Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

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On the Nosferatu, one question: Why does the claw damage go 10d6 -> 10d8 -> 20d6 etc. rather than going to 10d10, 15d10, 20d10 etc. as in the Epic Bestiary guidelines?

Nosferatu? O_O Where?

Also...(Question for Krusty)...Can you use Chronal [Effect] to age someone in reverse and make them younger? ...possibly even so young they become a zygote? ...or would that be what Karmic [Effect] does?

Howdy Khisanth matey! :)

Khisanth the Ancient said:
On the Nosferatu, one question: Why does the claw damage go 10d6 -> 10d8 -> 20d6 etc. rather than going to 10d10, 15d10, 20d10 etc. as in the Epic Bestiary guidelines?

My apologies, thats a 4E-ism of mine creeping in...skirmishers using d6's for attack. :eek:

Mr.Satan said:
Nosferatu? O_O Where?

On my website from Hallowe'en. :p

Also...(Question for Krusty)...Can you use Chronal [Effect] to age someone in reverse and make them younger? ...possibly even so young they become a zygote? ...or would that be what Karmic [Effect] does?

I don't see why you couldn't reverse someone's aging with Chronal [Effect].


First Post
In a campaign where time travel is possible for mortals via subepic spells (via The Netbook of Time and similar published material), wouldn't Slipstream be more appropriate reduced to a divine ability, since there is a 9th level spell that does more or less the exact same thing?

...and wouldn't Transtemporal be more appropriate as a cosmic ability, since there are spells as low as 2nd level that allow for time travel?

In our campaigns time travel is easier, time more or less repairs itself (i.e. major events can't be easily prevented as time itself has a way of making things happen if time itself conspired against everyone that meddles with it).

I ask, because I currently play a deity of death, fear, and time, and there are a lot of ways for him to use time as a weapon without resorting to cosmic or transcendental abilities.

Howdy Khisanth mate! :)

Khisanth the Ancient said:
The 4E nosferatu is cool ... disease/shadow vampire.

Its okay at the moment but not totally what I am looking for so I expect it will change between now and any eventual official release.

I don't think it really plays on how ancient and scary these things might be. That said I suppose they are only standard monsters at that level. A 9th-level solo or 14th-level elite might look a bit different.

Why is it 'natural humanoid' rather than 'natural humanoid (undead)' or 'shadow humanoid (undead)'?

Typo. I have all the Nosferatu stat-blocks more or less finished. But they are in an old layout format and I needed them in the new stat-block format. So I must have missed some bits when I was copying it into the new style (I had to copy each piece individually).

Voidrunner's Codex

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