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[Closed] The Hunters & The Hunted


Living EN World Judge
Xael, the onlyother character of yours I have seen was also a Drow outcast 'Jonah', from the Deep water &SHoals game. I was only funnimg with you. I like the picture/icon. How old is your little siter?her pic looks better than a lot of the net cartoons floating around out there. Perhaps she shold do a 'Xael' comic?

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First Post
Well, probably won't get much more activety here, so...

Xael, Uriel, Evoulos, Festy_Dog, Hawkeye, you're all in.

Level 5 class/ECL

28 point buy + the 4th level bonus.

8,000 GP

Don't forget that character region stuff. Also, keeping in mind that this is a survival game, so food and water will be important, unlike most games.

The game is still interested in one more player in the meantime.

I feel like I am forgetting something... hmmm...

*looses himself in deep thought*
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First Post
I'll have Saxon, Mzarem (animal companion) and their history up in a few hours.

Edit: I figured out what you forgot! :) Hit points, how do you want us to calculate them?
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First Post
Xael "Blackrobe" Xorlarrin, Male Drow Wizard 3


Height: 5'2''
Weight: 99 lb
Hair: Long (longer than shoulder level), White and loose. A bit uncempt.
Eyes: Bright Red, especially bright when angry.
Age: 147
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Speed: 30 ft.
Spell Resistance: 14
Ac: 14 (10 base + 1 armor + 3 dexterity), flat-footed 11, touch 13.
Hp: 12 (3d4)


Strength: 10 (-)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 10 (-)
Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 12 (+1)

Skills: Total (rank + attribute + misc)

Concentration: 6 (6)
Spellcraft: 10 (6 + 4)
Knowledge, Arcana: 10 (6 + 4)
Intimidate: 4 (3 + 1)
Tumble: 6 (3 + 3)
Ride (Horse): 6 (3 + 3)


Daylight Adaptation, Spellcasting Prodigy*, Scribe Scroll


Fortitude: 1
Reflex: 4
Will: 4


Drow Sign Language


+2 melee (Adamantine Quarterstaff)
+2 melee (Masterwork Dagger)
+1 melee (Unarmed)


1d6+1 (Adamantine Quarterstaff)
1d4 (Masterwork Dagger)
1d3 (Subdual, Unarmed)


Clothes (Black clothes + black robe + black cloack (with hood) + black boots + black belt) You got the idea.
Adamantine Quarterstaff (This needs some GM ruling I know. Please?)
Masterwork Dagger (Region bonus. Sheated at left side at belt)
Bracers of Armor +1 (Black, plain adamantine bracers)
Bag of Holding (Bag 1, small (little bigger than a normal fist) black bag. Tied to belt.
-5 Candles
-Flask (with water)
-Ink vial
-10 Paper sheets
-10 day's worth of trail rations
-2 day's worth of horse food
-5 Waterskins
-Flint & Steel
-Spellbook (black, plain)
-2 Cure Light Wounds Potions
-61 gold pieces
-3 silver pieces
-8 copper pieces
Spell component pouch (tied to belt)

Light warhorse (no name)
-Riding saddle

Spells prepared: 4/4/2 Save DC 15 + spell level
0 level; Detect Magic, Pedigistation, Read Magic, Mage Hand; 1st level; Magic missile *2,
Shield, Shocking Grasp;
2nd level: Invisibility, Aganazzar's Scorher

Spells known:
1st level; Shield, Mount, Unseen Servant, Identify, Magic Missile, Expeditious Retreat,
Jump, Shocking Grasp, Spider Climb
; 2nd level; Invisibility, Aganazzar's Scorher, Mirror Image(bought)


Xael's story begins from the drow city Menzoberranzan(surprise..., but it's the only drow city I know something about). He never really heard from his mother, or much more about his father, who was too busy in "wizardly affairs" that he didn't have time for his son. He was raised by wizards of the spelltower Xorlarrin, basically being their errand-boy. After some years of "apprenticeship" as they called it, he was send to visit surface with a raiding party. Because of some rule that forbids wizards from going there unless under extreme circumstances, he was supposed to make notes about the surface and collect some samples for the wizards's research, because things like that couldn't be left to the hands of the normal foot soldiers and fighters. Like they'd know anything about them, probably they would just spoil all the samples.

Surrounded by warriors and group of mercenaries, he quickly became aware of the fact that they weren't doing just some kind of a funny holiday trip. He was given a dagger for his protection, but it proved to be quite useless in the following carnage. The whole raiding party was a setup laid by other house, and when they finally got to the surface, the drow mercenaries attacked their "buddies" and slaughtered them. Fortunately, the mercenary leader didn't like killing kids much, especially if he wasn't paid to do it, so he just knocked Xael unconscious.

Xael was found by an elven woman (insert name here, I suck at making up names) who took pity on him and carried him to the small village he lived in (about 20 people). After the serious first shock of being in totally unknown place, Xael quickly found out that he couldn't make it back to Menzo. The woman, having no own children or husband, adopted him, and even the other villages quickly got used to him. After some time of learning the common language and getting used to the surface life, Xael could actually make friends easily with his "witchcraft" skills (mainly faerie fire).

Years moving ahead, Xael never really leaving the village, his ne mother started to teach him about magic (she was a wizard). He wasn't really that interested about it yet though, he enjoyed running in the fields and sitting outside in top of a large rock watching a thunderstorm more than any pretty tricks. He was quite happy and though that he didn't need any magic, as he had fun with his friends.

His happiness was shattered when first one of them died of old age.

The burial happened to be a rainy and dark day. After the burial, Xael started to spend more time looking at the skies, from the top of his personal favourite rock. He had loved the weather, no matter if it had been a sunshine or it had rained. Now, he couldn't help but think that the weather was mocking him. The days were great and full of sunlight, which he was starting to get used to.

But always when it rained, he remembered the cold grave of his friend.

He became increasingly distant, and his younger friends decided to leave him alone, thinking it just as typical sorrow. Their opinions changed when he basically locked himself in his mother's home, cutting almost all contact to the "outside world". He started studying magic whole-time, only taking break when a trunderstorm or some other "vengeage of the gods" decided to show himself. Time passed, and he had already at least as good wizard as his mother, and couldn't really learn any more home. He started talking to people again, his old friends being again really old now.

He had trouble making friends again, except for one little girl, (insert the most beatiful name you can imagine here). She had heard about Xael from his grandparents, who had already passed away, and being "naive and trustful, but full of life" (as Xael though it) she became his friend. Xael, now over 140 years old and increasingly cynical, found joy remembering his childhood while telling stories he had read about to (girl's name). The girl enjoyed his company, even though other villages thought that Xael would be a "bad example". While Xael was still bitter and a bit cynical, he began to find something enjoyable in life again.

Not much later, four adventurers arrived to the town, one of them wounded. Others decided to leave the wounded swordsman on the village to rest and go continue their mission. Xael's mother, having sensed that his son couldn't learn anything by sitting there, pleaded the adventurers to take him with them. Only the wounded swordsman giving any resistance to the thought, the others agreed to take Xael with them as a "temporary replacement". Saying goodbye to his new friend, Xael took off.

The "party" now spent time killing some goblins and doing whatever adventurers now do. After some time they found a mysterious cave, which they decided to investigate. The cave hoarded a great amount of treasure, but (naturally) there also happened to be a great (and I mean big) Red Dragon occupying it. Xael's new friends were torn to shreds or burned alive in seconds, but he managed to survive miraculoysly because of the Drows's natural spell resistance*, when the dragon used one of his spells* to a bit too devastating effect to the cave. Xael managed to flee at the ensuing rumbling and confusion.

Xael wandered back towards the village, bothered by the lack of food or water, which he didn't really know how to hunt. His mind blurred in thoughts about dying friends and fire-breathing fiends, he finally arrived at the village late night. The now recovered swordman ran to question him about his friends. Xael managed to mutter "Dead" before falling on his face to the ground and passing out. His mother carried him to her house, leaving the stunned swordsman alone with the other villagers.

By the time Xael was recovering in the second floor of his mother's house, the swordsman had apparently snapped. He started to suspect the worst, and started to rally the villagers. He blamed Xael for their deaths, and made up lies to bolster his view to the villagers, who (this generation at least) had not really seen Xael that much and thought him as a weirdo (hangs out on thunderstorms and nights, magic thingy, drow) not to be trusted. And, taken the human nature's favor towards going with the majority and crowds, the swordsman needed only to get one or two villagers to his side to get them all. The following conflict was inevitable.

The villagers, now "absolutely sure" that Xael had backstabbed or left the swordsman's friends to death, now approached his mother's house with torches and pitchforks in hand, the swordsman leading them. The swordsman entered the house and demanded that Xael's mother would hand Xael over to them to "carry out the justice". Naturally Xael's mother declined the demand, and when the swordsman tried to get upstairs, she tried to stop him. Partly reflexes of a fighter, partly on an accident, Xael's mother got a sword in her guts. Xael had just awaked and was coming down the stairs to see what the ruckus was. He came down just in time to see his mother's body hit the floor and the swordsman standing stunned at middle of the room. Xael instinctively reached for a wand (fireball) that his mother had given for his as a gift for safety.

The swordsman was blown to pieces in a second.

The willagers, horrifiedly waiting outside the now half-destroyed house, had not seen what had happened inside. When Xael stepped out of the half-ruined building, eyes glowing with fiery red fire that looked for death and revenge and a wand in his hand, their reaction was as what could be expected. "Murderer!" Xael, now being half-mad with rage, was welcomed by a band of people who accused him of murder. He had lived longer than any of them, he had known their grandfathers and -mothers.

When they attacked, he raised the wand again.

The following carnage never seemed to burn on his memory, he only remembered shooting fireballs blindly around, killing villagers and destroying buildings. When the wand's charges were out, he screamed for help. His scream was ansvered by footsteps closing rapidly behind him. Spinning around in rage, preparing to retaliate to the attack, he swooped with his black Quarterstaff (a gift from his mother again). He tried to stop the swing when he noticed who was coming.

Too late.

If he had no clear memory of the other killings of the day, he remembered the last one as clearly as a day. He remembered the horror when his staff hit the head of the little girl he had once called friend, and the crack of her skull breaking. He remembered watching as her already dead body falling to the wet ground, and the silence that followed. After screaming again for a few times and recovering his senses, Xael decided that there was nothing he could do. He was a murderer, and he couldn't stay.

He hastily ran to a house that was built few hundred feet outside the willage. He had talked with the owner about buying one of his horses, but they hadn't agreed about the price. He didn't care about the price anymore. He broke into the stall and took the horse, for some reason leaving a bag containing the sum he had offered for the horse. The horse-owner rushed out to shout after him just when he took off, riding to the night He could hear the horse-owners scream when this turned around to face the village.

A week later, after a bounty had been placed on his head and people had given him a nickname "Blackrobe", he awoke from his leep, screaming. He had seen a nightmare. And he had never saw a dream before. And would not see.

Except for the nightmares to come...


Xael is a small figure, completely dressed in black. His long, white hair is a perfect contrast is compared to anything else in him. His eyes tend to glow unnaturally brightly*, being almost on fire when he is angry. He is a bit reluctant to speak about his past that he is trying (in futile) to forget. He tends to say what he thinks of things instead of taking the long route and trying not to hurt people's feelings. He considers himself to be in the limit between sane and insane, but decides not to care about it. He couldn't care less what people think of him, it's their problem. But if they're coming to make it his problem he usually taunts them, tries to intimidate them, or as a last resort, resorts to violence. He has also developed a strange phobia towards small kids, as they remind him of the girl he killed.

*In my "normal" version of his background, the Spellcasting Prodigy is replaced by Spellfire Wielder. He uses it accidently (he doesn't know he has it) to absorb the dragon's spell, and when "overloading" blasting the cave in an accident. His eye's glow because of the spellfire.

My longest post. Ever.
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First Post
This is my character:

Landar Noblehorn

Male Human Bard 2/Cleric of Milil 3
HP ?
Init +5
Spd 20
AC 16
Atk +4 base melee, +4 base ranged
Longsword+6 (1d8+2, +1 Longsword, 17-20 critical)
Longbow+0 (1d8, Longbow)

Alingment: Neutral Good

Fort +3
Ref +5
Will +8

STR 12
DEX 12
CON 10
INT 10
WIS 15
CHA 15

Region: Waterdeep (Bonus Item: 300 gp)

Languages: Chondathan, Common, Elven


+1 Keen Longsword
Cleric's vestments
Traveler's outfit
Rations, trail (per day) x13
Waterskin (full) x2
Arrows (100)

Funds: 740 gp (5th level characterss get 9000 + 300 from region)

Knowledge (Nobility)+4
Knowledge (religion)+4
Sense Motive+4
Speak Language+1

Improved Initiative, Spell Focus: Enchantment, Weapon Focus: Longsword.

Spells Known (Brd 3/1): .
Spells Prepared (Clr 4/3/2): 0 - Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Purify Food and Drink; 1st - Bless, Charm Person (d), Shield of Faith, Summon Monster I; 2nd - Enthrall (d), Hold Person, Knife Spray.

Background: Tommorow Morning

I think everything is in place but please tell us how to calculate the HP.


First Post
Sorry, I forgot my bard spells:

Spells Known (Brd 3/1):
0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1st - Mage Armor, Sleep


First Post
Okay, here's Saxon, I've made a few assumptions about the druids of Kuldahar in his history and I'm not entirely sure whether everything is done correctly so let me know if anything needs fixing. I'll just post his description and history, there's a whole questionnaire thing but I'll only include that by request (very long):

Saxon Nusmaar; Male human Dru5; CR 5; Medium-sized humanoid;
HD 5d8; hp 40;
Init +2; Spd Walk 20'ft.;
AC 18 (touch 12; Flat-footed 16);
Atk = +4 melee 1d6 (masterwork scimitar), +5 ranged 1d4 (sling);
Special Abilities: Nature Sense, Animal Companion, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Nature's Lure, Wild Shape (small or medium) 1/day;
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +7;
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 12;
Hgt: 6' 1", Wgt: 218lbs (+156 base, +62 equipment)

Skills: animal empathy +5/4, concentration +8/8, handle animal +5/4, heal +11(+13 with kit)/8, knowledge (nature) +10/8, scry +10/8, spellcraft +10/8, wilderness lore +11/8

Languages: Common, Chondathon, Illuskan, Druidic, Sylvan, Giant;

Feats: Track (normal), Spell Casting Prodigy (human), Combat Casting(3rd)

Spells Memorised:
DC:14, 5 x 0th- Read Magic, Detect Magic, Flare, Create Water, Purify Food & Drink
DC:15, 3+1 x 1st- 2 Cure Lgt. Wounds, Entangle, Faerie Fire
DC:16, 2+1 x 2nd- Barkskin, Flame Blade, Summon Swarm
DC:17, 1+1 x 3rd- Cure Moderate Wounds, Summon Nature's Ally 3

Mzarem (wolf), HD: 5d8+15 (55), Init: +3, speed 50', AC 14, str 20, dex 16, con 16, int 3, wis 10, cha 4, Trip, Scent, Weapon Finesse (bite), Hide +4, Move Silently +5, Listen +5, Spot +3, Wilderness Lore +0 (+4 racial when using scent), Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +1; Bite +8 melee d6+5; size Large; AL N;


masterworked scimitar
+1 leather armour
+1 large wooden shield
20 sling bullets
masterworked longsword
bag of holding
boots of the winterlands
signet ring
spell components pouch
holly and mistletoe
explorer's outfit
4 potions of cure lgt wounds
14 trail rations*
healing kit 10/10*
explorer's outfit*
cold weather outfit*
sealing wax*
winter blanket*


* In bag of holding.

Saxon's hair is long, thick and dark brown. He keeps it tied behind his head though a small multitude of strands usually escape and fall across his face. His eyes are a greyish blue and he smiles a lot, very talkative with animals but gets shy around people. His leather armour is light grey in colour and fairly elaborate, over the top of it is worn a thick, woolen, ankle-length coat which is loose so as not to hinder mobility. His backpack has his shield and longsword strapped to it in addition to many little trinket like objects he has collected while travelling. His scimitar, a prized possession, is worn on his belt with a few other miscellaneous items which he uses in everyday functions. Though he keeps himself very tidy and neat, he seems to carry a feint smell of pine trees and snow. Mzarem is a male albino wolf, he is missing a couple of small patches of fur here and there, and carries a lot of scars, but otherwise he's very friendly with Saxon. Mzarem has a certain gleam in his eye, like that of a seasoned warrior, and is known to unnerve people he travels with by looking at them as though he were sizing them up for a fight.

Saxon doesn't like to think about his history much, its not an incredibly happy tale, it can be summarised as follows:

Saxon's parents were teenagers who ran away from their home in the south, their travels took them to the tiny village of Kuldahar where they found a little place in the outskirts to live. To their misfortune they had a child, and because of their struggling income they knew they couldn't afford such a thing. Unfortunately again, his mother died shortly after giving birth from falling to illness in her weakened state.

With what felt like his other half gone and all to replace it was another mouth to feed Saxon's father was incredibly unhappy. He worked himself to the bone trying to earn enough to raise a child but could hardly do so as a single parent and still care for his son. Also during this time Saxon and his father became aquainted with the druids of the region, and for a short period Gunther and a half-elf druid, Silnir, had a relationship. Though short-lived, when the relationship ended they left on good terms and remained friends. Silnir was like the mother Saxon never had.

A decade passed slowly and painfully into history and though only ten years old Saxon had learnt of true hardships of life and to treasure and care for what little he had. He was very mature for his age. His father realised that and thought that to turn their life around he could now safely go off adventuring and leave Saxon to look after himself, with occasional check ups made by Silnir of course. Thus after a while, there had been no adventurer parties come through recently which he could join, Saxon bid his father fairwell as he went off towards the unknown to bring back great riches.

Time passed by and in his waiting Saxon wandered the wilderness around Kuldahar, taking an interest in the terrain and its occupants. About three years sit themselves between when his father left and the current moment when Saxon finds that a female wolf whom he was friends with has had a litter of pups, he helps care for the somewhat large litter for a few months until they all are able to do their own thing. One whom he gained a special bond with was the albino of the litter whom he thought was a miracle of nature, this wolf had grown to be bigger than its siblings. It remained with Saxon through thick and thin and for another two years they managed to maintain themselves from the surrounding lands, and having very little contact with the actual inhabitants of Kuldahar.

Soon enough though a greying man, almost oozing with righteousness and honour, showed up on his doorstep claiming to be his father's father. He was a paladin. After Saxon told him of his history that he could remember, his grandfather, named Taurreyl, said that he would stay here and help him out. It had taken him this long to track his son here so he would just wait now for him to return from his adventures. After some time getting used to the presence of such a person in his humble home, Saxon was advised by Taurreyl to inquire into joining the druid grove nearby, an opinion shared by Silnir who had always liked the thought of having Saxon apprenticed to her. He did so and was very happy about finding a group of people he could get along so easily with.

The apprenticeship worked quite well and Saxon was very interested in learning the ways of magic, it fascinated him to no end. With his fervour for his new found faith he was soon initiated into the group, and their tattoos were applied to him all in the one sitting. Painful but a testiment to his determination.

Soon it became obvious that his father wasn't coming back, so Tyrrel gave Saxon a sword which was intended to be inherited by his father, it had been in the family for generations and though his beliefs barred him from using it Taurreyl implored that he carry it with him until he either found someone suitable to carry it or has a son who could take it from him.

Time passed by and the two became best of friends, though Saxon thought Taurreyl was too rigid and Tyrrel thought Saxon was too laid back. Eventually age caught up with Tyrrel and he died peacefully in his sleep, this was very distressing for Saxon despite it being painless. After a brief and heartfelt burial conducted by Saxon and fellow druids he went back to his normal way of life.

Briefly after his grandfather's death he was shaken by the death of his mentor, Silnir. To Saxon's understanding she fell prey to an unlikely foe, her brother Horlaen. Silnir and Horlaen had become druids at the same time and the bonds between them seemed strong. After Silnir took upon a student though Horlaen began to jest about her being too soft, or too merciful. These accustaions started to become serious, and Horlaen blamed Saxon for Silnir's change of heart, saying that Saxon should not have forced his weakling moral code upon her. It was quite the contrary though as Silnir saw a pleasant and refreshing train of thought in Saxon which didn't conflict with druidic teaching, she chose to adopt that attitude. Ultimately it led to her downfall as Silnir and her brother had to compete for a higher position. Horlaen had no qualms with disposing of his competitor, and thought best to cull her from the pack because he considered her weak. At a friendly meeting between the two siblings he challenged her to a fight to the death, she refused to fight her own brother and he subsequently killed her.

Saxon buried her as well, not far from his grandfather's grave. He went to see Horlaen and demand to know what happened. Horlaen explained calmly what he had had to do, Saxon rebuked him for such heartless actions and though Horlaen defended his actions with his beliefs it was obvious he was pained by what he had done. Saxon swore vengeance and Horlaen had him expelled from the grove. Having no reason to stay he decided to wander away from it all, partly put his past behind him and partly to find someone worthy of his grandfather's blade.
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First Post
If its not too late, I'd like to join this game!

I was thinking of a halfling barb1/ranger1/rogue 3

I can make my character in the next few hours if its okay to join.

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