Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

Hiya matey! :)

paradox42 said:
Baphomet never had anything to do with Force in prior editions of the game- he's not a particularly good fit.

I'd say the best deity to use as an example is Tharizdun. He had the Force Domain in 3.0, in fact they created it just for him in the "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil" mega-adventure, and IIRC he granted some Force-related powers to his priests in 2nd Edition as well. Magical force wasn't really much of a concept in 1st Edition, so I don't think he was particularly associated with it then.

I'd have Tharizdun as Double Evil in 3E.

I agree with you that Force is a difficult one to find examples of.

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Pseudonatural Wyrm (Su)
Your can assume a wyrm-like form.
Prerequisites: Immortal, pseudonatural creature (see Epic Level Handbook).
Benefit: You can, at will, assume a wyrm-like form, rather than your normal pseudonatural form, and gain a dragon's bite attack (primary), 2 claw attacks (secondary), and tail attack (secondary), as a standard action.
If your alternate form normally has a head and two forelimbs (-0 tentacles [CR -0; LA -0], etc.; see v5 Challenge Rating Document), your head and two forelimbs acquire a dragon's bite attack and 2 claw attacks and you sprout a dragon's tail.
If your alternate form normally lacks a head and two forelimbs (+3 tentacles [CR +3; LA +5] if base creature possesses 1 bite attack and 2 claw attacks as these often become tentacle attacks [see Epic Level Handbook]; see v5 Challenge Rating Document), you lose three tentacles (-3 tentacles [CR -3; LA -5]; see v5 Challenge Rating Document) which become a dragons head, forelimbs, and tail.
Your wyrm-like bite, 2 claws, and tail inflict base damage commensurate with your size and virtual size categories (see Immortal's Handbook:Epic Bestiary, Pg. 63; Table: D-15).
If bipedal, your bite's reach is normal, your claws' reach is normal, and your tail's reach is equal to your space.
If quadrupedal, your bite's reach is equal to your space, your claws' reach is normal, and your tail's reach is normal.
Special: If your carapace/exoskeleton is subcutaneous, you can cause your carapace/exoskeleton to manifest cutaneously.
If your tentacles manifest as prehensile hair, you can cause your tentacles to manifest as tentacles sprouting from your head, neck, shoulders, and/or spine when assuming your wyrm-like form.
NB: Alternate form and similar abilities, effects, etc. can be used in conjunction with the Divine Immensity divine ability.

I designed this for one of my characters.

Mechanically it offers no real benefit aside from a tail and extended reach on a bite or tail attack (not both). Cosmetically, it makes my character look like a pseudonatural H.R. Giger-esque dragon when he's in his second alternate form. The claw and bite attacks are incidental as a sword is better and the half-dragon template is much more powerful. I almost made this an epic feat, but decided it was worth a divine ability slot.

The CR/LA adjustment notations are more for my use than anyone else's but it is important enough to leave in since a pseudonatural troll has 3 tentacle attacks that a pseudonatural human doesn't get, it would affect a troll (or similar creature) differently. I did the math and the v5 CRD doesn't account for a pseudonatural troll's bite and claw attacks being turned into 3 tentacle attacks.

Nor does the picture of the pseudonatural troll account for that, even though, by RAW it should. It's head is supposed to be a tentacle.
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I was just thinking what a Pseudonatural Dragon might be like and I was thinking that instead of tentacles (as per the Pseudonatural Troll) it would just have Dragon Heads erupting from it.

I remember an animated movie from the 80's that had a sorceror (voiced by James Earl Jones) who cast a spell and giant Dragon heads erupted from his body. I wonder can I find the clip on youtube.

[ame=]Flight of Dragons (1982) Final Showdown - YouTube[/ame]

Maybe a true Pseudonatural Dragon would have dragon heads for legs, claws, tails and wings.


First Post
o_0 I remember Flight of Dragons, it's a rather fun classic. I'd imagine pseudonatural dragons would all be different, possibly depending upon breed.

My current character is a CE Paragon Pseudonatural Daelkyr that's sided with the Obyrith. He's undergoing a continual evolution.

Currently he's become fascinated with the religious dogma of the various human religions and mocks their ignorance.

He also has an obsession with armathrax (an ancestral creature related to dinosaurs, dragons, and sirrush that I created a while back).

He developed 4 different divine abilities in an effort to acquire all the racial traits of an armathrax.

Mortal Traits (Ex)
Benefit: You gain the appearance and traits of one mortal (non-construct, non-fey, non-outsider, non-undead) race.
The selected race cannot have a Challenge Rating exceeding your Divine Rank.
Special: Your manifestation retains any desirable traits.
Example: A marilith taking this ability may elect to retain it's extra arms and/or serpentine lower body.

Greater Mortal Traits (Ex)
Prerequisites: Mortal Traits.
Benefit: You gain the appearance and traits of one mortal (non-construct, non-fey, non-outsider, non-undead) race.
The selected race cannot have a Challenge Rating exceeding 1.2 x your Divine Rank.
These traits replace the benefits of the Mortal Traits divine ability.
Special: Your manifestation retains any desirable traits.
Example: A marilith taking this ability may elect to retain it's extra arms and/or serpentine lower body.

Superior Mortal Traits (Ex)
Prerequisites: Greater Mortal Traits, Mortal Traits.
Benefit: You gain the appearance and traits of one mortal (non-construct, non-fey, non-outsider, non-undead) race.
The selected race cannot have a Challenge Rating exceeding 1.4 x your Divine Rank.
These traits replace the benefits of the Greater Mortal Traits divine ability.
Special: Your manifestation retains any desirable traits.
Example: A marilith taking this ability may elect to retain it's extra arms and/or serpentine lower body.

Perfect Mortal Traits (Ex)
Prerequisites: Greater Mortal Traits, Mortal Traits, Superior Mortal Traits.
Benefit: You gain the appearance and traits of one mortal (non-construct, non-fey, non-outsider, non-undead) race.
The selected race cannot have a Challenge Rating exceeding 1.6 x your Divine Rank.
These traits replace the benefits of the Superior Mortal Traits divine ability.
Special: Your manifestation retains any desirable traits.
Example: A marilith taking this ability may elect to retain it's extra arms and/or serpentine lower body.

Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 8d8+248 (288 hp)
Initiative: +26 (+22 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 60 ft. 1 (40 ft.), burrow 30 ft, climb 60 ft., swim 60 ft.
Armor Class: 49 (+22 Dex, +17 natural), touch 32, flat-footed 27
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+31
Attack: Bite +31 melee (4d8+25/18-20 (x3 plus sharpness))
Full Attack: Bite +31 melee (4d8+25/18-20 (x3 plus sharpness)) or horns +31 melee (4d8+25), 2 claws +29 melee (2d8+12/18-20 (x3 plus sharpness)), and tail slap +29 melee (8d6+12) or tail blades +29 melee (8d6+12/18-20 (x3 plus sharpness))
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with tail slap or tail blades)
Special Attacks: Augmented critical, constrict (8d6+25), improved grab, pounce, powerful charge (8d8+50), rake (2d8+12/18-20 (x3 plus sharpness)), sharpness, stunning roar, trip
Special Qualities: Blindsight 300 ft., damage reduction 5/-, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5, frightful presence, immunities, increased damage, lowlight vision, powerful build, resistances, scent, sound imitation, spines (4d6), stability, tremorsense 60 ft., virtual size categories 3
Saves: Fort +28, Ref +37, Will +3
Abilities: Str 60, Dex 54, Con 72, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Balance +30, Climb +33, Hide +26, Jump +33, Listen +12, Move Silently +26, Search +13, Spot +12, Swim +33
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Multiattack
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 24
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: +29

Armathrax are dense, powerful, semi-bipedal, slenderly muscular, carnivorous, reptilian creatures.

Armathrax are capable of standing upright, possess opposable thumbs, and can mimic sounds or even speech.

1 Bipedal locomotion.

The average armathrax is 6 ft. tall (with a 9 ft. tail) and weighs 6,720 pounds.


Augmented Critical (Ex): An armathrax's bite, claws, and tail blades threaten a critical hit on a natural attack roll of 18-20, dealing triple damage and severing a random extremity (see the armathrax's Sharpness special attack) on a successful critical hit.

Frightful Presence (Ex): A armathrax can unsettle foes with its mere presence. The ability takes effect automatically whenever the armathrax attacks, charges, roars, or snarls. Creatures within a radius of 30 feet are subject to the effect if they have fewer HD than the armathrax. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on a Will save (DC 14) remains immune to that armathrax's frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with 4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Armathrax ignore the frightful presence of other armathrax.

Immunities (Ex): An armathrax is immune to disease and poison.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an armathrax must hit with a bite, claw, or tail slap attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can rake (bite or claw attack) or constrict (tail slap attack).

Increased Damage (Ex): Because of their sharp claws, fangs, horns, scales, spines, and tail blades; armathrax deal damage as if they were one size category larger. This ability does stack with the armathrax's virtual size categories. However, it does not enable the armathrax to use attack forms normally not allowed to a creature of it's size.

Pounce (Ex): If an armathrax charges or leaps upon a foe during it's first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Powerful Build (Ex): The physical stature of an armathrax lets it function in many ways as if it were one size category larger. Whenever an armathrax is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the armathrax is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to it. An armathrax is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature's special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect it. An armathrax can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, it's space and reach remain those of a creature of it's actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of abilities, powers, and spells that change the subject's size category.

Powerful Charge (Ex): An armathrax deals 8d8+50 points of damage when it makes a charge.

Resistances: An armathrax has the following resistances:

- Energy Resistance (Ex): An armathrax has acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic resistance 5.

- Extremity Loss Resistance (Ex): An armathrax's thick bony carapace protects it's extremities and provides resistance from effects that could normally sever them, such as a sharpness weapon. When an armathrax would otherwise lose an extremity, it instead makes a fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 HD of attacker + attacker’s Strength modifier). On a failed save, the armathrax's extremity leaves it's body normally, but on a successful save, the armathrax is unaffected by the severing.

Sharpness (Ex): An armathrax that critically hits with a target with a bite, claw, or tail blades attack severs one of the target's extremities. Roll a d10 to determine the severed extremity: D10 result: 1-2: Head, 3-4: Left arm, 5-6: Right arm, 7-8: Left leg, 9-10: Right leg.

Sound Imitation (Ex): An armathrax can mimic any voice or sound it has heard, anytime it likes. Listeners must succeed on a Will save (DC 14) to detect the ruse. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Spines (Ex): An armathrax is covered with sharp, thorn-like spines. An opponent that hits it with a natural weapon or an unarmed attack automatically takes 4d6 points of piercing damage.

Stability (Ex): A armathrax gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).

Stunning Roar (Ex): Every 1d4 rounds, an armathrax can loose a sonic attack of such volume that it stuns all creatures in a 30-foot spread for 1d4 rounds if they fail a fortitude saving throw (DC 45). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Trip (Ex): An armathrax that hits with a bite, claw, tail slap, or tail blades attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the armathrax.

Skills: Armathrax have a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks. Armathrax have a +8 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, Listen, Jump, Search, and Spot checks. An armathrax can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. An armathrax has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
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First Post
Next I'll be working on an armathrax portfolio. It seems fitting for him. The mortal trait divine abilities replaced his Pseudonatural Wyrm divine ability at a later stage in his development when he became more powerful.

In combat he's a real brute. But he prefers to finesse things and use his brain, rather than his brawn. So far he's just been focused on evolving into a real nightmare. His primary enemies include...all other daelkyr, all non-obyrith demons, all devils (Bel in particular hates his guts), and all celestials familiar with him.

Primarily his battles occur in The Abyss. He lurks in the shadows and assassinates his enemies one by one and devours their corpses.

Sandalphon doesn't like him one bit and is concerned he may prove to be a real problem in the distant future. Resultantly, he's having a special team of malakim trained to deal with him should the need arise. He also has a backup plan of releasing a Cherubim or 2 to deal with my character if that fails.

For now Sandalphon is content to watch everything unfold. As long as my character doesn't set his sights on Heaven, Sandalphon isn't as concerned as he could be. Heaven has bigger issues to deal with than my character. Even if they don't like him.

A fallen Cherubim has taken an interest in my character as well, seeing him as a potential pawn in her vendetta against Heaven. She hasn't shown herself yet, but she's been manipulating events to sway him to her side. She generally assumes the form of a dark elf.

I must note that the overall skeletal structure of an armathrax is similar to the skeletal structures of the following creatures (especially the creatures in the first link)...

Armathrax are just stockier due to better natural armor (very Gigeresque), heavier musculature, thicker bones, etc. Just envision Deadpool's physique and you'll have a good idea of what I'm talking about.
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Howdy Mr.Satan! :)

Mr.Satan said:
Next I'll be working on an armathrax portfolio. It seems fitting for him. The mortal trait divine abilities replaced his Pseudonatural Wyrm divine ability at a later stage in his development when he became more powerful.

Interesting. I'm wondering if thats too specific, but maybe not, hard to say.

In combat he's a real brute. But he prefers to finesse things and use his brain, rather than his brawn. So far he's just been focused on evolving into a real nightmare. His primary enemies include...all other daelkyr, all non-obyrith demons, all devils (Bel in particular hates his guts), and all celestials familiar with him.

Primarily his battles occur in The Abyss. He lurks in the shadows and assassinates his enemies one by one and devours their corpses.

Remember that the more notoreity he gains, the more the Abyss will take notice of him and make the appropriate measures.

Sandalphon doesn't like him one bit and is concerned he may prove to be a real problem in the distant future. Resultantly, he's having a special team of malakim trained to deal with him should the need arise. He also has a backup plan of releasing a Cherubim or 2 to deal with my character if that fails.

Thats pretty cool.

For now Sandalphon is content to watch everything unfold. As long as my character doesn't set his sights on Heaven, Sandalphon isn't as concerned as he could be. Heaven has bigger issues to deal with than my character. Even if they don't like him.

A fallen Cherubim has taken an interest in my character as well, seeing him as a potential pawn in her vendetta against Heaven. She hasn't shown herself yet, but she's been manipulating events to sway him to her side. She generally assumes the form of a dark elf.

The campaign is shaping up nicely. I think ultra-high level stuff really needs to be player driven rather than DM driven.

I must note that the overall skeletal structure of an armathrax is similar to the skeletal structures of the following creatures (especially the creatures in the first link)...

Armathrax are just stockier due to better natural armor (very Gigeresque), heavier musculature, thicker bones, etc. Just envision Deadpool's physique and you'll have a good idea of what I'm talking about.

So Dragonborn for 3E then. ;)


First Post
Inner Realm (Ex)
Your inner self secrets your Godly Realm.
Prerequisites: Con 40 (or Cha 40 if Con - ), Immortal, Innerverse.
Benefit: Your innerverse is your Godly Realm and your manifestion can enter it normally.
If your manifestation is destroyed or enters your innerverse, your innerverse's location becomes fixed.
If your manifestation rejuvenates or leaves your innerverse, your innerverse resumes it's normal state.
If your manifestation cannot rejuvenate, your innerverse collapses, it's contents lost forever.

Innerverse (Ex)
Your inner self secrets an innerverse.
Prerequisites: Con 40 (or Cha 40 if Con - ), Immortal.
Benefit: Your inner self (organ/-s or psyche/-s) secrets an innerverse.
This innerverse is a demiplane, etc. equal in size to your Godly Realm.
Creatures with the ability to gate or planeshift can escape. All others are trapped, 'til rescued.
While creatures can use teleport spells, etc. normally, they cannot teleport in or out.
If your manifestation is destroyed, this innerverse collapses, it's contents lost forever.
Special: Your manifestation cannot enter this innerverse.

Alpha [Effect] (Transcendental Ability)
Your [Effect] ability can heal the most lasting wounds, even fundamental attacks upon the spirit.

Benefit: The effect can provide many possible types of healing, though a single use of Alpha Effect can provide only one of the above effects.
Permanent Damage: The effect heals 1d10 hit points of permanent damage per hit die of the effect.
Annihilated Hit Dice: The effect can restore hit dice annihilated by Omega Effect and similar abilities, but at a rate of one hit die per ten dice of the Alpha Effect.
Quintessence Drain: The effect can restore 1d100 points of quintessence removed by Siphoning [Effect] or a similar ability, or through gradual loss of quintessence from imprisonment. It cannot restore quintessence spent to create avatars or aspects, placed in soul objects, transferred to other beings via compacts, or otherwise willingly spent.
Experience Drain: The effect can restore 1d1000 XP removed by Karmic [Effect] or a similar ability. It cannot restore XP paid for spell or item creation XP costs, or otherwise willingly spent.
Damage: Finally, if used on a being with neither permanent damage nor annihilated hit dice, it can heal normal damage (1d100 hit points per die of the effect).

e.g. If Metatron (First One, 266 Hit Dice) took Alpha Hand, he would gain a touch that could heal 133d10 points of permanent damage; reverse the annihilation of 13 Hit Dice; restore 133d100 drained quintessence; restore 133d1000 drained XP; or heal 133d100 damage. If Metatron restored one of these kinds of damage, he would have to touch the target again to heal a different type.

This effect can be taken multiple times, and its effects stack. Each time it is taken it either applies to a different effect, or to the same effect as follows:

Taken twice = Greater Alpha [Effect], original effect doubled.
Taken three times = Superior Alpha [Effect], original effect tripled.
Taken four times = Perfect Alpha [Effect], original effect quadrupled.
Taken five times = Alpha Mastery, use any type of Alpha effect at the Perfect level.
Taken six times = Uncanny Alpha Mastery, use any type of Alpha effect at the Perfect level, and shape area effects to only affect those you wish to target.

Note: A hypothetical Omnific-level version of this effect is possible, ten times more powerful in all categories and even able to restore divine ranks lost to Akashic Effect (at a rate of one per fifty dice of the effect).
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First Post
I think I might raise the die-size by one magnitude for both permanent and normal damage healing, assuming this is meant to be used in combat rather than downtime. Especially damage, entities at this level has such ludicrous HP that ~300d100 is barely a drop in the ocean, likewise, permanent damage is so ubiquitous (at least for me...) that it would be better to try and end the fight ASAP and heal up with Alter Reality than to waste an action healing a few measly 1000 points of permanent damage mid-fight.

Just my thoughts, though, and it's a cool idea for sure. :)

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