D&D 5E Can a Shadow Blade be your Chosen Hex Warrior weapon?


Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one weapon that you are proficient with and that lacks the two-handed property.

So let's say I wake up and don't choose a weapon. Then, later on, I get into a fight and summon a Shadow Blade. Then I go to myself, "Yah know what, I'm touching this weapon!"

Would you then get to add the benefits of the Hex Warrior ability?

Given that it automatically applies to any Pact Weapon you summon, it's not like you'd be without a weapon during the rest of the day either, even after the Shadow Blade has disappeared.

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The way I read it, you only get one chance to bond with a weapon each day, and that's right at the end of a long rest, when the other casters in your party are prepping their spells and such. Luckily, if you've got the Pact of the Blade, the Hex Warrior bennie is always on for your pact weapon(s).


The way I read it, you only get one chance to bond with a weapon each day, and that's right at the end of a long rest, when the other casters in your party are prepping their spells and such. Luckily, if you've got the Pact of the Blade, the Hex Warrior bennie is always on for your pact weapon(s).

Once a day, sure, but I don't see why it's exactly at the end of a long rest and not sometime during the day. That would cause all sorts of weirdness.


I don't see why it's exactly at the end of a long rest and not sometime during the day. That would cause all sorts of weirdness.
I don't see why it has to be that way either, but that's what the text says: "Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one weapon ..."

As I said, it's no different to the casters who have to prepare their spells right after a long rest. The devs deliberately removed the ability to prepare spells later in the day. You gotta do it right at the start of the day or not at all.

It makes no more sense than worn or carried items being immune to all damage.


As I said, it's no different to the casters who have to prepare their spells right after a long rest. The devs deliberately removed the ability to prepare spells later in the day. You gotta do it right at the start of the day or not at all.

Gonna need a cite on that one. I've never heard of that being a rule anywhere, at any time.


Gonna need a cite on that one. I've never heard of that being a rule anywhere, at any time.
OK. Citation #1:

D&D Next Playtest (10/14/13 packet): "You don’t have to prepare all your spells at once. If you like, you can prepare some later in the day."

These two sentences are not in the PHB. I asked Jeremy Crawford about that once, and I'm sure he gave me a reply about how it would make casters too versatile, but I can't find that tweet right now. (EDIT: Found it!)

Citation #2: "You prepare your list of spells only at the end of a long rest." (source)
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OK. Citation #1:

D&D Next Playtest (10/14/13 packet): "You don’t have to prepare all your spells at once. If you like, you can prepare some later in the day."

These two sentences are not in the PHB. I asked Jeremy Crawford about that once, and I'm sure he gave me a reply about how it would make casters too versatile, but I can't find that tweet right now. (EDIT: Found it!)

Citation #2: "You prepare your list of spells only at the end of a long rest." (source)

Sorry, but that's you making a very broad assumption and one that's based on no actual information, but rather a personal anecdote.

"...at the end of a long rest..." does not clearly state that it has to be directly after a successful 8 hours of rest where you get back your long rest renewable abilities. I mean, what constitutes a failure of that? If you wake up and go take a dump in the woods first, does that you've failed and have to wait another 23 hours and 57 minutes? What about having breakfast as well and a chat about the day ahead and tending the camp fire and the animals and then having a second breakfast and what if an encounter happens before that?

I think it's a bit silly to assume that this is RAW or even RAI.


I'm pretty sure I've seen Jeremy address this in more detail, but I'm too busy at the moment to go trawling through his Twitter feed again. Feel free to do so yourself if it's really of that much concern to you.


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I'm confused, for wizards it states they prepare their spells for the day when they finish a long rest

"You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of wizard spells requires time spent studying your Spellbook and memorizing the incantations and gestures you must make to cast the spell: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list."

Cleric has the same language "You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of cleric spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list."

Both of your examples don't make much sense either, a long rest is "A long rest is a period of extended downtime, at least 8 hours long, during which a character sleeps for at least 6 hours and performs no more than 2 hours of light activity, such as reading, talking, eating, or standing watch." So waking up and going to the bathroom doesn't interrupt it, nor does chatting about the day and tending the campfire. If an encounter happens before you finish 8 hours of rest you don't have your long rest abilities. You can wake up and do light activity without preparing spells or recovering spell slots, indicating that your long rest is not over yet. But once you recovery your resources that you get back on your long rest, you have finished your long rest.

To the specifics of the hexblade "Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one weapon that you are proficient with and that lacks the two-handed property." Unless you're finishing a long rest with the shadow blade out, it doesn't seem like a legal target.

I'm not sure I understand the confusion.

In my interpretation of the rules, anything that is done on completion of a long rest is done right at the end of the long rest, not some time later in the day/night. I also treat anything like this the same as spell selection. If you do not change it from what it was when your character started the long rest, then it stays the same for the new day.

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