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BattleStar Galactica:Season 3.5--2/25/07--Arc 15

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
1. Cally is really cute and the Chief is a likeable character. :)

2. No Cylons? No good. :(

3. Did the Colonel die or just miss his cue to wander through a scene and call someone a coward? :D

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Aside from a few small inconsistencies, this was one of the better episodes because, as BSG does better than any other show on TV, it shows that there isn't always a good side or a bad side. There are just sides.

Adama had to force the issue when Tyrol got the maintenance guys to support the strike.
Baltar is right that there is a class struggle going on, whether it is admitted or not.
Child labor is being used.
Horrid working conditions, no/low pay, and no time off are not only expected, but required considering the circumstances.

I just hope they start showing the effects of the rotation and don't just sweep it under the rug as a solved issue.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I enjoyed this episode. The political and social implications, and arguments on both sides, are pretty darn close to 1930s to 1940s issues in the U.S. (which is where the mandatory Arbitration rules and similar problem solving concepts came about). It was cool to see it play out in a totally different kind of setting.

wingsandsword said:
Well, when they got their stockpile in "The Hand of God", they said it would last several years, and it is several years later. Their fuel stockpile had to also fuel two battlestars and two air wings for quite some time as well, instead of one which was part of the original estimate.

It sounds like they only have enough to jump the entire fleet once or twice, so they would probably have to begin searching with the Raptors again for Tylium to mine.
I understood the sentence that they could jump only once or twice with the current amount of refined Tylium. Nevertheless, the definitely consumed a lot of their Tylium reserves. It's possible that the destruction of Cloud Nine also costed them some Tylium (assuming they didn't put all of the ore in the refinery ship).

And I agree, a second Battlestar (and one even larger than the Galactica) and additional Vipers probably cost more resources then expected, too. The loss of the Pegasus might not have just negative sides. :)


First Post
Also, given the numbers quoted, I highly doubt there were enough people to run the tylium refinery while everyone was down on New Caprica, and until the Cylons showed up, they probably didn't think to even bother, since they thought they were safe.

Ron Moore touches on this issue a little in the podcast, and it really sounded like when they wrote the episode, they hadn't given it too much thought. RDM's thoughts were that they either had stuff left over from The Hand of God, or they found some sort of deposit on Algae.


I'm sorry, but these poor schlubs have been working 18-hour days for YEARS with no breaks. And no one has even considered that maybe it might be a good idea to get some additional people on it?

Tyrol: They've worked since the original attack. Which was years ago.
Adama: More work! Keep working!
Tyrol: They're mostly children.
Adama: The better to fit into the gears! Keep up the work!
Tyrol: That's why they keep losing limbs.
Adama: Fewer limbs mean we need less fuel to jump! Squeeze in some overtime!
Tyrol: Well, they've stopped working now. Because we've overworked them.
Adama: Then shoot them until they work!

The class mobility aspect was interesting, but the fleet is lucky it isn't being bombed by more humans with that sort of treatment. How exactly would these people's lives be any worse if they were to be called slaves?

The Grumpy Celt

Simplicity said:
How exactly would these people's lives be any worse if they were to be called slaves?

The illusion of an integrated and free society with upward mobility is important to maintaining social cohesion, order and manual labor. Nothing more and nothing less.


First Post
With all these severe labor problems, why don't the colonials just create a caste of robots to perform all these sucky manual tasks for them? ;)


First Post
RaZZer99 said:
With all these severe labor problems, why don't the colonials just create a caste of robots to perform all these sucky manual tasks for them? ;)

"It happened before and it will happen again" ?

The Grumpy Celt

RaZZer99 said:
With all these severe labor problems, why don't the colonials just create a caste of robots to perform all these sucky manual tasks for them? ;)

I am confident the latest version of Windows will clear up the performance issues of the past caused by less than optimal programing. Heh.

I know it is for narrative reasons, but the level of the technology is sometimes odd and inconsistent. Even with out AI, a lot of the jobs they do could be automated, at least more than they apparently are.
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