Blizzard at Revel's End (OOC) Temporary Hiatus


I should have mentioned to @KahlessNestor the "dc22 Grab" is a grab attack (you can roll Athletics or Acrobatics to avoid it, but the dc is 22! If you fail, he's going to pull you down 20 feet, and you'll have to make a dc10 Con save or gain a level of exhaustion (drowning). You should be fine, as a barbarian, but you never know.

Also, @Kobold Stew I really like Doc turning into an octopus, but he might face some "friendly fire". Anyone who thinks they might mistake Doc-the-Ock for a bad guy should roll a dc11 perception or insight (pick only one - perception means you saw it happen, insight that you can figure out that it's still Doc Halfhand.) I'm gonna roll for a few NPCs....

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I think we need elevations as well. :) :) All the saguahin are at least 5 ft below water, right? How high up the cliff is the first mounted crab? Has the second crab broken the surface of the water?


Perception check for doc the Oct: 16

Question: could Thorbin realistically hit the Saguahin this round, the one trying to pull Valrin under? I’m basically asking if the weapon has enough reach and if there is enough time to do this.

Well, he's gotta go toward the fire-barrel to get his pike. By that time, he might as well go for the one on that side (who'll probably be climbing out to murder poor Ludz). Also, that one will dive 20 feet if Valrin fails to escape the grab.

Perception: 1D20+2 = [5]+2 = 7

Well, Py'Cott is just a tad bit slow on the uptake

Doesn't mean that he HAS to attack Doc, but if there's no other targets convenient... it's a giant octopus just off the dock.

I think we need elevations as well. :) :) All the saguahin are at least 5 ft below water, right? How high up the cliff is the first mounted crab? Has the second crab broken the surface of the water?

They pretty much are surfacing to attack, but have 'cover' from the water. There are plenty more of them than I'm showing on the map (most are deeper). I've been trying to work out just how much I want to run the whole thing, and how much I can get away with just as fluff, or coming up with some easy mass-combat rules, I dunno, quite, yet. The Crab is 50 feet up (of a 160' climb, so 110 from the top) at the snap-shot moment of "the start of the round". He'll keep going, unless something happens to him.

Steve Gorak

Well, he's gotta go toward the fire-barrel to get his pike. By that time, he might as well go for the one on that side (who'll probably be climbing out to murder poor Ludz). Also, that one will dive 20 feet if Valrin fails to escape the grab.

They pretty much are surfacing to attack, but have 'cover' from the water. There are plenty more of them than I'm showing on the map (most are deeper). I've been trying to work out just how much I want to run the whole thing, and how much I can get away with just as fluff, or coming up with some easy mass-combat rules, I dunno, quite, yet. The Crab is 50 feet up (of a 160' climb, so 110 from the top) at the snap-shot moment of "the start of the round". He'll keep going, unless something happens to him.
Ok, I missed the fire barrel, thanks for that.
Another question: I forgot to rage! Will you let Thorbin rage in the surprise round (it’s a bonus action anyways)?
Thanks and cheers,



Question, how big is the hole in the side of the boat? Of course I also have to know if I lose my magic when I walk back into the aft hold.
Ah, good point. Yes, you lose your magic in the aft hold. The hole is "big". It can be repaired. Give me a bit, I'll do a post from the NPCs that will give you a hand if you want to try to slow the leak.

Voidrunner's Codex

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