Converting Monsters from D&D Official Video Games


Hmm, I remember the Vilstrak from the original Monster Manual II, but I never knew they had big brothers & sisters.

Maybe give them tremorsense, blindsense or blindsight so they actually have some idea where they're going when melding through stone?

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Extradimensional Explorer
Here's something I don't understand about the ToH conversion. The spell meld into stone doesn't allow movement through stone, just absorption into the surface of the rock AFAICT. You even have to exit the stone through the same surface you enter. So how do vilstraks get into their lairs? Wouldn't earth glide make more sense?

I'd also probably go with tremorsense like a xorn.


Here's something I don't understand about the ToH conversion. The spell meld into stone doesn't allow movement through stone, just absorption into the surface of the rock AFAICT. You even have to exit the stone through the same surface you enter. So how do vilstraks get into their lairs? Wouldn't earth glide make more sense

If I remember correctly, 3E meld into stone only requires the subject to remain in contact with a surface of the stone, so in theory if their lair's cavity is within arm's reach of a main cave they just need to transfer their contact between lair and cave (or vica versa). Tha might explain why their lairs are often discovered by adventurers, since they can only be behind a few feet of rock.

Earth Glide is a viable alternative, though.

I'd also probably go with tremorsense like a xorn.

Yes, I prefer tremorsense of those options too.


Monster Junkie
Tremorsense and earth glide are perfectly acceptable to me.


Feats: Alertness, 1 more

Organization: Should we add some (lesser) vilstrak to the mix?
Vilstrak have Gang (2-5) or band (6-20)

Challenge Rating: 2?

Advancement: 5-x HD (Large)

A great vilstrak stands x feet tall and weighs about x pounds. Vilstraks are gray or brown.


Tremorsense and earth glide are perfectly acceptable to me.


Feats: Alertness, 1 more

Lightning Reflexes? Don't care for that +1 Reflex save much.

Organization: Should we add some (lesser) vilstrak to the mix?
Vilstrak have Gang (2-5) or band (6-20)

I'm seeing band (4-20) on (6-20) in the CC.

Regardless, I think having them mix with regular Vilstrak makes sense. How about one of the following:

Organization #1: Solitary, gang (2-5), band (1-4 plus 3-12 vilstrak) or mob (4-10 plus 5-30 vilstrak)

Organization #2: Solitary, gang (2-5), band (4-20) or mob (2-20 plus 5-40 vilstrak)

I slightly prefer #1, but I'm not that fussed either way.

Challenge Rating: 2?

I'd make it CR3. Their earth glide makes it very difficult to tackle them from a distance, they can just pop out of the rock in the midst of the party's spellcasters and let rip, and if the fight turns against them they can flee the same way.

Besides, their combat capabilities are pretty good, slightly better than the CR3 standard-issue ogre:

SRD Ogre: AC 16, hp 29, greatclub +8 melee (2d8+7) - av. damage 16.
Great Vilstrak: AC 19, hp 30, 2 slams +8 melee (1d6+6) - av. dam 19.

Advancement: 5-x HD (Large)

Well regular vilstrak don't advance in size, being 1-3 HD (Medium), so how about Advancement: 5-12 HD (Large)?

A great vilstrak stands x feet tall and weighs about x pounds. Vilstraks are gray or brown.

I'd make them roughly ogre sized. "A great vilstrak stands 9 feet tall and weighs about 600 pounds."


Yes, to me as well.

Updated. Finished?

Shouldn't its Hide be +1*?

It's got 7 SP from its HD, so I reckon it's got a rank each in Listen and Spot and 5 ranks in Hide. With a -4 size penalty and no Dex bonus I don't see how it could be Hide +2*.

Apart from that it's good to go.

Voidrunner's Codex

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