Blizzard at Revel's End (OOC) Temporary Hiatus

Steve Gorak

Question: can Thorbin see available icebreaker spears from where he is on the ship’s deck? They’re on the dock, and I can’t wait to have him hold one (I’m of course assuming that pole arm master applies).

Also, is he somewhat adequately dressed for the cold? I can’t imagine the cell he was in be very warm, but I’m not sure what kind of winter clothes he currently has.
Thanks and cheers,


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Question: 1) can Thorbin see available icebreaker spears from where he is on the ship’s deck? They’re on the dock, and I can’t wait to have him hold one (I’m of course assuming that pole arm master applies).

2) Also, is he somewhat adequately dressed for the cold? I can’t imagine the cell he was in be very warm, but I’m not sure what kind of winter clothes he currently has.
Thanks and cheers,


1) Yes, but even better! - He could go for one of the guard's actual pikes. From the main deck, he can head right for the ship's ramp, and head left toward the fire-barrel, where two of them had leaned pikes on a crate so they could warm their hands. Unfortunately for them, they fell in when the dock lurched.

2) Not really, but he's not totally under-dressed either, or he wouldn't have survived the trip in the dank hold. Let's say he's terribly uncomfortable, but with adrenaline pumping (and barbarians pump adrenaline like no one else) he'll be in no danger of any unfortunate consequences as long as he gets warm in the next 20-minutes or so. You know, unless he falls in the water.

Question as a water genasi would the cold water affect me? Just trying to gauge how Jathlin would react to the hold flooding. In normal conditions he wouldn't care but with the freezing water I'm not sure.


Question as a water genasi would the cold water affect me? Just trying to gauge how Jathlin would react to the hold flooding. In normal conditions he wouldn't care but with the freezing water I'm not sure.

Excellent question! I thought so, but let me see.... huh. Resistant to Acid Damage. Strange. (I mean, I get it, but it's an interesting design-choice). I guess being genie-folk, genasi were imagined as being from someplace hot?

I'd say you are just as mechanically-susceptible to cold as anyone else without resistance or immunity, but you feel it very differently. Fluff-wise, cold doesn't make you feel discomfort, but chunks of you can get frozen, and if they do you have to be very careful when thawing them or they break off, and THAT hurts.

What does that mean for right now? Well, be cautious, but you can be braver than I think most humanoids would be in the situation you're in. Initially the water pouring in will only be uncomfortable and cause trouble for people moving around the hold. (Thorbin got to the ladder ahead of the water, others won't be quite as swift, even though they're trying to follow him).

You're far enough away from the hole that you could get up the ladder on your turn without checks, but you might want to save someone first, I dunno how heroic you're feeling. Up to you.

Steve Gorak

1) Yes, but even better! - He could go for one of the guard's actual pikes. From the main deck, he can head right for the ship's ramp, and head left toward the fire-barrel, where two of them had leaned pikes on a crate so they could warm their hands. Unfortunately for them, they fell in when the dock lurched.

2) Not really, but he's not totally under-dressed either, or he wouldn't have survived the trip in the dank hold. Let's say he's terribly uncomfortable, but with adrenaline pumping (and barbarians pump adrenaline like no one else) he'll be in no danger of any unfortunate consequences as long as he gets warm in the next 20-minutes or so. You know, unless he falls in the water.

The spears actually work better because you can get the butt attack for 1d4. It doesn't work with pikes (makes sense, pikes are super long spears, and before checking, I thought it would be odd to have that benefit apply to them - the designers agreed).
Thorbin will head for the pikes though, since those weapons are visible to him & are close. Since the guards fell in the water, he'll likely hear them, so he'll try to help. He'll upgrade to the spears if he has a chance later.




The spears actually work better because you can get the butt attack for 1d4. It doesn't work with pikes (makes sense, pikes are super long spears, and before checking, I thought it would be odd to have that benefit apply to them - the designers agreed).
Thorbin will head for the pikes though, since those weapons are visible to him & are close. Since the guards fell in the water, he'll likely hear them, so he'll try to help. He'll upgrade to the spears if he has a chance later.


Cool, but I should have mentioned that I'm still waiting on a thing or two to start the first full round (or the second, after the one where nearly everyone is surprised, if you count it properly 5e-style). Or to put it simply - you shouldn't go again quite yet. It's okay, I'll use your post for that round, just remember that when I tell everyone to go, you don't have to (unless you want to change what you're gonna do, I'm going to reveal more of what's going on first).

I'm just waiting on @KahlessNestor's dc10 dex save to see if Valrin's in the water, and @Snarf Zagyg to post whatever Razum is up to. If they don't get time to do it soon, I'll move on anway (which is fine, they can just add it to the first part of their following turn). I'll probably do this later today.

As an aside, I've trained a bit in the use of a polearm (though not a pike, really). Anyway, I sort-of don't entirely agree with the fluff of how the feat works anyway, pike or not. It's pretty slow to turn a polearm around (even a shorter one) and yet it's pretty quick to thrust it twice. At any rate, rather than saying that the feat wouldn't work with a pike, I would just have changed the fluff to represent a quick weak-thrust as the bonus action, seeing as they consider the bonus action 1d4 to be balanced with the regular attack of other polearms, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. But that's just me.

(As an aside, I can't imagine how anyone would use a quarterstaff without using both ends, which 5e doesn't model at all, go figure.)


Looks like everyone's chompin' at the bit to go, so I'm gonna stop waiting for Razum (you can just take two turns back-to-back) and get things going so that others can act. For those that haven't played my games before, I don't bother with initiative, I just resolve stuff whatever makes most sense. You've now seen my call for a new round; Wait for that before posting again, even if I resolve your turn. For those who have played with me before,, I'm going to try something different here - usually I do maps and stuff, but I'd like this one (it's supposed to be a bit horror-themed, after all) to be theatre-of-the-mind style.

That said, because I like making maps, and so I can keep track of what's going on for myself, I have made a map. So I'll share it here just at the start, so everyone has a picture of what's up, and to show off my work. (I've left off nearly all the NPCs, 'cause it would get too cluttered. (Note: the ship is multiple layers, so I've got it cut in to the hold ATM, even though Thorbin is on the main-deck, heading for the ramp)... Here you go:


How does the winch work? Can it be operated at both the top and bottom of the cliff?

Also who's who and what's what? Can you do the location summary like in Scourge?


1) How does the winch work? Can it be operated at both the top and bottom of the cliff?

2) Also who's who and what's what? Can you do the location summary like in Scourge?

1) There's a wheel at the top being worked by 3 guards and 2 prisoners. (You can see it in AL23-25). If they stop turning it, the lift stops. It safely won't go the other way without switching a lever on the drum. (Or you know, breaking the whole thing).

2) Oh, sure, but I'm not going to keep updating it (unless someone requests it). I like the visual aid, but I want to save some time and keep the ambience of not getting too fixated on the map. Here you go:

(Prisoners, orange halo)
(287) Burton (AL13)
(299) Jathlin (AJ9, hold)
(284) Py'Cott (AM14, dock) (moving to A013)
- Red Ghost (appearing and moving to AN18, near Lex, dock)
(295) Thorbin (AM10, main deck)
(137) Valrin (AJ13, water)
Lex (AM18, dock)
Doc Halfhand (AO15, water, now a large octopus)
Razum (AK7, hold)
(NPCs on the map)
Ludz (kid guard) (AO12, dock)
Captain Halehearty (AK8, hold)
(BadGuys, blue halo)
KingCrab1 (AJ18, cliff)
Crabrider1 (AJ18, cliff)
Sahuagin1 (AG10, water)
Sahuagin2 (AH12, water)
Sahuagin3 (AI14, water, grabbing Valrin)
Sahuagin4 (AR12, water)
Sahuagin5 (AS14, water)
Sahuagin6 (AQ15, water, spearing at Doc)
(Other interesting things)
Crates (AN12, dock)
Fire-Barrel (AP13)
Ballista (AP9, ship's focsle)

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