Ghost Pugilist [Combat]
You can hit corporeal creatures.
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, incorporeal subtype.
Benefit: You can hit and damage corporeal creatures and objects with your unarmed attack as if you are physical. If you have the ability to apply another ability modifier to damage roll instead of Strength (like with the Finesse Training of the unchained rogue if selecting unarmed attack), you can apply it to your unarmed attack.
Draining Punch [Divine]
You can apply your special attack to your punch.
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, a special melee touch attack (like the Corrupting Touch of a Ghost or the touch of a Lich).
Benefit: When you hit a creature or object with your unarmed attack, you also apply the effect of your special melee touch attack (only one, selected by you every time this ability is activated, if you possess more than one). No matter how many time a creature or object is hit in a single round by your unarmed attack, this ability trigger only the first time each round a specific creature or object is hit. The touch attack only deals ×2 damage on a successful critical hit, while the unarmed strike damage uses its own critical modifier.
eg. Nilzog [Monk 30/Wizard 20], an Akalich has this ability. It make a flurry of blows on the party of heros. The fighter is hit 2 times while the cleric 4 times. Unfortunately, the first successfully attack against the cleric is also a critical hit. The fighter take 100d20 negative energy damage while the cleric take the 200d20 negative damage. Both must also save against the Stasis Touch effect. This activate only on the first successfull attack they suffer. The second hit on the fighter, and the second-third-and fourth hit on the cleric are normal unarmed attacks.
Special: Incorporeal creatures still need the Ghost Pugilist feat for hit corporeal creatures/objects with unarmed attacks. If you have the Evenhanded or Perfect Weapon Specialization (unarmed strike), the maximized damage does not apply to the discharged touch attack. You must select Perfect Weapon Specialization (touch attack), Inner Eye or similar abilities.