D&D Movie/TV Check Out The D&D Movie's Cast -- In Costume!

At San Diego Comic Con, next year's D&D movie, Honor Among Thieves, is getting a preview. Additionally, there's a 'tavern experience' where visitors can interact with D&D monsters and drink 'dragon brew', and at which is also displayed images of the cast of the movie in costume! everything below comes from that tavern experience, but there is an official panel/event later today (Thursday)...

At San Diego Comic Con, next year's D&D movie, Honor Among Thieves, is getting a preview. Additionally, there's a 'tavern experience' where visitors can interact with D&D monsters and drink 'dragon brew', and at which is also displayed images of the cast of the movie in costume! everything below comes from that tavern experience, but there is an official panel/event later today (Thursday).


Photo: ComicBook.com​

Various media outlets are there and are posting previews and photos:


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Couldn’t even bother to give her red/blue/purple/whatever skin.
Actors really don't want to spend hours in the makeup chair anymore, and a lot of agents INSIST on their charge's face gets to show up on screen for recognition.

She might have CGI hooves or a tail we just don't see in those shot though.

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Looks cheesy, which I guess is all a D&D movie can aspire to be.

Really don’t like how they made the tiefling look like a typical attractive girl but she has cute little horns! Teehee! 🙄 Couldn’t even bother to give her red/blue/purple/whatever skin.
That's how Tieflings did look like back in 2e. They had varied appearances and if the player wanted to they could roll something 1d4 times for appearances features (which includes horns, certain skin colours, a tail, six fingers, etc) on a table. That would be a Tiefling that rolled 1 on the 1d4 and just got horns.

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