Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

Mr.Satan said:
Does an antimatter launcher (assuming it's enchanted to +6) harm a void dragon normally? ...or do void dragons have a blanket immunity to antimatter attacks?

Good question and I don't have an answer for it offhand. My gut instinct says yes. :blush:

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First Post
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1]I discovered the following feat...

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1]You can take two non-epic feats for this epic feat slot.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1] Prerequisite: Epic level.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1] Benefit: The two feats must be general, metamagic, or item creation feats. You must fulfil all prerequisites. One of the new feats can be a prerequisite for the other.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1] Special: You can take this feat as a bonus feat granted by your class. You can take this feat several times, and its effect stacks.

[SIZE=+1][SIZE=+1]Is this a balanced feat? ...or is it [SIZE=+1]overpowered? I'm leaning towards overpowered, but then again...non-epic feats aren't very powerful compared to epic feats. Certainly there are exceptions, but it kinda got me thinking.

[SIZE=+1]Is a non-epic feat worth half of what an epic feat is worth?[/SIZE]

I think its (sort of) balanced. I often thought of epic feats as about twice as powerful.

But it could run into circular problems so I personally wouldn't allow it, but other DMs may well do of course.

I think if you plan to cap things off at about Level 30 then there will be no harm done. But if you plan on taking things to immortal levels then this is going to cause a lot of problems.


First Post
I agree. I'd never allow it, but it did kinda make me wonder about the non-epic feats and if...perhaps...non-epic feat slots could be doubled somehow. Just the ones one acquires during non-epic levels of play.

Honestly, this epic feat could be used retroactively in that manner. Limiting the doubling to ONLY those feat slots that were acquired prior to epic levels. ...but this would require rewording of some sort.


Will we get your 3.5 Nosferatu before THIS Halloween. =)

I'm certain I'm not the only one that would like to see some sort of Halloween special from Krusty. Maybe a few non-epic and epic Halloween themed tidbits. =)

Perhaps it could even be a fun project to liven this section of Enworld up a bit. It's been rather dead lately. I've begun sensing the growth of cobwebs and perhaps a lich or three that may be lurking in the dark corners.

Mr.Satan said:

Will we get your 3.5 Nosferatu before THIS Halloween. =)

I'm certain I'm not the only one that would like to see some sort of Halloween special from Krusty. Maybe a few non-epic and epic Halloween themed tidbits. =)

My head has been up my backside for a few months (or arguably a few years). I need to re-evaluate things.

At the moment I am looking into a novel way of finishing the maps. More on that when I have something solid to show.

That said, the Nosferatu I had planned for 3.5 are just more powerful vampires with a few minor changes. I fail to see your great love of them.

Perhaps it could even be a fun project to liven this section of Enworld up a bit. It's been rather dead lately. I've begun sensing the growth of cobwebs and perhaps a lich or three that may be lurking in the dark corners.

True. I think the Vampire Bestiary being both less popular (than epic pdfs), less original (than my Kosmos ideas) and less customizable (than say Ascension and Size Matters/Kosmos parts of the Bestiary) has condemned this forum to near hibernation. I appreciate those who continue to drop by now and again. :blush:


First Post
The lure of the Nosferatu is in part the fact that myself and others have been waiting to see it and other things mentioned, but not part it's the fact that ancient, potentially world-dominating vampires with legions of regular vampires at their bidding is an amusing concept.

Then there's also the concept of it being one of YOUR ideas. While you do slack off a bit, when you do get around to making something, it ends up being very well done and incorporates ideas and design concepts most would likely not come up with.

You're kinda like an important, but obscure cog in the clockwork mechanism of epic gaming. ...of course like most obscure cogs, you need to be nudged into fulfilling your function if you've gone astray. Much in the manner that a nosferatu needs to be awakened periodically by it's minions. :p

I think you're right about customization being a greater lure for epic gamers. Epic gaming is a niche already. Those that play it are usually a bit option-obsessed (myself included). We love options. Lots and lots of options. We may not use them all, but we like to have them handy.

Even if we don't use them, someone we game with will. Plus, they're great for those DMs that like to throw out nasty surprises. A lack of options ends up creating a creativity vacuum. Which was my biggest problem with 4E. They basically took away many of our options.

Certainly it made things infinitely more complex to have those options, but those that dislike complexity always have the option of just not using those options. However, those that want the options can't use them if they don't exist at all and end up having to make up their own game rules.

The other problem I have with 4E is that a lot of it is essentially force-fed fluff that doesn't gel well with a lot of classic roleplaying situations. It's more of a PC game in book form than a roleplaying game. Anyway...I do hope to see more 3.5 material. 3.5 still has a strong following. =)


First Post
Not quite a Halloween-themed tidbit, but it was created by a deity-level Mad Scientist character of mine using a variation of the Craft Wondrous Creature feat from the Netbook of Feats (a variation that isn't quite so overpowered or limited in creature types) and the v5 CR rating document to set it's CR and LA.

He created a dozen of them and gave one to a mad scientist friend (who is immune to their charms) as a Halloween gift. Being a god of chaos (amongst other things), he let the rest roam freely in the swamp he lives in, in the hope that they'll breed and become a pest species and unbalance the ecosystem.

He also hopes that people find them, adopt some of them, and end up forgetting all about their responsibilities. In this way, he hopes, they'll contribute to the decay of society. Much like cell phones, entertainers, and the Internet have, by providing a distraction from reality that becomes an addiction/obsession.

Fine Animal
Hit Dice: 1/8d8+5 (6 hp)
Initiative: +5 (+5 Dexterity)
Speed: 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (+5 Dexterity)
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-21
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d4-5)
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d4-5)
Space/Reach: 6 in./4 in.
Special Attacks: Adorable as f#@%
Special Qualities: Blindsight 30 ft., lowlight vision, scent, tremorsense 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: Balance +20, Climb +20, Jump +20, Listen +20, Spot +20, Swim +20
Feat: Beauteous Visage (B), Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any.
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: By class.
Level Adjustment: +6

Nibblets are 6 in. long, whiskered, fluffy, prehensile-tailed mammals.

Nibblets speak Nibblet and whatever language their “owner” speaks.


Nibblets avoid combat, preferring to look adorable and snuggle.

Adorable As F#@% (Ex): A nibblet is so adorable it continuously replicates mass suggestion (Caster Level 20th). The save DC is Charisma-based.

Skills: A nibblet has a +8 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, Jump, Listen, and Spot checks. A nibblet can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. A nibblet has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. Nibblets use either their Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for Climb, Jump, and Swim checks, whichever is higher.

The Create Wondrous Creature variant I used...

Create Creature [Item Creation]
You can create corporeal, living, non-divine creatures.
Prerequisite: Caster (or Manifester) level 5th.
Benefit: If you have an alchemist's lab (v3.5 P.H.) and artisan's tools (v3.5 P.H.), you can create any corporeal, living (non-construct, non-undead, non-undying), non-divine (no quintessence) creature whose prerequisites you meet (see below). However, the creature is not necessarily under your control. To create a creature, you subject a similar creature to experimentation and spells (or powers) and must succeed on both a Knowledge (arcana) (or (psionics)) check and Knowledge (nature) check (DC 20 + CR of the creature). If one Knowledge check fails, the creature is horribly deformed and hostile. If both Knowledge checks fail, the creature dies a horrible death. Regardless of failure or success, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on subsequent attempts per previous attempt (+20 maximum) to create a specific creature. Creating a creature takes one day for each 1,000 gp in it's price. To create a creature, you must spend 1/25 of it's base price in XP and use up raw materials costing half of it's base price. The base price of a creature is the creature's (CR x 5) squared x 1,000 gp ((CR x 5) x (CR x 5) x 1,000 gp). The minimum caster (or manifester) level for creating a fertile creature is the creature's CR x 15. The minimum caster (or manifester) level for creating a sterile creature is the creature's CR. The appropriate spells (or powers) must be used to add extraordinary (Ex), spell-like (Sp) (or psi-like (Ps)), and supernatural (Su) abilities to the creature.
Special: If charm monster (or charm, psionic w/augments 1 or 2, as appropriate) is cast (or manifested) every day of the creation process, a successfully created creature will be entirely loyal to you, although not under your direct control. If limited wish (or bend reality) is used in the creation process, a successfully created creature will be loyal and will follow a life goal you choose for it. If wish (or reality revision) is used in the creation process, a successfully created creature and all it's descendants will follow a single life goal of your choice.

The 'Beauteous Visage' feat is from Testament. It basically makes it so any reaction to them is 2 categories better (if the NPC isn't already hostile) and it makes it so they can't worsen a reaction via social interaction. They can only improve a reaction.
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Hey Mr.Satan! :)

Mr.Satan said:
The lure of the Nosferatu is in part the fact that myself and others have been waiting to see it and other things mentioned, but not part it's the fact that ancient, potentially world-dominating vampires with legions of regular vampires at their bidding is an amusing concept.


Then there's also the concept of it being one of YOUR ideas. While you do slack off a bit, when you do get around to making something, it ends up being very well done and incorporates ideas and design concepts most would likely not come up with.

Thanks for that but I am so out of practice with 3/3.5E that I wonder if I could even do my old reputation justice.

You're kinda like an important, but obscure cog in the clockwork mechanism of epic gaming. ...of course like most obscure cogs, you need to be nudged into fulfilling your function if you've gone astray. Much in the manner that a nosferatu needs to be awakened periodically by it's minions. :p

Put me down for a maybe. The artist Peter Szmer is working on the cover for Castle Dracula and I suppose if that gets finished for Wednesday (50% chance I'd say) then an update just to show that and accompanying Nosferatu might be worthwhile.

I think you're right about customization being a greater lure for epic gamers. Epic gaming is a niche already. Those that play it are usually a bit option-obsessed (myself included). We love options. Lots and lots of options. We may not use them all, but we like to have them handy.

Yes hindsight is a wonderful thing. :(

Even if we don't use them, someone we game with will. Plus, they're great for those DMs that like to throw out nasty surprises. A lack of options ends up creating a creativity vacuum. Which was my biggest problem with 4E. They basically took away many of our options.

I suppose they did...although the system could still have all the same options (Templates etc.), they are just not default.

Certainly it made things infinitely more complex to have those options, but those that dislike complexity always have the option of just not using those options. However, those that want the options can't use them if they don't exist at all and end up having to make up their own game rules.


The other problem I have with 4E is that a lot of it is essentially force-fed fluff that doesn't gel well with a lot of classic roleplaying situations. It's more of a PC game in book form than a roleplaying game. Anyway...I do hope to see more 3.5 material. 3.5 still has a strong following. =)

Well a 3.5/Pathfinder Vampire Bestiary (with maybe some epic ideas tossed in) might surface eventually.

Mr.Satan said:
I think you'll make excellent 3.5 material again. =^.^=

I dunno. I am sort of struggling with the finer details of the Nosferatu. I've left it for a day or two (mainly because I have been busy) but I will finish that off tomorrow (including the 4th Edition entry).

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