Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.


Here's a sub-epic feat and an epic one

Superior Spell (Metamagic) (su)
Prerequisites: spellcraft 15 ranks
Benefit: Spells with an HD limit on what target they can affect have said HD limit increased by 50 percent. Additionally, spells with an HP limit (such as the power word spells) have said HP limit increased by 50 percent.
Special: Superior Spells take up a slot two levels higher than the actual spell level

Superior Superior Spell :p (Metamagic) (Epic) (su)
Prerequisites: Superior Spell, spellcraft 25 ranks
Benefit: As Superior Spell, except the HD an HP limits are doubled
Special: Superior Superior spells take up a slot four levels higher than the actual spell level. You can use this in conjunction with Superior Spell, but only if you have the Metamagic Freedom feat.
is it if you got both its a triple or a quad?

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Would an ability that give you infinite natural armor bonus be omnific or just trans? I thought omnific at first, however, it's pretty easy to get around nat armor (such as with unearthly weapon focus), so maybe it's just Transcendental


Would an ability that give you infinite natural armor bonus be omnific or just trans? I thought omnific at first, however, it's pretty easy to get around nat armor (such as with unearthly weapon focus), so maybe it's just Transcendental
Normaly infinite is Omnific but because unheartly weapon focus ignote It, I will say Transcendental. One could say that not everyone has it and many monsters even of Time Lord level don't have the ability to go touch but at Transcendental we have already Perfect Defense.


Snake Portfolio

Aspects: Types of Snakes

Opposed Portfolio: Winter

Examples: Ydersius (PF), Yig (Lovecraft), Sseth (D&D)

Favored Animal: Snake (natural)

Favored Class: Mesmerist and Rogue

Favored Place: Places under direct sunlight

Favored Sacrifice: Creatures that can be swallowed whole

Favored Time: Noon

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Portfolio Trial: Survive in a snake pit for 1 week without using magic or damaging the animals

Prerequisites: -

Symbol: Snake on a rock

Typical Quote: "The most dangerous snake is the one you don't see."


Granted Power: You gain a primary natural bite attack that deals 1d6 plus your Str modifier with the grab ability (for Medium size). If you already have a bite attack, instead that attack increase its damage by one size and gains the grab ability.

1 Charm Animal: Makes one animal your friend (snakes only).

2 Pocketful of Vipers: Ward a container with summoned vipers.

3 Poison: Touch deals 1d3 Con damage 1/round for 6 rounds.

4 Sundered Serpent Coil: As black tentacles, except it creates a Large decapitated snake.

5 Fire Snake: Creates a serpentine path of fire 5 ft. long/level that deals 1d6 fire damage/level.

6 Snake Staff: Transforms wood into snakes to fight for you.

7 Ancient Sorcery of Serpentfolk: You duplicate the target ongoing spell or spell-like ability as if you had cast it.

8 Animal Shapes: One ally/level polymorphs into chosen animal (snakes only).

9 Summon King Snake: As summon nature’s ally IX but only summon 1 advanced Titanoboa.


You create a natural kingdom full of hiding places and only the best creatures manage to survive in the struggle for survival.

Hazards: The whole realm is full of hiding places that allow a creatures to hide even in full sight (treat as the hide in plain sight feature of the ranger with the entire realm as the favored terrain).

Inhabitants: Snakes and snake-like creatures will be attracted to these realms.

Snake Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: The Immortal shows traits of snakes: fangs, is partially covered in scales, has a snake tail, etc.

Behavior: The immortal behaves in an almost lazy manner, making his moves only when he is sure of getting what he wants.

Snake Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: The Immortal is a giant snake with some traits of its original race (this is only a reskin, no real change to abilities [like the use of hands, or the slots of magic items]) or is partially a snake (has a snake head and neck, is covered in scales, has a snake tail).

Behavior: The immortal may not react even if a person walks over his body, sometimes even appearing dead from his lack of reactions. All of this disappears as soon as the prey is in the perfect position, when is observed sprinting like lightning to deliver a quick blow to end the fight before it even begins.

(Single) Snake Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment
(cold) (Ex)

Cold Vulnerability (Ex)
Use any snake domain spell as spell-like ability

Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls while in an area of less than 32 degrees Fahrenheit

Suffer 50% extra damage from cold based attacks and spells

Always Active
Maw of the Snake (Ex)​
You gains the swallow whole ability with the same damage of your bite plus 1d6 acid damage/2 HD​
Always Active​
Snake Terrarium (Ex)​
Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to your divine rank while in an area with 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer​
Always Active​
Improved Summoning (snake) (Ex)​
Snakelike creatures summoned have 50% more HD​
Always Active​
Venomous (Su)​
Immunities against your poison effects are only 50% effective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Poison [Effect] (Su)​
Assault your enemies with poisonous attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Poison Mastery (Su)​
Assault your enemies with poisonous attacks​
Greater Deity​
Cold Blooded (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to ½ your HD while in an area with 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Messiah of Snake (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Winter)
You cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly, by snakes and snake-like creatures of a lower divine status

One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Elusion (Ex)​
You can avoid attacks with successful Reflex saves​
Always Active​

(Double) Snake Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment
(cold) (Ex)

Cold Vulnerability (Ex)
Use any snake domain spell as spell-like ability

Competence penalty
(equal to double your divine rank) on all die rolls while in an area of less than 32 degrees Fahrenheit

Suffer 100% extra damage from cold based attacks and spells

Always Active
Poison Immunity (Su)​
You are immune to poison​
Always Active​
Snake Hunting Ground (Ex)​
Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to double your divine rank while in an area with 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer​
Always Active​
Perfect Summoning (snake) (Ex)​
Snakelike creatures summoned have 200% more HD​
Always Active​
Toxic (Su)​
Immunities against your poison ineffective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Poison [Effect] (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with poisonous attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Poison Mastery (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with poisonous attacks​
Greater Deity​
Greater Cold Blooded (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to your HD while in an area with 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Snakes Charmer (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Winter)
You automatically dominate all snakes and snake-like creatures of a lower divine status within your divine aura

Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Authority (Su)​
You possess the voice of all leaders​
Always Active​
First One​
Transmortality (Ex)​
You cannot be killed​
Always Active​


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Snake Portfolio

Aspects: Types of Snakes

Opposed Portfolio: Winter

Examples: Ydersius (PF), Yig (Lovecraft), Sseth (D&D)

Favored Animal: Snake (natural)

Favored Class: Mesmerist and Rogue

Favored Place: Places under direct sunlight

Favored Sacrifice: Creatures that can be swallowed whole

Favored Time: Noon

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Portfolio Trial: Survive in a snake pit for 1 week without using magic or damaging the animals

Prerequisites: -

Symbol: Snake on a rock

Typical Quote: "The most dangerous snake is the one you don't see."


Granted Power: You gain a primary natural bite attack that deals 1d6 plus your Str modifier with the grab ability (for Medium size). If you already have a bite attack, instead that attack increase its damage by one size and gains the grab ability.

1 Charm Animal: Makes one animal your friend (snakes only).

2 Pocketful of Vipers: Ward a container with summoned vipers.

3 Poison: Touch deals 1d3 Con damage 1/round for 6 rounds.

4 Sundered Serpent Coil: As black tentacles, except it creates a Large decapitated snake.

5 Fire Snake: Creates a serpentine path of fire 5 ft. long/level that deals 1d6 fire damage/level.

6 Snake Staff: Transforms wood into snakes to fight for you.

7 Ancient Sorcery of Serpentfolk: You duplicate the target ongoing spell or spell-like ability as if you had cast it.

8 Animal Shapes: One ally/level polymorphs into chosen animal (snakes only).

9 Summon King Snake: As summon nature’s ally IX but only summon 1 advanced Titanoboa.


You create a natural kingdom full of hiding places and only the best creatures manage to survive in the struggle for survival.

Hazards: The whole realm is full of hiding places that allow a creatures to hide even in full sight (treat as the hide in plain sight feature of the ranger with the entire realm as the favored terrain).

Inhabitants: Snakes and snake-like creatures will be attracted to these realms.

Snake Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: The Immortal shows traits of snakes: fangs, is partially covered in scales, has a snake tail, etc.

Behavior: The immortal behaves in an almost lazy manner, making his moves only when he is sure of getting what he wants.

Snake Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: The Immortal is a giant snake with some traits of its original race (this is only a reskin, no real change to abilities [like the use of hands, or the slots of magic items]) or is partially a snake (has a snake head and neck, is covered in scales, has a snake tail).

Behavior: The immortal may not react even if a person walks over his body, sometimes even appearing dead from his lack of reactions. All of this disappears as soon as the prey is in the perfect position, when is observed sprinting like lightning to deliver a quick blow to end the fight before it even begins.

(Single) Snake Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment
(cold) (Ex)

Cold Vulnerability (Ex)
Use any snake domain spell as spell-like ability

Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls while in an area of less than 32 degrees Fahrenheit

Suffer 50% extra damage from cold based attacks and spells

Always Active
Maw of the Snake (Ex)​
You gains the swallow whole ability with the same damage of your bite plus 1d6 acid damage/2 HD​
Always Active​
Snake Terrarium (Ex)​
Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to your divine rank while in an area with 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer​
Always Active​
Improved Summoning (snake) (Ex)​
Snakelike creatures summoned have 50% more HD​
Always Active​
Venomous (Su)​
Immunities against your poison effects are only 50% effective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Poison [Effect] (Su)​
Assault your enemies with poisonous attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Poison Mastery (Su)​
Assault your enemies with poisonous attacks​
Greater Deity​
Cold Blooded (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to ½ your HD while in an area with 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Messiah of Snake (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Winter)
You cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly, by snakes and snake-like creatures of a lower divine status

One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Elusion (Ex)​
You can avoid attacks with successful Reflex saves​
Always Active​

(Double) Snake Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment
(cold) (Ex)

Cold Vulnerability (Ex)
Use any snake domain spell as spell-like ability

Competence penalty
(equal to double your divine rank) on all die rolls while in an area of less than 32 degrees Fahrenheit

Suffer 100% extra damage from cold based attacks and spells

Always Active
Poison Immunity (Su)​
You are immune to poison​
Always Active​
Snake Hunting Ground (Ex)​
Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to double your divine rank while in an area with 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer​
Always Active​
Perfect Summoning (snake) (Ex)​
Snakelike creatures summoned have 200% more HD​
Always Active​
Toxic (Su)​
Immunities against your poison ineffective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Poison [Effect] (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with poisonous attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Poison Mastery (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with poisonous attacks​
Greater Deity​
Greater Cold Blooded (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to your HD while in an area with 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Snakes Charmer (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Winter)
You automatically dominate all snakes and snake-like creatures of a lower divine status within your divine aura

Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Authority (Su)​
You possess the voice of all leaders​
Always Active​
First One​
Transmortality (Ex)​
You cannot be killed​
Always Active​
Great post. I like the portfolio. Your formatting is always on point, very professional, I wish I could do that lol.


Great post. I like the portfolio. Your formatting is always on point, very professional, I wish I could do that lol.
Thank you for appreciation. Advantages of doing these things only on the PC and not from the phone to avoid going crazy and using a format similar to the official one of the IH now tested for years on this thread.



Lord of the Grey Death (Su) [Divine]

You can touch the soul of the deceased, awakening their past self.
Prerequisites: Ability to create undead, non-evil alignment.
Benefit: When you cast animate dead, create undead or any other spells / effect that create or summon an undead creature, that spell/effect lose the evil descriptor (if any), and the undead created/summoned gain the redemeer subtype and lose (if any) the evil subtype, replacing it with the good subtype (this apply even to the immortal if he translate to undead status voluntarily, like if he ascent to lichdom).
Redeemer (Subtype)
An undead with the redemeer subtype has all the normal characteristics of a normal undead with the following difference.
  • A redemeer undead can have any alignment, they are grey creature like the mortal living creatures. If the redemeer undead is a created undead, it has the same alignment (if any) it has in life. Otherwise (or if it summoned) it has the same alignment of a normal undead of the same type but with the evil component of the alignment substituited with good (a summoned redemeer wraith is LG).​
  • A redemeer undead is based on positive energy instead of negative energy: it interract with positive and negative energy as a living creature. A cure spell or channel positive energy (heal living) heal the redemeer undead while inflict and channel negative energy (damage living) damage it. A channel positive energy (damage undead) or channel negative energy (heal undead) has no effect on the redemeer undead.​
Special: You can take the Undead Divine Ability without being evil. You can take Divine and above abilities that apply undead templates (like Lord of Blood or Lord of Skull) without causing an alignment shift.
Last edited:



Lord of the Grey Death (Su) [Divine]

You can touch the soul of the deceased, awakening their past self.
Prerequisites: Ability to create undead, non-evil alignment.
When you cast animate dead, create undead or any other spells / effect that create or summon an undead creature, that spell/effect lose the evil descriptor (if any), and the undead created/summoned gain the redemeer subtype and lose (if any) the evil subtype, replacing it with the good subtype (this apply even to the immortal if he translate to undead status voluntarily, like if he ascent to lichdom).
Redeemer (Subtype)
An undead with the redemeer subtype has all the normal characteristics of a normal undead with the following difference.
  • A redemeer undead can have any alignment, they are grey creature like the mortal living creatures. If the redemeer undead is a created undead, it has the same alignment (if any) it has in life. Otherwise (or if it summoned) it has the same alignment of a normal undead of the same type but with the evil component of the alignment substituited with good (a summoned redemeer wraith is LG).​
  • A redemeer undead is based on positive energy instead of negative energy: it interract with positive and negative energy as a living creature. A cure spell or channel positive energy (heal living) heal the redemeer undead while inflict and channel negative energy (damage living) damage it. A channel positive energy (damage undead) or channel negative energy (heal undead) has no effect on the redemeer undead.​
Special: You can take the Undead Divine Ability without being evil. You can take Divine and above abilities that apply undead templates (like Lord of Blood or Lord of Skull) without causing an alignment shift.
Love me some Good-aligned Undead! ^u^

Voidrunner's Codex

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