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BattleStar Galactica:Season 3.0--10/13/06--Arc 2


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Okay, maybe I'm becoming something of a film geek, but there were a couple of really subtle lines and shots I loved in this episode.

The first was Tigh telling the Chief, "You don't want your kid having us for parents." It's a tacit admission of how messed up they are, and a subtle reassurance that their baby will be taken care of if he doesn't make it back.

The second was Baltar and Caprica-Six sitting on the bed. The whole scene was great, but the last shot of them on the bed, backs to each other but not touching, Gaius in white and Caprica in black... there's a lot of very unstated symbolism there. Gaius may be spiralling into self-loathing, but that's actually a good thing because he's becoming more human, hence the white. Caprica on the other hand stated the pacifism movement, but she's more and more not doing anything, feeling less guilty about not stopping the violence... she's becoming more Cylon, hence the black. When the two of them were together, way back in the beginning of the series, they both moved each other away from Human and Cylon into somewhere in the middle. Without each other, they were less than they were together - Baltar too cold, Caprica too warm... and they lost touch with the race they were from. Their visions of each other aren't some mysterious chip, it's their love calling for them to come back to the middle. Now, they can't even touch each other, they can't even face each other, and their love is nothing more than fulfilliing carnal pleasure, a hallow shell of what it once was.

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I was never worried about the show at all. I thought Resistance was better than this one.

That said - I felt this one was stretching the material a bit. Seemed like they had stuff for 90 minutes and lengthened this one to two hours to fill it. (With the second half next week, of course).

Ah well. Until next Friday!

I hate these one hour episodes. The 2 hour season opener spoiled me :)

Truth Seeker

Well, if it were 2 hours...I don't think, a lot of us, will get any sleep. ;)
Steel_Wind said:
I was never worried about the show at all. I thought Resistance was better than this one.

That said - I felt this one was stretching the material a bit. Seemed like they had stuff for 90 minutes and lengthened this one to two hours to fill it. (With the second half next week, of course).

Ah well. Until next Friday!

I hate these one hour episodes. The 2 hour season opener spoiled me :)

Steel_Wind said:
I was never worried about the show at all. I thought Resistance was better than this one.

That said - I felt this one was stretching the material a bit. Seemed like they had stuff for 90 minutes and lengthened this one to two hours to fill it. (With the second half next week, of course).
Yes, I think you are entirely correct, I read that it was originally planed as a one-parter, but they had to much material. It's not the first time to happen with BSG. :)

So, a few more about the plot:
The reporter-Cylon (Number Three?) had visions about the future. And the oracle did not only knew about it, she also relayed a message from the Cylon god to her? To say it the internet-way: WTF? :)
This is, obviously, not a proof that the gods do exist, only that Chamala is indeed a very powerful drug. But on the other hand, it is still a lot of "coincidence", all these visions and angels of god.
I wonder if the god of the cylon is actually one of the 12 (or a mysterious 13th) Lords of Kobol.

The resistance isn't ineffective, apparantly. 500 block captains ready to rally the human population isn't bad. All under the nose of the Cylons is even more impressive.

What I didn't understand so far is why the Cylon resources are stretched thin on New Caprica - it appears not to be their top priority project. (Which might make sense - I mean, the Cylons aren't only interested in warfaring, are they? They need to have some kind of economy and thus other things to do.)


First Post
The reporter-Cylon (Number Three?) had visions about the future. And the oracle did not only knew about it, she also relayed a message from the Cylon god to her? To say it the internet-way: WTF?
The religious elements has been constant since Laura's earlier vision. It's good, I think, to have things going on that we don't understand.

OTOH I'm not so hot on this new emphasis on D'Anna. What's going on with the many characters on this show that I care more about? Fortunately, the benefit of having many plot threads is that the ones you like can compensate for the ones you don't. I will be eagerly awaiting to see who gets off the planet alive.

Mustrum_Ridcully said:
This is, obviously, not a proof that the gods do exist, only that Chamala is indeed a very powerful drug. But on the other hand, it is still a lot of "coincidence", all these visions and angels of god.
I wonder if the god of the cylon is actually one of the 12 (or a mysterious 13th) Lords of Kobol.
Very interesting theory, I like the "13th Lord of Kobol theory". Especially interesting since the cataclysm on Kobol was apparently started when one of the lords wanted to be elevated above all the others but they don't say which one (i.e. being the only god, or the most important one). As for the proof of the gods existing, they've kinda hinted pretty strongly that there are higher powers, and chamala is a way to access it. Either that oracle was really, insanely good at guessing, or she was having visions just like Roslin did.

What I didn't understand so far is why the Cylon resources are stretched thin on New Caprica - it appears not to be their top priority project. (Which might make sense - I mean, the Cylons aren't only interested in warfaring, are they? They need to have some kind of economy and thus other things to do.)
Well, from what we've seen their invasion of the Colonies was very controversial, and we still haven't even seen 5 models of the 12 Cylons, they might not be involved with the invasion much, if at all. We don't know how large the Cylon fleet was or is (just that the Colonials had roughly 120 Battlestars at the beginning, and that the Cylon victory at the colonies was wildly successful beyond their dreams, which meant that even with the CNP virus, they were still expecting a rough fight against 120 Battlestars), and the Cylons have lost a significant number of the ships they have sent after the Fleet.

There are apparently factions within Cylon society, so they may well have other projects, they might only have a portion of their resources devoted to warfare, they might well be terraforming their homeworld, or engaged in major scientific research, or exploring the galaxy separately.

Since I'm pretty sure Baltar's administration won't survive the Exodus (since his main presidential duties now appears to be avoiding assassination attempts and being a Cylon minion), it will be interesting to see what happens to the government once they leave. If Baltar is deposed (or if he flees with the Cylons), then Zarek becomes President, but he looks fed up on politics, and it seems like he wants Roslin back in office (or at least prefers her to Baltar).

Ahnehnois said:
The religious elements has been constant since Laura's earlier vision. It's good, I think, to have things going on that we don't understand.
Yes, it was there before, but it's gotten even stronger than before. Excuses for it just being drugs or accidents or luck are getting thinner. (I like that. It gives us more food for thought. :) )


I think the whole Kamala (I like "K" better!) root is the writing staff's nod to Frank Herbert's spice/melange.

What was originally a homeopathic herb remedy with some reputed anti-carcinogenic properties and a side-effect of hallucinations is now turning into a full-fledged drug with prescience side-effects.

The Oracle and the nod to the Greek Orcale of Delphi is a natural and interesting progression.

I think the most interesting development in the show was the attack on the monolithic Cylons. They are clearly becoming a more factured group.

The Big Question:

What about Baltar? Does he get off the planet on Colonial 1? Is there some chance he would not logically HAVE to be executed if he does?

Surely he could not continue on as President? They have already started treating Roslin as the "True President", once more. Doesn't the role fall to Tom Zarek when they get off? Isn't he the legal successor? Sure, the occupation might change the political dynamic for a time, but as they get back into space and try to find a shred of "constitutional normalcy"...

(Richard Hatch is still a "Guest Star" in the credits. Though the ensemble "guest star" recurring roles in the show is starting to reach into the mid-teens. Easily one of the largest casts of any drama on TV, ever.

Does Baltar stay with the Cylons? How does that work if he does? I just don't see Ron Moore's plan for a meaningful long-term role for Baltar given this premise, unless he becomes our window on the Cylons.
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