Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

Some archery-based abilities. I'm not very certain of the tiers I've placed them at, some may be too powerful...

Feats (Mortal Abilities)

True Shot
Your arrows fly true even in difficult conditions.
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: Your ranged weapon attacks treat the wind conditions as two steps lower (for example, severe wind is treated as moderate wind, hurricane winds are treated as severe winds). Shooting arrows or bolts through a wind wall gives you a 50% miss chance.
Normal: Arrows or bolts fired through a wind wall automatically miss.

Improved True Shot (Epic)
You can fire effectively in the middle of a hurricane.
Prerequisites: Dex 25, Improved Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, True Shot, base attack bonus +20.
Benefit: Your ranged weapon attacks treat the wind conditions as four steps lower (for example, severe wind is treated as no wind, hurricane winds are treated as moderate winds). Your ranged weapons ignore wind walls.
Normal: Arrows or bolts fired through a wind wall automatically miss, other normal ranged weapons suffer a 30% miss chance.

Divine Abilities

Quintessential Shot
Your projectiles are infused with the power of your mighty spirit.
Prerequisites: Dex 30 or Cha 30, Improved Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +20.
Benefit: Your ranged weapon attacks add twice your divine bonus to damage.

Horizon Shot
Your projectiles can strike foes who are but dots on the horizon.
Prerequisites: Dex 40, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot
Benefit: Your ranged weapon attacks have their range increments multiplied by 20 for missile weapons, 30 for thrown weapons. (For example, a longbow's range increment becomes 2,000 ft.)
Special: This overlaps, does not stack, with the bonus from Far Shot.

Cosmic Abilities
Cosmic Shot
Your projectiles glow with the power of your cosmic spirit.
Prerequisites: Dex 70 or Cha 70, Improved Precise Shot, Quintessential Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +20.
Benefit: Your ranged weapon attacks add ten times your divine bonus to damage.

Relativistic Shot
Your projectiles approach the speed of light, striking with devastating kinetic energy.
Prerequisites: Dex 130, Far Shot, Horizon Shot, Point Blank Shot, Suborbital Shot
Benefit: Your ranged weapon attacks deal additional impact damage equal to five times their base damage.

Suborbital Shot
Your projectiles arc into space, striking across nations.
Prerequisites: Dex 70, Far Shot, Horizon Shot, Point Blank Shot
Benefit: Your ranged weapon attacks have their range increments multiplied by 2000 for missile weapons, 3000 for thrown weapons; round up to the nearest 5 miles. (For example, a longbow's range increment becomes 40 miles.) Line of sight is no longer necessary, so long as you know the target's exact location (such as through scrying).
Special: This overlaps, does not stack, with the bonuses from Far Shot and Horizon Shot.

Omnific Abilities
Arrow of Time
Even time cannot save your foes from your arrows' points.
Prerequisites: Cha 250, Dex 250, Astro [Effect], Hail of Arrows, Rectify, Storm of Arrows, Supernova of Arrows, Swarm of Arrows
Benefit: As a full attack action, you can make one missile attack against each of up to a hundred targets anywhere and in any time.

Supernova of Arrows
All the worlds are within reach of your arrows.
Prerequisites: Dex 250, Hail of Arrows, Storm of Arrows, Swarm of Arrows
Benefit: As a full attack action, you can make one missile attack against each of up to a hundred targets anywhere, even on other planes.

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First Post
Hmm...not bad. I don't agree with the Omnifics, as specialized combat abilities should stop at Transcendental (most stop at Cosmic) plus they're way too weak for 200 Divine Abilities. Actually...did you mean for those to be Transcendental? I see there are no Trans's there.

Why not instead of all the range increases, just have an ability that allows the Immortal to shoot to the limits of their Divine Aura with no penalty?

Depending on whether you can get super-dense bows and arrows, Relativistic Shot could be crazy (it's maybe even unnecessary if that's the case).

I think the +10xDivine Rank is far weaker in comparison. Think, for a First One, that's +480 damage per hit. If they have (an extreme) Unearthly Weapon Specialization and Perfect Critical Multiplier, that's +5,280 per shot, which is actually pretty good. But at the same time, a Power-Attack focused First One with a great-axe could be gaining +110 damage for every point by which they exceed the opponent's armor class. (240 HD puts that at +26,400 damage per hit)

I think, actually, your ability works on its own, there just needs to be a way to fire an insane amount of arrows each round, which would involve sinking Unearthly Manyshot for the number of attacks you get per round.

Maybe a Transcendental, Ultimate Manyshot, to allow a Manyshot on EVERY attack in a Full Attack? I know it sounds crazy, but melees are capable of just as much carnage at that point.

Also, maybe a Divine to continue your True Shot line to allow arrows to completely ignore winds? Maybe even allow Improved True Shot to do that...?

So, in closing, most are fine except the Omnifics. Just my suggestion, but I'd lower them to Transcendental and make the first one allow a Manyshot on every attackk and the second one allow a Manyshot on every atack against every creature in your Divine Aura. (Does that make sense?)

The only other one that stands out is Suborbital that could way overpowered with Unearthly Weapon Specialization and Perfect Critical Multiplier. Maybe, instead, allow it too add extra Divine (or Kintetic, or whatever is appropriate) damage equal to the weapon's base damage (like if it does 100d10 +whatever let it do an additional 100d10 Kinetic Damage each hit). Seems more reasonable to me, because multipliers get crazy later on. (Depending on what math you use, you could have the arrow's base damage equal either X16 or X80 of the original damage, which would be insane. X16 isn't so bad since that's what a Scythe with UWS and PCM does, but X80 is absurd).

I'd definitely use these if I had a bow-wielding Immortal, though.

Hey guys! :)

The new abilities seem pretty good,but I go along with Belzamus in thinking the Omnific Ones probably need some work...although I like the name Supernova of Arrows. :D

Also didn't WotC (or was it me?) have some power that gives you unlimited range...I could swear one of us did.

Infinite Dexterity would probably give you an infinite number of attacks against other beings without Infinite Dexterity. Then again its this sort of thinking that starts to give you a headache. :eek:

The whole 'Infinite' power thing was really just a bit of fun, rather than a successful working model of such power. You'd probably be better playing 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' if you ever did get to those levels of power.


First Post
A couple more Warlock abilities

Was idly musing and realized that there were a couple of abilities that hadn't quite been written up, so I decided to take the moment to do so. ^_^ If anyone wants to expand on these beyond Divine level, they're more than free.

Divine Witchcraft [Divine Ability]

You are a great warlock.

Prerequisites: Eldritch Blast 20d6, Cha 40, Lord of Essences
Benefit: Your known number of invocations doubles
Normal: You learn 12 invocations and can only learn more by taking the feat Extra Epic Invocation

Divine Fiendish Resilience [Divine Ability]

Your heritage shows through in your devilishly fast regeneration.

Prerequisites: Eldritch Blast 20d6, Cha 40, Epic Fiendish Resilience
Benefit: Once per day, as a free action, you can enter a state that lasts 10 minutes. You gain fast healing 100 while in that state.

Normal: Once per day, as a free action, you can enter a state that lasts 2 minutes. You gain fast healing 5 while in that state.


First Post
They both sound good. For cosmic, maybe knowing all Invocations and for the about Fast Healing = to 100x Divine Rank, hour per rank? Even permanently?

I wasn't really sure about the Omnifics, I should probably just dump them totally. The names are too cool to waste though (I basically just wanted an ability called "Arrow of Time" ;) )...

Why not instead of all the range increases, just have an ability that allows the Immortal to shoot to the limits of their Divine Aura with no penalty?
Because that's not really that impressive of a range. Take a 60 HD Immortal; his divine aura will only be 100 ft. + 10 ft./HD = 700 ft., not very impressive for a god's archery. With Horizon Shot, he can literally shoot miles. A 180 HD Sidereal will have an aura radius of 400 ft. + 40 ft./HD = 6800 ft., a little more than a mile, as opposed to a 30 or 40 mile range increment with Suborbital Shot.

Depending on whether you can get super-dense bows and arrows, Relativistic Shot could be crazy (it's maybe even unnecessary if that's the case).
It's meant to be crazy. I couldn't decide at first if it should be Cosmic or Transcendental, but Transcendentals are so powerful that I don't think x5 damage with arrows compares... especially with the insane HP sidereals and especially eternals have.

Maybe a Transcendental, Ultimate Manyshot, to allow a Manyshot on EVERY attack in a Full Attack? I know it sounds crazy, but melees are capable of just as much carnage at that point.

Ok, sure, sounds cool.

Also, maybe a Divine to continue your True Shot line to allow arrows to completely ignore winds? Maybe even allow Improved True Shot to do that...?

Moderate winds have no effect on arrows, so Improved True Shot effectively does that - except in a tornado, which are probably rare. So sure, I could make it totally ignore winds - does that bump Improved True Shot to a Divine Ability or is it too narrow for that?

The only other one that stands out is Suborbital that could way overpowered with Unearthly Weapon Specialization and Perfect Critical Multiplier.
I don't understand... Suborbital only increases range, not damage or criticals.


First Post
Gah, I meant Relativistic, not Suborbital.

Also, believe it or not, Sidereals don't have all that much hp. Most won't survive even one round against another Sidereal, and I've built a few dozen of them at this point. 600,00 sounds like a lot until your base damage is 500d10 multiplied by 16 because of Unearthly Weapon Spec. That's not even an exaggeration, either.

So, it might work (Relativistic) or it might not, you'd have to do a high-level build and test it, honestly. I wish I had a god in my setting that used arrows, I'd gladly test these for you, but....somehow, there isn't one. Sorry.

As for the others, you're likely right. I'm not all that familiar with ranged combat. For range, just remember Transversal gives you infinite range with a melee weapon, so for your ultimate, you should be working against that.

I'll need to reword Relativistic Shot, I guess - the intent isn't a true multiplier, just additional damage (like a frost weapon, flaming weapon, sneak attack, or whatever) that happens to be 5x base damage. Perhaps it should be toned down to 4x or even 3x, though, but that seems awful weak for a Cosmic that has another Cosmic as a prerequisite...

I'll be building some archery gods (Hero-deity Agan'uni'tsi uses a bow, Demi-deity Kana'ti is centered around the bow, and a Sidereal I'm working on uses one...)


First Post
You might not have to, I really don't know. At ECL 200, 5,000 damage a hit isn't unreasonable. At 300, 25,000 is easy to get. And at 400+, if your Sidereal doesn't do at least between 50,000 and 100,000 damage a hit, you're doing something wrong (unless they get like a million attacks a round).

So...let's assume just for simplicity that Perfect Weapon Spec (I think that's the one) works on arrows.

Now, if we have an Old One (ECL 320) with a Strength of 250 and is Huge-size, that gives them 13 VSCs and gives their arrows a base damage of 120d10, to which Relativistic would add 600d10...not all that unreasonable.

But, if we add in Perfect Critical, Perfect Critical Multiplier and Unearthly Weapon Spec, we get a threat range pf 16-20/x11 with arrows that do 1,320d10 +6,6000d10

or, 132d100 + 660d100 or 792d100 or 792-79,200 damage a hit, with a 25% chance of dealinng 8,712d100, or 8,712-871,200 damage a hit, which is crazy.

But that's really the fault of Unearthly Weapon Focus, it just breaks everything. Maybe it should only increase it by the original Crit-multiplier?

Now you'd also have to have Heavy Eradication to make that work all the time, which brings your investiture up to...

14 Feats
8 Divine Abilities
7 Cosmic Abilities

or a total of 52 Divine Ability slots, a sizeable chunk of that Old One's total, (needing to trade in several artifact bonuses to even get that, but I for one always convert all artifact bonuses to Divine Abilites and then reverse calculate equipment from that, so to me, an Old One gets 150 Divine Abilities...still lots of room for other stuff.)

That's not adding in your other abilities, either. Cosmic Shot would add another 3,520 damage per hit, 38,720 damage on a Crit, for a reasonable investment.

So, in my opinion, not ABSOLUTELY overpowered, but on the high end of what can be done already. Critting for 1,000,000 damage at 320 is pretty damn good. One hit will kill most opponents if it connects.

Anything wrong with my math there that you can spot? I admit, the rules aren't always completely clear, that's just my interpretation of them.

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