Brave New Planes

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Vilya took a few steps away from the others as soon as she regained her senses. Her pack had just been hunting an over-grown bulette when she was suddenly drawn here. Her scimitar was still hanging from her belt in its scabbard.
Seeing the muscled mountain of a man repelled back from the wall with a jolt, the lithe elf decides it's not worth it injuring herself trying to escape.
"Who are you, wizard, and what is this purpose you speak of?"
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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Dalamar said:
Vilya took a few steps away from the others as soon as she regained her senses. Her pack had just been hunting an over-grown bulette when she was suddenly drawn here. Her scimitar was still hanging from her belt in its scabbard.
Seeing the muscled mountain of a man repelled back from the wall with a jolt, the lithe elf decides it's not worth it injuring herself trying to escape.
"Who are you, wizard, and what is this purpose you speak of?"

The wizard appears to notice your question, but is too occupied in his casting to respond.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Brystasia Purelove: Half-Nymph/Female (Avenger/Favored Soul/Heartwarder)

Brystasia frowns unsure what to do next but she decides that calming the angry human before he causes their capture to retaliate. Moving over to him she heals the minor damage, hoping that it will show her desire to friendship, as she touches his shoulder.

“Friend, calm yourself. I doubt impromptu weapons will harm him so we might as well hear why we have been summoned here.”

OOC: Lay hands for 8


First Post
Sandorel watches the people around him impassively, analyzing them and the situation.
We have been Anchored, our "host" couldn't possible be foolish enough to overlook that, but perhaps his precautions can be circumvented...

He targets himself with a Dismissal, and forfeits his save against it.

He does not surrender to the summoner's spell.

What does he know about their situation?

Knowledge (Arcana):11
Knowledge (Religion):26
Knowledge (The Planes):26
Sense Motive:16
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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Serpenteye said:
Sandorel watches the people around him impassively, analyzing them and the situation.
We have been Anchored, our "host" couldn't possible be foolish enough to overlook that, but perhaps his precautions can be circumvented...

He targets himself with a Dismissal, and forfeits his save against it.

Magical energies surge around Sandorel, beginning to hurl him out of this plane as he chants. The spell seems to be on the brink of working when the mage completes his own spell, and Sandorel's will fades abruptly, leaving the last syllable unspoken. The rest of those assembled, excepting Brystasia, are likewise affected. Satisfied, the mage speaks, his voice supernally compelling. "You will find the angel Abd-Raten and bring him here to me, helpless." The compelling quality fades as he continues. "You will find him in a prison demiplane in the Astral, the key to which I will give you. It is hidden, so I cannot tell you how to locate it, nor what lies inside, but you should be able to handle that yourselves." Facing Brystasia, he adds "I cannot allow you to leave until I have bound you to this purpose, will ye or nil ye. You cannot resist me forever, but it will be easier on you if you accept the geas."

OOC: Sandorel can tell that they've been called, rather than summoned, and that they appear to be somewhere on the Outer Planes, by the feel of the local magic. Your summoner appears to be honest; he means you no particular harm, but neither does he care overmuch about your well-being.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Brystasia Purelove: Half-Nymph/Female (Avenger/Favored Soul/Heartwarder)

Brystasia takes a half step forward as she is addressed. She gives a serious look as she ponders her summoner’s request, “A quest? I’m sure you realize the magnitude of what you ask of me… If I may be so bold, would you allow me to ask a few questions before I submit to you?”

OOC: Diplomacy +20 if it’s needed. Also are the other stunned or can they see and hear everything like normal?

Oh and my comment about the quest is as in geas/quest spell.
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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Brother Shatterstone said:
Brystasia takes a half step forward as she is addressed. She gives a serious look as she ponders her summoner’s request, “A quest? I’m sure you realize the magnitude of what you ask of me… If I may be so bold, would you allow me to ask a few questions before I submit to you?”

OOC: Diplomacy +20 if it’s needed. Also are the other stunned or can they see and hear everything like normal.

He looks on with irritation, but grudgingly says "Ask away, if it'll make this go faster."

OOC: They're entirely as normal; it's essentially a geas effect, so it only interferes with free will when absolutely necessary.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Brystasia Purelove: Half-Nymph/Female (Avenger/Favored Soul/Heartwarder)

Brystasia gives a small knowing smile as she nods her head in agreement, “Who are you?”

“What makes this Abd-Raten so important?”

“Who has captured him/her?”

OOC: I went ahead and listed all of the important questions at once to save a little bit of time as she wouldn't be so bold to ask many questions with out giving him time to respond. Knowledge checks on any names or locations he gives.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Brother Shatterstone said:
Brystasia gives a small knowing smile as she nods her head in agreement, “Who are you?”

“What makes this Abd-Raten so important?”

“Who has captured him/her?”

OOC: I went ahead and listed all of the important questions at once to save a little bit of time as she wouldn't be so bold to ask many questions with out giving him time to respond. Knowledge checks on any names or locations he gives.

"I do not give out my true name; such things have power. I am sometimes known as the Seer Garbed in Heaven's Tears."

"Abd-Raten possesses something I desire. What it is matters not; suffice it to say that he will bear it with him when you bring him here."

"He was not captured; Horus-Re banished him in punishment, for what crime, I know not. It has been at least a millenia, and it appears the Sun-God has forgotten him, so you need not fear his wrath."

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