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CLOSED Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords, Burnt Offerings


Jovik gives an involuntary shiver as the magic again heals his battered body. And he gives Danth a weak smile in thanks. It had been a very long day, and though magic had healed him three times now, it still left him a bit drained.


Jovik was nervous entering the garrison. This was always the place he had dreaded and avoided for so long. To be invited here, and not dragged in by the scruf of his neck was new and a little disconcerting.

Jovik had to choke down the insult he nearly threw at Belor when he spoke to him. A habit long in the making. But he kept his mouth closed, half out of surprise that Belor had kind words and praise for him.


Later as he speaks with Father Zantus, Jovik replies "Thank you Father. I know he wouldn't put it up there with hauling in an 8 stone bluefin, but thanks. By the way I haven't been able to find my parents, Have you seen them today, you know after the attack?" Jovik asks.

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First Post
hewligan said:
You are all thanked profusely. Father Zantus actually gives Jokad a hug, and thanks the big one. "You are a proper gift from the heavens!" he says. "They sent you to be here when we would need you. It was fate!".

Jokad tried to sit still and maintain his concentration on the discussion but his thoughts were constantly wandering back to the White Deer and his promised reward. He has little to offer to the discussion but somehow instinctively knows he has been honored just to have been included.

As the discussion winds down and thanks are exchanged Jokad is completely surprised by Father Zantus' unexpected exhuberance. He stiffly accepts the hug but the observant among you can tell Zantus' words have had greater effect on the young shoanti.

He looks more seriously at the kindly priest and more particularly at his holy symbol, his curiosity is obviously piqued. "Just doing my part..," is his only outward response.

Breaking from his swirling thoughts he speaks to the rest of the assembled group.

"I will leave the planning of the next move to those of greater wisdom. My axe will be at your disposal when you need it."
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OOC: Hewligan, the knowledge check was to see if there was any history of necromancers in the area (or signs of their activity, like the undead).


First Post
airwalkrr said:
OOC: Hewligan, the knowledge check was to see if there was any history of necromancers in the area (or signs of their activity, like the undead).

Ah, I see - sorry. Yes, there has been a little strange history, especially surrounding what is known as the Late Unpleasantness (a serial killer, the destruction of the temple), but also very ancient stories of great evil in this area (and the entire surrounding areas) dating back all the way to the fallen empire (and their now crumbled monuments). Some say that the Old Light (a crumbled ancient tower in SandPoint) is some shadow of that time.

The only recent necromancer was a pleasant old lady who lived (and died) in Sandpoint, while also acting as midwife, and ceremony of the dead mistress (chanting and laying peace upon the dead). None of the traditional evil necromancer types.


First Post
Local Heroes Go A Hunting

OOC: I am going to assume that you have finished the above meeting and have arranged to meet again the morning of the hunt.

The next day or so in Sandpoint is a blur. There is a lot of cleaning up to be done, and, unfortunately, some burials. The goblin captive is sent south to Magnimar under guard, with a request for some additional soldiers to be sent north to protect the town over the coming months.

While the night after the raid is a bit of a blur (alcohol induced for some, a frenzy of healing and caring for others).

For Jokad, the evening started with a jolly good tankard of proper Shoanti Ale followed by a return to the temple to help clear up, followed, perhaps unwisely, by a return to the White Deer for "just one more ale". It turns out that Garridan has a very pretty daughter (Amryl) of about eighteen who you are sure kept giving you eyes. Well, you think, you are not quite 100% sure, because, in truth, the later part of the evening was a horrible mess of singing, drinking, and eventually falling over. The next day you woke up with a pounding headache in the same little room in the cathedral that you had been sharing before. Someone obviously walked you home. The next day, with a pounding head chasing you around for the length of it, you helped prepare for a much more private and understated ceremony. Technically your debt is paid, but they are happy for you to stay, and given that you are meeting your new friends again for the hunt you decide to take advantage of the free room. The best part of the next day was when a silent, nervous little girl (Garridan's youngest daughter) brought you a fresh baked pastry from Amryl.

Jovik had an erratic time. He popped home briefly, just to let his folks know he was safe (and check up on them), and found that everyone was fine. Half expecting a hero's welcome, he instead received a clip round the ear from his mother ("Getting yourself nearly killed, you idiot!" she scolded him. "Trying to impress the girls" was her follow up), followed by a big hug, then another clip. She could be strange like that sometimes. Your father seemed detached, withdrawn, a little cold. Perhaps he was upset you weren't going to do a proper job like fishing, or perhaps he was sad that you were leaving, but either way, you got little out of him. You went to stay at the Hagfish (a notoriously roudy inn that you are known to frequent), still resolute on moving out. Just as the night was progressing well (free beer, lots of claps on the shoulders, a couple of games of cards, even a kiss from a young lady), your father went and turned up. People moved away, giving you space. He sat in front of you, smiled sadly, and handed a wrapped parcel across the table for you. "Grandpa, my father, wanted me to have this, but I never had any use for it. I think he would have liked you to have it. I .... I don't know what to say. I think you might be going out to get yourself killed. I know you can't be a fisherman like the rest of us, but I don't want you to kill yourself. Your mother is a mess, but .... well .... I don't want you to kill yourself!" He seems frustrated with his inability to find words. "Don't do anything stupid, we love you." And with that he turns and leaves the Hagfish. It is the first time he has ever said anything like that to you. In fact, it ruined your mood, and before long you slunk off to your room in the inn, seeing your back in the corner just reminding you of the giant step you were taking, and set about unwrapping the cloth around the gift. Inside was a long bladed dagger, light, well balanced, engraved with ancient runes. It glittered like silver. The next day you wander around town saying farewell to your old friends, determined to leave for adventure, but sure to soak up all the glory for a little bit.

OOC: Family heirloom, dagger +1, silver bladed.

Kael: You have what feels like the best time in months. You get a loaf of still warm cinnamon bread stuffed into your hand as you walk past Alma Avertin's bakery. Children seem to follow you around all night (until they get called home for dinner), asking you if you are the most powerful wizard in the north, asking you if you could summon a dragon, asking you if you can burn down castles, asking you if goblins eat babies, asking you .... .... eventually you escape into the inn you have been staying it and are greeted with a raucous cheer. It is hard to turn down the free drinks. Very hard. And oh boy did you regret it the next morning. Lets just say that most of the next day was a write-off, and a quiet meal in the inn the following night is only broken by a few people who come over to thank you personally, and tell you their own stories (most involving running away screaming). The people have evidently taken to the wizard in their midst!

Danth: You spend most of the first night with Mandraiv, helping him heal the injured. You are requested to attend the small private ceremony the next day at the temple, and are greeted to a solemn event that feels like a tremendous injustice. That same day, after a lunch of leftovers from the day before, you join Mandraiv and Father Zantus, in blessing all of the poor souls who have to be buried. It is a long day of ceremony and funerals, with many weeping relatives. Some of the grieving people seek you out to thank you, others are too lost in their sadness to even notice. One old lady spits at you in anger and the confusion of grief, cursing you for not saving her son. It leaves you drained. As the night draws to a close you decide to take a short stroll around town on your own, pulling in the sea air, feeling the tiny mist of rain on your face. You are looking forward to the hunt, simply to get away from the death that has stunted your mood. As you return to your room that night there is a note waiting for you. Daviren Hosk, the stable master from the Goblin Squash Stables (where your mount is waiting your return to Magnimar) has left it. His writing is course, but he thanks you for saving his daughter, who was at the ceremony and was badly injured. She was one of the ones you healed. Daviren makes it perfectly clear his hatred of the goblins, and his fear that his beautiful girl would die to them. His emotions are all too raw, but you have clearly made an ally. With his letter is a small parcel. "I am too old to go hunting these bastards like I used to" he states in the letter "but these should help. I hope you go after them and cut their filthy heads off!". Inside the parcel are two small metal tubular flasks, containing very potent potions.

OOC: Inside are a potion of levitate and bull's strength. You know this, because the letter tells you.

Mandraiv: Much like Danth above, it is a tough night and day for you. You work ceaselessly, healing, blessing, burying, and consoling. At the end of both days you return to your little house, finding it difficult to fall asleep as your mind rages. Something is bothering you at the back of your mind. Something you just can't quite put your finger on. Some deep buried memory. Perhaps as things calm down, and you catch up on your sleep, you may remember, but now ... curse age! Curse the frailty of memory!

--- --- THE BOAR HUNT --- ---

The boar hunt is a welcome distraction from the frenzied past two days. It is nice to meet up with your new companions again, and Aldern Foxglove (the noble you saved), is very happy to see that you all turned up. He has organised mounts for all of you, and has several retainers to accompany you (as well as about 6 yapping hounds). Mal seems very excited to be joining in, although looks slightly out of place beside the thoroughbred hunting dogs (although Mal, obviously, has some hardcore style!).

The two mile ride to Tickwood Ford is pleasant, taking you all north of Sandpoint, just north of the limestone upthrust known as the Devil's Platter. The Tickwood itself is known as a home to deer, boar, and a few firepelt cougars (or so go the legends of the hunters). There are no known goblin tribes in this area, so hopefully no more freakish pests!

Aldern is a charming conversationalist, who regales you with funny (and slightly risque) stories about Magnimar high-life. He asks tons of questions about you all, where you came from, how long you have been fighting goblins, what harrowing tales you have. It becomes a very pleasant trip, and although he does seem rather over-keen to learn from Jokad how to be a proper hero (and yes, he does try to lift your axe, but he has trouble holding it straight, and laughs at himself). He was clearly impressed by your ability to cleave the goblins apart, and you get the impressing he wishes he could have done the same and been a little less cowardly.

You stop for lunch, a fine picnic of rich meats and wine, and finish the day with a very fortunate catch: Aldern finally manages to send an arrow through the eye of a very large wild boar (after you had all failed miserably on the previous three you managed to spot). He seems to be cheered by his ability to do something semi-heroic in front of you all.

Aldern invites you all back to the Rusty Dragon (the oldest, finest inn), where he hands over the boar to Ameiko to cook for a big dinner. Ameiko is the owner and operator the Rusty Dragon, a beautiful young oriental lady, heavily tattooed, with snakes circling her pale, perfectly smooth shoulders.

OOC: Please roleplay some interaction, stories, etc. The next encounter happens very soon (next post), but please fill in a little of your own interactions during the hunt, or during dinner, or even for the day before. I would appreciate any fleshing out at all before we move on to the next stage.


First Post
hewligan said:
For Jokad, the evening started with a jolly good tankard of proper Shoanti Ale followed by a return to the temple to help clear up, followed, perhaps unwisely, by a return to the White Deer for "just one more ale". It turns out that Garridan has a very pretty daughter (Amryl) of about eighteen who you are sure kept giving you eyes. Well, you think, you are not quite 100% sure, because, in truth, the later part of the evening was a horrible mess of singing, drinking, and eventually falling over. The next day you woke up with a pounding headache in the same little room in the cathedral that you had been sharing before. Someone obviously walked you home. The next day, with a pounding head chasing you around for the length of it, you helped prepare for a much more private and understated ceremony. Technically your debt is paid, but they are happy for you to stay, and given that you are meeting your new friends again for the hunt you decide to take advantage of the free room. The best part of the next day was when a silent, nervous little girl (Garridan's youngest daughter) brought you a fresh baked pastry from Amryl.

Jokad enjoyed his night of fame... or at least he thinks he did. He remembers a lot of drinks and food, slaps on the back and a riotous cacophony happy faces, bawdy signing, and even some dancing? 'Ugh. That must have been ugly,' he thinks.

One face does seem to stand out in his memory however: Garridan's daughter, Amryl. She seemed to always be nearby with a touch on the arm to offer another drink or platter of food. Her gaze occasionally seemed to linger overlong, or at least he wanted to remember it that way. Thinking of her sure made the mule inside his head stop kicking for a time a least.

Unfortunately, most of the next day was a struggle for the young Shoanti. He knew father Zantus needed his help but the world seemed to be moving by twice as fast as he was. His stomach was a little queasy and he found it hard to concentrate on anything for more than a few seconds. He made it through the short ceremony without any troubles and his day really took a turn for the better when a shy little girl of no more than seven found him hauling off debris behind the new cathedral.

Her dark skin and eyes marked her a daughter of the steppes and his heart skipped a beat when he recognized her as one of Garridan's youngest. She timidly aproached and wordlessly extended a small bundle wrapped in a red hand kerchief. "From my sister, Amryl," was all she said.

Jokad grinned from ear to ear as he knelt before the little girl and took the still warm bundle from her hands. "Please tell your sister thanks for me," he says and gives her a wink.

As she ran off, he greedily devoured the still warm pastry. He then carefully tucked the red handkerchief into his belt.

He would have to make sure to find an excuse to visit the White Deer again VERY soon.

Smiling contently he got back to his work with renewed gusto.

--- --- THE BOAR HUNT --- ---

The boar hunt is a welcome distraction from the frenzied past two days. It is nice to meet up with your new companions again, and Aldern Foxglove (the noble you saved), is very happy to see that you all turned up. He has organised mounts for all of you, and has several retainers to accompany you (as well as about 6 yapping hounds). Mal seems very excited to be joining in, although looks slightly out of place beside the thoroughbred hunting dogs (although Mal, obviously, has some hardcore style!).

The two mile ride to Tickwood Ford is pleasant, taking you all north of Sandpoint, just north of the limestone upthrust known as the Devil's Platter. The Tickwood itself is known as a home to deer, boar, and a few firepelt cougars (or so go the legends of the hunters). There are no known goblin tribes in this area, so hopefully no more freakish pests!

Aldern is a charming conversationalist, who regales you with funny (and slightly risque) stories about Magnimar high-life. He asks tons of questions about you all, where you came from, how long you have been fighting goblins, what harrowing tales you have. It becomes a very pleasant trip, and although he does seem rather over-keen to learn from Jokad how to be a proper hero (and yes, he does try to lift your axe, but he has trouble holding it straight, and laughs at himself). He was clearly impressed by your ability to cleave the goblins apart, and you get the impressing he wishes he could have done the same and been a little less cowardly.

You exchange stories during the uneventful ride toward the woods and Jokad seems more than happy to talk of his far off homeland. He is child of a drier, harsher landscape where farming is all but unheard off. His people tend to migrate through rough scrub covered hills and rocky grasslands following herds of deer, wild goats, and thunder beasts (buffalo). Gozreh's bounty is scarce however and life can be hard and merciless at times.

He also openly talks of how he came to arrive in this little town and of the tragedy that befell his merchant party on the road (see his background in the rogues gallery if interested).

All in all, he seems in fine spirits and openly jokes with both Aldern and the rest of you. Some of the more genteel among you occassionally wince at his minor social faux pas (especially with Aldern) but if the nobleman notices he does not seem to take offense.

You stop for lunch, a fine picnic of rich meats and wine, and finish the day with a very fortunate catch: Aldern finally manages to send an arrow through the eye of a very large wild boar (after you had all failed miserably on the previous three you managed to spot). He seems to be cheered by his ability to do something semi-heroic in front of you all.

"Good shot, Sir!", Jokad cheers. He too sensed the nobleman need a dose of confidence and he wanted to make sure he found something to complement him on. His excellent bow shot made an easy and obvious choice.

Aldern invites you all back to the Rusty Dragon (the oldest, finest inn), where he hands over the boar to Ameiko to cook for a big dinner. Ameiko is the owner and operator the Rusty Dragon, a beautiful young oriental lady, heavily tattooed, with snakes circling her pale, perfectly smooth shoulders.

Jokad can't help but gawk at the beautiful exoitc woman. She is very different that anyone he has ever seen before and his interest isn't completly one of lust. But still... he probably looks a bit obvious and foolish.

When the ale is served he stands and offers a toast, "To our generous host and his steady hand. Huzzah!!" He then downs his tankand in serval large frothing gulps.
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hewligan said:
Kael: You have what feels like the best time in months. You get a loaf of still warm cinnamon bread stuffed into your hand as you walk past Alma Avertin's bakery. Children seem to follow you around all night (until they get called home for dinner), asking you if you are the most powerful wizard in the north, asking you if you could summon a dragon, asking you if you can burn down castles, asking you if goblins eat babies, asking you .... .... eventually you escape into the inn you have been staying it and are greeted with a raucous cheer. It is hard to turn down the free drinks. Very hard. And oh boy did you regret it the next morning. Lets just say that most of the next day was a write-off, and a quiet meal in the inn the following night is only broken by a few people who come over to thank you personally, and tell you their own stories (most involving running away screaming). The people have evidently taken to the wizard in their midst!

"Why thank you, thank you very much," says Kael as he gives whomever gave him the sticky bread a smile and nod. After breaking off a small piece of it, which he gave to Mal, the young varisian wil devourer the rest. "Mmm, excellent and gooey!"

Laughter is one of the best remedies for what ails the soul, especially after such a horrific attack, so Kael, along with Mal, does his best to cheer up the children.

In fact, Kael will even help them give the hound a proper bath, although Mal had one that cleaned the gore and viscera from him after the previous meeting and tells stories to the little ones.

"Maybe not a dragon, children," says Kael with a mysterious grin on his face. "But, I did summon Mal and he is much better than any flying lizard."

"Not only does he each much less than a dragon," says Kael with a wink as he pushes on the familiar's head playfully. "Well, mostly less than a dragon, but he is much more pleasant to talk to."

"In fact, when I first bonded with Mal," continues Kael as he begins to tell the youthes the tale of Kael and Mal's first adventure, which was chasing a goblin away from the supply wagons for his families caravan. He'll draw the story out longer than the handful of minutes it took, making it seem like an enjoyable adventure of heroism and daring, with voices, exaggerated movements, and noises.

Once he reaches the end of the story, Kael will finish it by saying, "...so, you see, a sorcerer's power is in his blood and body, which is how I earned this tattoo and Mal's companionship. Good friends and courage can accomplishment, wouldn't you say?"

The following day, Kael will listen to stories told and shared, as he recovers from the previous night, often adding words of encouragement and his infectious smile.

"Oh, trust me," says Kael with a gleam in his eye. "Not all of my movements were towards trouble, just some of them"

hewligan said:
--- --- THE BOAR HUNT --- ---

The boar hunt is a welcome distraction from the frenzied past two days. It is nice to meet up with your new companions again, and Aldern Foxglove (the noble you saved), is very happy to see that you all turned up. He has organised mounts for all of you, and has several retainers to accompany you (as well as about 6 yapping hounds). Mal seems very excited to be joining in, although looks slightly out of place beside the thoroughbred hunting dogs (although Mal, obviously, has some hardcore style!).

The two mile ride to Tickwood Ford is pleasant, taking you all north of Sandpoint, just north of the limestone upthrust known as the Devil's Platter. The Tickwood itself is known as a home to deer, boar, and a few firepelt cougars (or so go the legends of the hunters). There are no known goblin tribes in this area, so hopefully no more freakish pests!

Aldern is a charming conversationalist, who regales you with funny (and slightly risque) stories about Magnimar high-life. He asks tons of questions about you all, where you came from, how long you have been fighting goblins, what harrowing tales you have. It becomes a very pleasant trip, and although he does seem rather over-keen to learn from Jokad how to be a proper hero (and yes, he does try to lift your axe, but he has trouble holding it straight, and laughs at himself). He was clearly impressed by your ability to cleave the goblins apart, and you get the impressing he wishes he could have done the same and been a little less cowardly.

You stop for lunch, a fine picnic of rich meats and wine, and finish the day with a very fortunate catch: Aldern finally manages to send an arrow through the eye of a very large wild boar (after you had all failed miserably on the previous three you managed to spot). He seems to be cheered by his ability to do something semi-heroic in front of you all.

Aldern invites you all back to the Rusty Dragon (the oldest, finest inn), where he hands over the boar to Ameiko to cook for a big dinner. Ameiko is the owner and operator the Rusty Dragon, a beautiful young oriental lady, heavily tattooed, with snakes circling her pale, perfectly smooth shoulders.

OOC: Please roleplay some interaction, stories, etc. The next encounter happens very soon (next post), but please fill in a little of your own interactions during the hunt, or during dinner, or even for the day before. I would appreciate any fleshing out at all before we move on to the next stage.

Kael enjoyed the day, although he spent much of his time with Mal and the hounds, riding to and fro, and it is obvious that he has missed riding horse since the lost of his own animal.

However, Kael does not avoid being with his companions, as well as the nobleman, and when the catch is made, the young varisian is cheering just as joyous and loudly.

"Excellent shot, Aldern," cheers Kael. "Well aimed and placed!"

Upon reaching the Rusty Dragon, Kael joins in with the festivities, but his attention is often drawn to Akeiko and her tattoos, and eventually the young man will comment.

But, when the cheer is raised, Kael joins in as well, as it is only polite. Eventually, though, his eyes are drawn to Ameiko.

"Those are wonderful lines, miss," says Kael with a nod towards the snakes. "Not only is the canvas fair, but the work is amazing, may I ask where they are from?"


Jovik took his cuffings well. Mom was like that. And Jovik was in trouble enough as a lad to have received more than his fair share of them. His father's distance was troubling for Jovik but almost welcomed. He hadn't really been getting along well with him anyway and this saved him the trouble of saying goodbye. His mom gave him one last rib-crackig hug as he left of the door to go to the Hagfish.

There he was in his element. He was enjoying the moment, the congradulations, the free drinks, the requests for stories. He lightly fingered the pink traces across his chest, faded scars of goblin blades. The flesh had been healed by magic, but the memory of the pain was still with him. Still, he was enjoying himself immensely when his father showed up. Jovik hadn't seen him, it wasn't until the crowd around him grew silent and aprted that Jovik saw who was approaching. 'Great' he thought 'the old man's here to drag me back home, drag me back to the old life, chain me with lines and nets to fish.' Jovik was readying his arguements, the same he had been preparing for months now as he planned his escape from the stiffling life of fish. But he never got to use them. His father's words left him stunned and mute. He barely was able mouth 'bye' silently as he left. Dammit, his father still could ruin his fun. His mood turning black with a strange mixture of remorse and rebellion, Jovik finished his beer and headed upstairs to his room. The common room had somehow grown too noisy for him just then. The sight of all his possesions, carefully assembled over the years, now finally sitting here in a room that was not that of his childhood, truely brought home the finality of his decision. Anger still flared at his father, "I'll bet he gave me his old fishing gear" but when the blade flashes out, Jovik is stunned. Dad didn't talk about gramps much. But he heard the occaisional tale about gramps being a some kind of soldier or big shot down in Magnimar, and left that place to raise his young family in a quieter, safer place. Jovik sat and looked at the blade for a long time, studying the runes on the blade. After some time he said, "well gramps had you in war, and Dad wants me to use you, so I'll call you 'Goblin Hook', and you and I can catch and gut a lot of goblins". Jovik still wasn't sure what to make of his father. He knew he wasn't the favorite son, he wasn't a fisheman, but this was unlike Dad. Even in the cold light of morning, Jovik wasn't sure what to make of it. But the sun was bright, the pink scars had fully faded and the memory of pain was diminishing as well.

Jovik took full advantage to get out and be seen and receive the thanks heaped upon him. He said his goodbyes, few were surprised. In a small town like Sandpoint there were few secrets and msot people knew Jovik's intentions, and apparently word had spread of his encounter with his father last night. Jovik did make one stop that day to buy the last two jars of harpy musk to be found. There had been a big run on them after the raid. They weren't even on the shelf, but Lakna, the shopkeeper, had been saving them for himself. "But for our local hero, how could I not sell them!" Jovik paid 5 gold for the two jars. Lakna said "No, there only 2 apiece" but Jovik insisted on overpaying, his mind thinking back to all the apples he had lifted from Lakna's store as a kid.

The next day dawned brightly, but saw a subdued Jovik. Saying goodbye had been hard, but it was harded because he hadn't left yet. But the thrilling ride, and the hunt soon drove out any other thoughts in the boy's head. An excellent distraction it turned out to be. Jovik is a little comflicted about Aldern. The man is from Magnimar, where his grandfather was from. And here was a mna with wealth and power, the things Jovik craved. But still he represented the laws that felt confining to Jovik and Jovik was very coy and cautious when answering Aldern questions.
The trip back to the inn was exciting, and he was looking forward to being part of the attention again. The girls liked to here about how he took on those first two goblins with just a knife. Jovik always seemed to be able to embelish it a little each time to get another gasp from the girls.

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