Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

Epic Resistance (Ex) [Epic]

Benefit: You gain resistance to Terrestrial hazards.

Divine Resistance (Ex) [Divine]

Benefit: You gain immunity to Terrestrial hazards and resistance to Stellar hazards.
Special: Immortals automatically gain this ability, so it is really only useful to mortals taken as an esoteric power. If a mortal with this ability later becomes an immortal, allow them to take another divine ability.

Cosmic Resistance (Ex) [Cosmic]

Prerequisites: Divine Resistance.
Benefit: You gain immunity to Stellar hazards and resistance to Dimensional hazards.
Special: Sidereals automatically gain this ability, so it is really only useful to immortals taken as an esoteric power. If a immortal with this ability later becomes a sidereal, allow them to take another cosmic ability.

Transcendental Resistance (Ex) [Trascendental]

Prerequisites: Cosmic Resistance, Divine Resistance.
Benefit: You gain immunity to Dimensional hazards and resistance to Universal hazards.
Special: Eternals automatically gain this ability, so it is really only useful to Sidereals taken as an esoteric power. If a sidereal with this ability later becomes an eternal, allow them to take another transcendental ability.

Greater Transcendental Resistance (Ex) [Trascendental]

Prerequisites: Transcendental Resistance, Cosmic Resistance, Divine Resistance.
Benefit: You gain immunity to Universal hazards and the Pleroma and resistance to Multiversal hazards.
Special: Time lords and above automatically gain this ability, so it is really only useful to Sidereals and Demiurges taken as an esoteric power. If a creature with this ability later becomes an eternal, allow them to take another transcendental ability.

Omnific Resistance (Ex) [Omnific]

Prerequisites: Greater Transcendental Resistance, Transcendental Resistance, Cosmic Resistance, Divine Resistance.
Benefit: You gain immunity to Multiversal hazards.
Special: Supernal automatically gain this ability, so it is really only useful to Eternals taken as an esoteric power. If a eternal with this ability later becomes a supernal, allow them to take another omnific ability.
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Dream Lord (Ex) [Divine]

Prerequisites: Dream or Nightmare portfolio or native of Dreamlands/Leng.
Benefit: You gain the Dream Killer Creature template (Dream Killer Creature (CR +2)[3pp] – d20PFSRD).

Nightmare Lord (Ex) [Divine]

Prerequisites: Evil alignment and Nightmare portfolio or native of Leng.
Benefit: You gain the Nightmare Lord Creature template (Nightmare Creature (CR +1) – d20PFSRD).

Nightmare Hunt (Ex) [Divine]

Prerequisites: Evil alignment and Dream, Hunt or Nightmare portfolio or native of Dreamlands/Leng.
Benefit: You gain the Implacable Stalker template (Implacable Stalker (CR +2) – d20PFSRD).

Eternal Horde (Su) [Divine]

Your undead never stay down for too long before rising once more.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 40 ranks.
Benefit: Each night at midnight (or its rough equivalent), all mindless undead you control that have perished within the past 24 hours are instantly restored to existence and to full health so long as you possess positive hit points. Effects that would prevent undead such as lich’s or ghosts from returning back to life function normally against this ability.
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Controlled Rage (Ex) [Divine]

You can control your rage.
Prerequisites: Rage class feature.
Benefit: You don't take any penalty of the rage other than the penalty to AC and the fatigued condition when you exit it (you can cast while in rage now).
Normal: While in rage, you cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
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Controlled Rage (Ex) [Divine]

You can control your rage.
Prerequisites: Rage class feature.
Benefit: You don't take any penalty of the rage other than the penalty to AC and the fatigued condition when you exit it (you can cast while in rage now).
Normal: While in rage, you cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
Reminds me of War from Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality series. I'm actually surprised nobody has done a writeup of them yet.

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