D&D 5E Companion Thread to 5E Survivor - Weapons

I have considered in the past adding a "Technique" property to some weapons (quarterstaves, etc., basically monk weapons) and making the property: "You can use your Intelligence bonus instead of Strength when using this weapon to make a melee attack."
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That's...actually pretty good. Wizards would be happy also.
Absolutely. Is it possible to break the game with it? It's possible to break the game with any houserule. But if you specify "melee Weapon attacks" it removes some of the weird edge cases that would be interesting to game-breakers. Int-casters probably want to use their spells for ranged attacks and some melee attacks anyway, so it's of limited use to them. But it suddenly enables some cool Fighters built using Intelligence to be "technique masters."

User /u/The_Talmanah_Project posted new weapons on Reddit. They're... interesting. Definitely some cool choices of weapon.

Simple Weapons
Brass Knuckles:
1d4 bludgeoning, light, special. The special is "concealable" (advantage on checks to conceal them) and "fist-load" (any effects or bonuses that apply to your unarmed strike apply to the brass knuckles).
Scythe: 1d6 slashing, special, two-handed. This is a simple weapon. The special is "reaping sweep" which basically lets you cleave into another creature after downing the first.

Martial Weapons
(bills, guisarmes): 1d8 piercing, heavy, reach, special, two-handed. The "hook" lets you do a Grapple attack instead of damage.
Bolas: 1d4 bludgeoning, finesse, special, thrown (range 20 ft./60 ft.). The special is "ensnare," which seems a little more complex than I'd like.
Chakram: 1d4 slashing, finesse, light, special, thrown (range 30 ft./120 ft.). The special is "razor disk," so when you throw it, the damage becomes 1d6 slashing.
Chakri: smaller chakrams? 1 slashing, same everything else as above, but when thrown they do 1d4 slashing.
War Scythe: 1d10 slashing, reach, special, two-handed. The special is "reaping sweep" as above.
Linked Chain: 1d8 bludgeoning, reach, special, two-handed. When you use your action to make an attack, you can use a bonus action to make another attack with the linked chain. Monk weapon.
Spiked Chain: 1d6 bludgeoning, reach. Monk weapon.
Heavy War Club: 1d10 bludgeoning, heavy, special, two-handed. Special: "shattering blows," when you roll maximum damage on the die, you can add your Strength bonus to the damage a second time.

IMO, this falls into two traps I see a lot with new weapons for 5E: adding a lot of fiddly rules edge cases, and needing to have kewl abilities for meme weapons. Reaping sweep and razor disk are unnecessary. Are you really going to use tiny chakram bangles as a melee weapon? And "concealable" should be up to player description, this is just another mechanic that removes the need to actually roleplay something you should be telling the GM.

Also, what the heck are chakri?!? Are those a thing? checks Wikipedia Holy crap, they are a thing!

Chakram: 1d4 slashing, finesse, light, special, thrown (range 30 ft./120 ft.). The special is "razor disk," so when you throw it, the damage becomes 1d6 slashing.
Could you see ricochet as a property of this particular weapon? If I remember correctly, the main character in Xena, used a chakram, and was known for ricocheting it off objects in order to targets that had some cover.

Could you see ricochet as a property of this particular weapon? If I remember correctly, the main character in Xena, used a chakram, and was known for ricocheting it off objects in order to targets that had some cover.
That's not a bad idea. It depends on what you're going for. If you want historical accuracy, that's one thing; you'd probably want some sort of rapid attack ability, because these things throw like frisbees (which were based on it!) and users would throw stacks of them in a very short time. If you want more like Xena, then ricochet is one of the things I remember her doing with it that would be hard to do otherwise with Feats and abilities.

That's not a bad idea. It depends on what you're going for. If you want historical accuracy, that's one thing; you'd probably want some sort of rapid attack ability, because these things throw like frisbees (which were based on it!) and users would throw stacks of them in a very short time. If you want more like Xena, then ricochet is one of the things I remember her doing with it that would be hard to do otherwise with Feats and abilities.
A character trying to do what she was capable of doing with a chakram would probably need feats and abilities to pull it off. You probably would need to homebrew some feats for it because I don't know which of the official feats in 5e would work well with it. I do know that it would probably require a martial to acquire the Thrown Weapon Fighting style.

  • Thrown Weapon Fighting.You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon.
    • In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.

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