D&D Movie/TV Check Out The D&D Movie's Cast -- In Costume!

At San Diego Comic Con, next year's D&D movie, Honor Among Thieves, is getting a preview. Additionally, there's a 'tavern experience' where visitors can interact with D&D monsters and drink 'dragon brew', and at which is also displayed images of the cast of the movie in costume! everything below comes from that tavern experience, but there is an official panel/event later today (Thursday)...

At San Diego Comic Con, next year's D&D movie, Honor Among Thieves, is getting a preview. Additionally, there's a 'tavern experience' where visitors can interact with D&D monsters and drink 'dragon brew', and at which is also displayed images of the cast of the movie in costume! everything below comes from that tavern experience, but there is an official panel/event later today (Thursday).


Photo: ComicBook.com​

Various media outlets are there and are posting previews and photos:


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Spreading holiday cheer.
Some people will want a serious D&D movie. For many of those fans, such treatment validates their views and they'll feel they have fuel for the fire for arguing that their hobby (and the related IPs) is not a kiddie thing and should be seen a cool, but serious thing.

I get that vibe, I also had that whole, "Football fans sneer at my game while wearing silly things on their head" thing while growing up in the uncool times. I've also seen that the MCU has lost some fans because they think this new phase of movies is too silly for them. Yet, many fans say we need some more lightness in the DC movie-verse.

But the world has caught up with us and perhaps we have too many serious fantasy movies now? (Not really if you ask me.) And I enjoyed Vox Machina! And I enjoyed Ocean's 11 as well.

As long as the movie is fun. I think we will be alright. That sets up cult status which eventually means others will come along and try to do your more serious D&D movie. I think a fun D&D movie will really be a win-win regardless because here is the secret. ...


When fellow gamers asked me when will the hobby catch fire? I've said, "When it starts to make real money." Every major mainstream thing, golf, football, reality shows, are also revenue streams. Once the suits feel like they can get a taste, success begets success. And if that means the first D&D set of movies out of the gate are a fantasy version of the Fast and Furious and nets F&F money + F&F sized fan base, that's all right with me.
Big dumb movies make bank. Look at the latest Jurassic World film. Fast and Furious left sanity a long time ago and people still shovel out cash for it. Remember when that series was about stealing cars?

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Krampus ate my d20s
I am hoping the tentacles mean a Grell and not a Kraken. I suppose it could be Demogorgon... But with the Intellect Devourer, we know it is Mind Flayers.
I don't know. I remain optimistic this will be a fun movie. I do agree they will go with a lighter tone to start. Truthfully, if the movie doesn't break down into a retelling of The Holy Grail scenes, is it truly a representation of most tables?
The movie will come down to its effects. If it can accurately depict D&D monsters without looking like Xena or Black Widow, it will be a win. I can guarantee that post work is nowhere near completion, so I doubt that dragon is representative of anything other than Comic Con.


I am hoping the tentacles mean a Grell and not a Kraken.
Please no grell.

WotC, I'm giving you a pass on the intellect devourer, a goofy monster design in its own right. I'm actually delighted to see a displacer beast and hope the effect on it is cool.

But swear to god, if I see ONE parrot beak jammed sadly into ONE brain-shaped gas bag or whatever the grell's body is supposed to be...

I think it's the 'cheapness' of how it looks. The Witcher and LotR didn't have costumes and armor that look like they're from the Spirit Halloween store.

Or maybe it's just the style or something, Just seems....off.
I think some of the cheapness comes from the indirectness of the images - they’re cell phone pictues of LCD screens, and film of screens always looks crappy.


Krampus ate my d20s
Please no grell.

WotC, I'm giving you a pass on the intellect devourer, a goofy monster design in its own right. I'm actually delighted to see a displacer beast and hope the effect on it is cool.

But swear to god, if I see ONE parrot beak jammed sadly into ONE brain-shaped gas bag or whatever the grell's body is supposed to be...
You take that back. Grell is the ultimate expression of monster form and function. It is the apex. Perfection. Plus, no one uses Grell for anything and I miss them.

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