Warmain

"I was afraid we would encounter something like this after what we heard. We have a definitive disadvantage here. This is his domain, his battleground. Curse the little non-mojh ! Now, to find a way past this gate, humm ..." Yajarn tries to orient himself. Would the sewer entrance they saw on the surface lead to a passage behind this door ?

Voidrunner's Codex

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